The Last Supper

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After Jon spoke, no one moved. There was radio silence throughout the entire house. Even the two dogs that had been barking in the neighbor's yard seemed to quiet down. None of them were looking at each other anymore either. Their eyes lay on their empty plates covered in crumbs and remnants of what once was a delicious meal shared with good conversation.

Jon was glancing around the group frantically looking for answers. "Nothing? I'm really confused by the answers I'm getting here."

"What do you want us to say, Jon?" Mickey turned her head and looked at him. She looked piss.

"I mean I figured we'd have a discussion about this?"

"No, he's right." Noah stood up and picked his plate up from the table, stacking it on Sean's before reaching for Mads'. "I mean you guys knew him well?" he looked at Mickey. "On a personal level, some would say." Mickey looked down at her lap. She didn't know that he knew about their encounters, but I guess that would make sense given his knowledge of Nate's recent crime.

"Okay, that may be a little far-fetched, Noah. I dated him,  so technically if the cops were gonna come asking questions, they would be for me." Mads interrupted Noah.

"True. So we should all have a solid story. One that they can't poke any holes in." He had finished clearing the plates from the table and was now rinsing them in the sink before loading them into the dishwasher.  

"We were there, people saw us. We can't deny our location." Kai stood up from the table and stretched.

"Okay, so we went to the party. We stayed the whole time, downstairs and outside. Mostly outside." Noah shut the dishwasher and dried his hands off with the towel hanging from the oven handle. "On the front porch."

"Omar was there because he always hangs out around us, but we just ignore him most of the time," Jon spoke for the first time since starting this conversation. It made sense for him to be the one figuring out where Omar plays into all of this given he is the one who thought framing him would be a good idea. And to his defense, it has been so far.

"We left when everyone else did because Kai and Maddie had passed out and we didn't want them there anymore." Noah was now clearing the dishes from the center of the table. "Omar was the last person we saw after we had left."

"That should work just fine, right?" Sean turned himself around in his chair and was resting his head on the backrest so he could look at Noah.

"I mean, yeah." He was leaning over the sink staring at Sean.

"It's not like any of us had a reason to kill him. Like, yeah, he was a dick, but high school kids don't kill each other because of little arguments in passing." Mickey had the most to prove with this argument given he died because of his association with her.

Jon turned to look at her. "I mean shit bitch, you were like the last one to be seen with him alive."

"Jon!" Mads smacked his arm. "What the fuck is wrong with you!"

Mickey pulled the sleeves of her hoodie down past her arms and tucked her knees into her chest. "No, Mads, he's right."

"Just relax, maybe they'll find Omar with the body before any of us have to answer questions." Noah had finished the dishes by now and was just leaning against the counter looking at the group sitting around the table.

The group spent the remainder of the day watching the news in the front room. They figured someone having a dead body in the back of their truck would be considered breaking news. Around 5, they all started to get worried about the fact there had been no coverage on the situation.

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