The Badminton Game

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"Mickey!" Mads shuts the driver-side car door.

"Mads!" Mickey is getting out of the passenger seat. Jonathan is getting out of the drivers.

Maddie opens the door to the backseat and pulls out a bag.

"Maddie!" Jonathan was walking towards her with his arms open. They embraced.

"Oh, I missed you, Jon!"  Mads said giving Jonathan a quick squeeze.

"I missed you too! I haven't seen you in weeks!" 

Mickey walked over a rested her head on Maddie's shoulder. "Are we ready?"

"I mean we are, but where the hell is Sean?" Jonathan replied looking around.

"Right here asshole," Sean said jokingly walking up behind him.

"Oh shit!" Jon turned around and dapped him up. The two caught up for a second before the four of them started making their way towards the courts. 

"Oh, I figure I should give you guys a heads-up... my brother is coming."

Mads and Mick looked at each other wide-eyed.

"Wait, Sean, which brother? Keenan or Noah?" Mick questioned.


Mads put her hand on Mickey's shoulder and leaned in towards her ear. "No fucking way," she whispered. 

Mick looked at Mads with an ear-to-ear grin.

The four of them got to the courts and spent about 20 minutes hitting the birdie back and forth to warm up.

"Yeah, so, where is Noah, Sean? I mean we've been here 20 minutes now, he's late."

"Just give him a minute, Jon. He's probably picking someone up. I told him to bring his own teammate."

"Wait, hold on. There are four of us. How is Noah going to play?" 

"I didn't really think that through... I guess we can rotate."

"No, I never said that. Last night you said you didn't want to talk to me! I didn't even know you were in the same state as me for fucks sake. You just show up, out of the blue. You never called, you never texted, you didn't give any warning." It was Noah and he sounded mad.

"Who is he yelling at?" Mickey asked.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me who he was bringing."

"If you didn't want to see me you could have just fucking said that."

"How the fuck was I supposed to know I had to? You didn't tell me you were coming in the first place!" A car door slammed.

30 seconds later Noah walked in carrying two bags. Lauryn walked in behind him, arms crossed, staring at the ground.

"Why is she here? Isn't she supposed to be in fucking Idaho or something?" Mads spoke in a low voice. She hated Lauryn. Really, all of them did. She was just a bitch.

"Utah, but yes. I had no idea she was here." Sean looked pissed.

"Sorry we're late." Noah set the bags down and took a deep breath.

"It's fine man, just hurry up," Jon replied, looking at Sean confused.

Noah and Lauryn aggressively pulled their stuff out of the bags whispering angrily at each other before they made their way onto the court.

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