The Final Straw

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It was around 8 in the morning when Sean faced a rude awakening by the sun. He tried to open his eyes but failed as the sun blinded him. "Fuck." Sean rolled onto his side to face away from the sun and saw Maddie laying there and couldn't help but smile to himself. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone to check the time. When he actually processed how late it was he decided it would probably be best to wake Maddie and get on the road soon. He reached over and gently placed his hand on Mads' knee and gently shook. "Good morning sunshine."

Mads squinted her eyes at the bright sun in her face and covered her eyes before smiling. "Good morning."

Sean leaned in and planted a soft kiss on her lips before hopping off the table. He looked around and the park was still as empty as it was the night before. "Do you need a ride home? Or are you good to drive right now?"

Maddie sat up and blinked her eyes a few times to adjust to the light. "Honestly?"

Sean raised his eyebrows at her waiting for a response.

"I might." Mads pulled the hair tie out of her hair, smoothing her hair down against her scalp before putting it back into a low ponytail. 

Sean laughed and shook his head. "It was that good, huh?" He stepped towards her.

"Looks like someones getting a little too self-confident now." Maddie laughed and hopped off the table, moving around him. Sean stayed where he was as she walked down the tree-lined trail that lead out to the gravel parking lot. When she realized he wasn't following she turned around and started walking backward. "You coming?"

Sean grinned. "This feels a little too familiar."

"Shut up." Maddie laughed and shook her head, looking at her feet moving. Sean jogged to catch up with her before slowing down to match her pace. She reached her hand out and he took hold of it, locking their fingers together. After a few minutes of easy scenic walking, the two made it to the car. Sean looked over at where her car was parked.

"So how are you gonna get that thing home?" Sean opened the door to his dad's truck and swung his leg up to the running board.

"Probably just make Jon bring me to get it at some point." Mads had to use the door to pull herself up.

When the two were situated in the truck Sean looked at her. "Have you heard from him at all since last night?"

Maddie's face dropped, remembering the conversation she had with him when he tried to leave. She looked down at her lap. "No." She sucked in a breath. "We got into a fight after you had already left."

Sean stared straight ahead now, ashamed of leaving in the middle of the night. "About what?"

"You." She looked over at him and he turned his head to look at her, puzzled.


"When we got there and you were already gone, we told him we hadn't seen you. He ran out looking for you and saw your car was gone and was about to leave to go find you." Maddie paused, unsure if she should finish the story. "I told him not to." Maddie was trying to read the look on Sean's face but all she could sense was hurt. "It's not like I didn't want to know where you were." She reached out and grabbed his hand. "I just couldn't handle being there alone."

Sean nodded his head. "You don't owe me an explanation Mads." He turned the corners of his mouth up in an attempt to provide comfort, but failed.

"I do. I'm so sorry. I should have let him go." She looked him in the eyes. "But there should have been no reason for him to."

Sean looked down. "Maddie..." Sean sounded like he was fighting back tears now. 

"I know, Sean. It's okay. I promise." She raised her hand from his lap to his cheek and raised his face. When he looked at her she smiled. "Now let's get home."

Sean smiled at her. As he turned the truck on and fastened his seatbelt, he looked over at her again. "Can we make a stop at Kai's? I just want to make sure he's doing okay. And if Jon's there I can apologize."

"Of course." Maddie smiled at him.

With that, the two made their way to Kaice's house. He lived about 30 minutes away from the park given he lived on the very outskirts of town, more towards where Nate lived. About halfway through the ride, Sean had placed his right hand on Maddie's thigh and she had rested her head on his shoulder. The two didn't speak, instead, they just enjoyed each other's presence with the ambiance of a summer day and soft radio music. 

Sean pulled the truck into Kai's driveway and put it in park. He looked over at Maddie for moral support. "You ready?" He asked her.

She smiled and shook her head. Before either of them could shut their door, Jon came sprinting out of the house.

"Where the fuck were you two?" Jon didn't bother closing the door behind him.

"Jon calm do-"

"I've been trying to get ahold of you all fucking morning!" Jon stopped where the driveway connected to the front walk and put his hands behind his head.

"What's the matter with you?" Maddie asked, walking over to him.

"You haven't seen?"

"Seen what?" Sean walked around the truck.

"The fucking news you dipshit." Jon waved his hands above his head before running them through his hair. "They caught Omar."

The Missionary -- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now