The Blue Ford

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TW: Substances, Murder, & talk of SA

Omar cocked his head and raised his eyebrows. "About fucking time." He laughed a little bit and rested his head in his hands. "It's been what? 3 hours?"

"You might want to listen." Jon got out of his chair and stood behind Sean.

"Fine, I'm listening." Omar sat there, chin resting in his right hand, left arm crossed across his chest.

"You saw what happened, there's no denying that." Sean started. "But we can't have you out there telling people what you saw. It's not your place to say anything about this night to anyone because you don't know the whole story, Omar." Sean looked at Omar with anticipation of what he was going to say.

Omar took a second. "Okay."

Sean closed his eyes before rolling them in an attempt to preserve any influence he had on Omar right now. "You want a car, right?"

Omar nodded his head slightly, wondering where this was going.

"Take Nate's truck. You can keep it or sell it. I honestly don't give a fuck." Sean was shaking his head. "But, it gives you what you want. Nobody will suspect a thing because Nate always let you borrow his truck anyway." 

"So let me get this straight..." Omar dropped his arm, laying it on the table. He pointed back and forth between Sean and Jon, "you two want..." he switched the angle of his hand so he could use his thumb to point at himself. "me to take dead-man-Nate's truck?" He dropped his hand on the table and it made a thud.

"Yes, that's exactly what we're saying." Jon leaned on the table next to Sean. Sean sat up and folded his hands together, grasping to the final straws of this plan, praying he would take the bait.

"Fine." Omar rolled his eyes and looked around. "I'm selling that shit though."

"That is absolutely fine." Sean extended his hand to shake Omar's. Omar rolled his eyes again and with an exasperating sigh, he shook Sean's hand.

Sean reached into the front pocket of his jeans and pulled out the truck key that he had taken to get the tailgate unlocked. He dangled the single key in front of his face for a second. "With this, you are promising to not tell a soul about what happened tonight." 

"We already shook on it man, just give me the damn key." Omar snatched the key out of Sean's grasp and stood up, knocking over beer cans stacked on the ground. Sean rose too, standing next to Jon. Omar turned to leave the house, but stopped and turned back around. "So this is it?" He looked truly puzzled. "You're just letting me walk out of here knowing that your friend killed Nate and all of you helped him clean up the body?" He stood there and waited for an answer.

Sean's anxiety was skyrocketing. Was Omar figuring out the trap that he and Jon had so delicately laid for him? "Well we're not gonna kill you, so, yeah." Sean was doing a really good job keeping his cool, considering everything that was happening at the moment.

"Well, I guess it's just my lucky day." Omar turned around and walked out the door, not bothering to shut it behind him. The two heard the old Ford start and let out a heavy breath. Sean leaned against the table for support and Jon leaned on Sean.

"Holy shit," Sean said.

The two stood up and walked over to the front door. They stood in the dimly lit doorway watching the dirt kick up from the Omar speeding away from the house.

"We did it. Omar's going down for this." Jon said resting his right hand on Sean's shoulder.

"We did it,"  Sean replied.

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