The Cleanup

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TW: Substances, Murder, & talk of SA

The five that remained conscious stood in the living room for a minute. They were trying to process everything that had happened in the previous 4 hours. Mickey barely avoided a traumatic event. Kai murdered Nate. Noah had lost all hope. Sean had been put to an ultimatum. Mads was trying to figure out how she felt. Just 28 hours earlier they were all happy. All they had to do was exist. Now? Now everything was wrong. They ruined it all. Their own lives were good, solid. But now it was all twisted. Too many lines had been crossed tonight and all any of them wanted was to go home.

"Okay, we all want to get out of here, so we need to devise a plan fast." Sean was walking up the stairs. He made it halfway up the stairs before stopping. He glanced down at the four people still standing there. "So are we gonna move or just stand around?" Sean waited for someone, anyone, to start towards the stairs, but they all remained frozen. He clapped his hands. "Come on, let's go, all of you. Now!" Sean was starting to panic, thinking he was about to have to do this himself.

"Okay, okay. We can do this." Jon looked at him confidently, but the statement came out more like a question. Jon moved to the stairs and the other three followed. The five of them made it up to the room, but Omar hovered in the doorway.

"Come on man, don't you think this is at least a little fucked?" Omar asked them sincerely. "You kill my best friend, make me stay here, and then make me help you clean up his fucking body." Omar started walking toward Sean and his tone was sounding more agitated than usual.

"I know it's fucked, Omar." Sean stood up from where he was leaning against the bookcase and walked towards Omar. The two were just a few inches apart. "But so is what you did to those girls." Sean was staring Omar in the eyes. 

Omar's brows furrowed as he looked back up at Sean. "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about." Omar was getting in Sean's face, and after tonight, he was not playing around anymore.

"I think I do."

"Sean, stop. Not right now." Mickey was perched on the bed, feet dangling down. She looked tired and pale.

Sean looked Omar up and down before backing off. He exhaled before he started. "Noah and Mick, you two are going to stay here and clean up the crime scene. Noah, you're on Omar duty." He turned towards Jon, "You're gonna help me with that." Sean looked over at the body still on the ground.

Mickey had hopped off the bed and was standing next to Noah. "Okay," Jon replied.

 "So we all know what we're doing?" Sean clarified, looking at everyone momentarily with his eyebrows raised. 

"Got it," Noah said.

"Yup," Mick replied.

"Yeah," Jon said.

"Alright, Jon, grab his feet. We're taking him out the back door." The two started over towards the body. Kai had wrapped him in a sheet already, which made the process a whole lot easier. When Sean securely gripped Nate's shoulders and Jon had gotten a hold of his feet, the two started walking out the door.

"Watch your left, there's a table," Sean said, trying to help guide Jon.

"Thank you."

The two made it down the stairs and outside with no problem. They set him on the back porch for a second.

"What the fuck are we supposed to do with him?" Sean said.

"I had an idea, it may take care of two things at once, but to be honest I'm not sure if it'll work," Jon replied.

"Any ideas are good ideas right now."

"We need to figure out how to keep Omar quiet while simultaneously disposing of Nate's body, right?"


"So we pawn the body off on Omar." Jon was guiding Sean to the shed about 300 feet away from the house. "Omar doesn't have a car and he constantly finds a way to complain about it." The two made it into the shed, and Sean turned the light on. He found a raggedy tarp on the floor and picked it up. "Because of that, Nate was always letting him use his truck." Jon closed the door behind the two of them and started back towards the house. "Therefore, nobody would find it suspicious that Omar was driving Nate's truck. That is... until he's dead." Sean looked at Jon, trying to figure out where he was going with this. "The thing is, Omar's a fucking idiot, and won't think that far ahead." Jon returned the looked. "So, we put Nate's body, wrapped in the tarp of course, in the bed of the truck and give it to Omar. When Omar inevitably runs to the police station, they'll figure out it was him and he does our time."

"You know..." The two had made it to the back porch and Sean was laying out the tarp. "That could work."

"Thank you, I try my best." The two hoisted the body up and set it on the edge of the tarp. They wrapped Nate's body up one last time and carried him to the truck. They set him down while Jon lowered the tailgate. Once they picked him back up, they slid him into the bed. Shutting the tailgate, Sean looked at Jon.

"Did we just do that?" He asked.

"I think we did." The two of them were grinning.

"Holy fuck." Sean dropped to his knees and started laughing. Jon started laughing too.

"Oh my god!" Jon was pacing with his hands on the back of his head behind the blue Ford. The two stayed in the driveway for a minute, appreciating the moment they had before returning to the madness. When they decided it was time to go back in, they went slowly, staggering their steps and feeling accomplished. They made it up the stairs and could hear Mick laughing. When the two walked in they saw Omar sitting on the ground in the corner with his head between his knees. Noah and Mickey were both on their hands and knees scrubbing the floor with paper towels and the room smelled of ammonia. 

"Omar, we need to talk downstairs please." Jon stood holding the door open for him and Sean.

 He looked up and his face read of desperation. He took a second before standing and walking out of the room. Sean lead the three of them down the stairs and into the dining room. The three of them sat down at the table.

"We have a proposition for you," Sean said when they had all finally sat.

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