The Party

26 1 4

TW: Substances

"I can't believe you actually made me drive all the fucking way here, Mickey." Jon slammed the car door shut.

"Get over it, Jon. You're going to be thanking me for bringing you to this in a few hours."

"You two fight like a fucking married couple," Mads said sliding out of the backseat.

"No seriously, just get married already,"  Sean replied hobbling out of the car.

Jon and Mick rolled their eyes at the same time and ignored the comment.

"Can we get on with it?" Jon ushered.

"Jesus Christ, I'm going." Sean was puncturing a hole in the bottom of a lukewarm beer can in the spirit of pregaming.

Mick and Mads looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

When the four finally got into the house, they almost immediately regretted it. The floors had several layers of alcohol and were already incredibly sticky. The entire downstairs smelled like weed and vomit. 

"It reeks bro." Jon was shielding his nose and mouth with the neck of his hoodie. 

"I don't know what you expected." Mick smacked him in the arm. "I'm gonna go get a drink, you coming?" Mick was holding onto Mads' pinky.

"Yes of course."

The two started walking towards the kitchen together when they heard a familiar voice ring out.

"Mads? Mickey? No fucking way!"

The girls turned around and saw Kai. Mickey had known Kai since middle school and the two were still super close. Maddie had just met Kai a few years back, but the two got close fast.

"Kai? What the hell are you doing here!" Mick ran over to the stairs to give him a hug.

Mads followed close by smiling. "This definitely isn't your scene." Kai let go of Mick and gave Mads a quick squeeze.

"Testing the waters, I guess." Kai pushed Mads backed and kept his hands on her shoulders. He looked her in the eyes for a second before starting again, "So, tell me, how have you been?"

"Good! Really good, actually. How have you been?"

"Well, I'm doing so much better now!"

"Okay, babe, you know we love you, but we are on a mission!" Mick grabbed Mads' shoulder and started towards the kitchen again.

"Then I shall join you." Kai followed behind them.

"The more the merrier." Mick turned around and winked at Kai.

The three got to the kitchen and got their drinks. Kai poured himself a mojito. Mick took the entire bottle of Tito's, and Mads chugged some mango pineapple Svedka.

"Well if it isn't my two favorite people in the entire world."

Mick and Mads were taken by surprise by the familiar voice.

"Oh hell no." Kai put down the mojito and corrected his posture. When standing straight, Kai was about 6' 1" and absolutely ripped. He had done weight training since middle school and had joined the football team Freshman year.

"Kai, it's fine, calm down." Mick was looking at the ground, the bottle still in hand.

Kai chilled out a little bit and leaned up against the counter again, but he was visibly still on edge.

"See? Even little lady over there said it was okay." Nate was smirking, making Mick blush a little too much. "Seems I even have her a little... flustered?"

"Nate you don't know what you're saying. She's drunk. Can you just fuck off?" Mads' hatred for Nate was only further fueled by the liquor she had just consumed.

"Wassup, bitches!" Everyone in the room turned their head to look at the door. in walked Omar with six bottles in hand. Omar was supposed to graduate last year, but he got held back, so he just graduated. 

"Omar! My man!" Nate yelled.

"What up my brother!" Omar walked over to the counter they were all standing around and dapped him up.

Nate and Omar exchanged pleasantries before Omar took off to the living room with a quick pat on Nate's shoulder. 

"So where were we?" Nate turned to resume the conversation.

"Yeah, I'm done with this." Kai stood up, picked up his mojito, and walked out.

"Wait, I'm coming!" Mads hopped off the counter and contemplated taking the bottle with her before deciding that she should.

"Fuck." Mick muttered to herself. She was standing with her lower back pressed against the edge of the counter. Her arms dangled down in front of her.

"I guess that just leaves us." Nate placed a hand on the edge of the counter on either side of her waist. He leaned in closer, "So I'll say it again; where were we?"

Mickey shivered she could feel his cold breath on his skin, still minty. Nate wasn't the type to drink, or take in any substances, in fact, he had only ever gotten high when someone gave him an edible as a joke.

"Nate, no. Not here, not now, not ever. It was a mistake."

"The way I had you screaming didn't make it feel like a mistake." Nate's body was pressing up against Mick's now.

"What were you doing with Lauryn yesterday?" Mick had to find a way to get herself out of this situation.

"What?" Nate stood up.

Mick finally looked up. "You heard me. What were you doing with Lauryn yesterday?"

"I don't see how that's any of your fucking business." Nate had been diagnosed with anger issues after getting into several unprovoked fistfights at school. His problem started when he was in the 7th grade. His family took him to see a therapist per the requirement of the school. The therapist recommended him to several other psychiatrists until he got prescribed medication. It's been four years now and the bottle still lay untouched. 

"Awe, but we could have played a fun game." Mickey stuck her bottom lip out in a pretend pout. "You know, the one where you give me what I want and I'll..." Mick traced her hand down his shirt, "give you... what you want?" Mickey dropped to her knees in front of him.

Nate ran his hand around the side of her head, brushing her hair back. "Fuck, Mick. You know you'll always get what you want with me."

"So tell me..." Mick had set the bottle down on the ground. "what..." she began running her hands up his thighs. "were you doing..." she continued to move her hands until her fingertips reached the waistband of his jeans. "with Lauryn?"

"We were just hanging out." Nate's bulge grew bigger and he was starting to look flustered.

"Lie."  Mick dug her nails into his hips.

"Fuck!" Nate groaned. "I'll tell you if we can take this somewhere more... secluded."


Nate turned around and started towards the stairs. Mickey picked up the bottle of Tito's off the floor and chugged. She had downed probably 3/4 of the bottle by now and was really starting to feel it. She set the bottle on the counter and started after Nate. He lead her up the stairwell and held the door to his room open for her.

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