The Chase

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TW: Substances, Murder, & talk of SA

When Mickey and Jon had left the room, Mads had hopped up and rushed over to close the door. Kai had stayed, kneeling over Nate's completely lifeless body.

"Well, what the fuck are we supposed to do?" Mads questioned, leaning against the wooden bookshelf for support. She looked colorless in the face, and she was clearly not doing well.

'Well as of right now, I'm not too sure if you're going to be much help. How much did you fucking drink?"

"Like, almost the whole bottle. I think I need to puke it up and then I'll be okay." Mads started towards the bathroom door attached directly to Nate's bedroom. She tried the handle before she opened it in case someone had been in there, but there was no sound, so she proceeded.

"Holy shit! Omar! I'm so sorry! I didn't realize you were in here!" Mads was trying her best to block him from the sight of his best friend's dead body in the other room.

"No, no, you're okay! It's fine." Omar was trying to exit the bathroom through the door that lead into Nate's room. Mads blocked every step he tried to make in one direction or the other.

"There's a lot of people in there, maybe you just want to go the other way? Into the hallway?" Mads was trying to shut the door behind her, but Omar was pushing it open.

"No, it's fine, I don't see anyone in there." Omar finally pushed his way through Mads and made it into the bedroom. He stared down directly at Nate's body and glanced up only to see Kai standing there with a blanket.

"What the fuck."

"Look, Omar, this isn't what it appears to be." Kai folded the blanket up quickly, causing it to be more wadded than actually folded. Kai started towards him and put his hands on Omar's shoulders. "This isn't what it looks like."

Omar stepped back, tripping on the stool in front of the bed. "N- no. You get your fucking hands off of me." Omar regained his balance and backed up into the bathroom again. 

"Omar stop. Just come here, we can talk about this." Mads pleaded.

Omar was opening the door that lead into the hallway, still wide-eyed. Once he got the door open he turned around and started running.

"Omar stop!" Mads yelled, chasing after him. he had already made it halfway down the stairs before she had even left the bathroom. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." She grabbed the banister on the way down for stability and skipped a few steps. "Omar!" Mads was running through the thick crowd of people after him.

Omar had made it out the front door and down the front steps of the house before Sean stood up from the porch swing where he had been smoking with Noah.

"Omar! What's up bitch!" Sean was yelling at him from the patio, while Omar crouched with his hands on his knees in the driveway.

Thank fuck. Maddie thought to herself.

"Where are you running off to?" Noah yelled from behind Sean, before taking a long drag. "Come, stay. We don't bite."

Between breaths, Omar let out a weak, "Your friend..." He pointed at Mads, still standing in the doorway. "she's a crazy bitch."

That caught Sean's attention. "Excuse me?" He started down the steps. "Now, I know you think you're the shit, but you don't have the right to call our beautiful Maddie Hamilton," he turned and gave a half-bow at Mads before turning back around to Omar, "a crazy bitch."

"Damn straight!" Noah yelled from the porch swing, surveying the blunt in his hands.

"No, Sean, you don't seem to get it. She is a murder-"

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