Chapter 3

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"Are you paying attention Angelica, of course your not why would I make you my servant you deserve more punishment, don't you think? Draco Lucius Malfoy

It was the morning the sun was shining through the windows it was pretty but not peaceful cause their was Luna on her bed snoring away but she needs the sleep. I got up and did my morning routine and woke Luna up so we can go to breakfast. "Luna darling wake up" I said in a soft tone. "Mhmm yes?" She questioned me she had to be kidding right. "We need to get to breakfast" I said this time in my normal voice she needed to wake up she had to eat to she hasn't ate since lunch of yesterday, yes I did care for her. She pulled the blankets off of her and swung her legs to the side of the bed. "Gosh it's cold" she had mumbled I went to her closet and picked out her clothes for her I had a good taste in clothes even though I were a black shirt and a white button up shirt it was simple so of course I wore it. "Get dressed and meet me at the griffindor table" even though we were in ravenclaw, I liked to sit next to Harmione, Ron and Harry they were my closest friends besides Luna. I was still trying to think of whom I smelled in the anmorntia potion it smelled marvelous if you ask me. I was walking down the halls and saw Blaise he was with Crabbe. Blaise smiled at me which was weird because he never smiled at me and never acted like I was there in the first place I did not have a problem with Blaise he wasn't like Malfoy or pug face Pansy.

He also did not mess or bully other people but the rest of them did I smiled back at him because of course I did not want to be rude I walked into the great hall I felt a hand on my shoulder at first I thought it was Harmione but it wasn't her scent. It was a perculair scent one I don't recognize. I turned around and it was Blaise.... what could he possibly want. "Hey Angelica I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime maybe go to hogsmede with me" he rubbed the back of his neck I could tell he was nervous. I decided not to be rude and say yes how bad could it be. "I mean , I guess" I said in a low tone it was unexpected really.

"Great!" He said and walked away with a smile plastered on his face maybe this could work but something was off a little bit too off I couldn't put my finger on it though I decided to leave it alone since I am an over thinker.

It was truly unexpected though. It was around lunch time and Malfoy has been ignoring me but I'm not going to bother him since well you know I don't want to get expelled or get hurt again. I was walking the halls trying to get to my next class but suddenly inwas pulled into a empty corridor. The light was shining through it was beautiful, but the one who pulled me in there was not so beautiful. "Malfoy?" "Mhm I want you to come to my dorm tonight to do chores that I don't want to do come around 10pm and the slytherin password is pureblood" he said in and angry tone like he did not want to be there which I did not want to be there either.

It was 10pm I decided to make my way to Draco's dorm, I walked the long halls of Hogwarts I've never seen the slytherin common room I tried to remember were the slytherin common was located soon enough I was lost, and lost in my own thoughts. I knew Draco was going to be mad I heard footsteps in the distance I had a feeling of whom it was I knew it was Draco and I was right it was he looked mad and I knew who he was mad at, he was mad at me. "Why are you late I had to get out of the shower to come get you because someone got lost" he said in a angry voice I felt so mad because I could not help I got lost. "I-I-I'm sorry Malfoy I just got lost" I said as my voice started to tremble and stutter I was scared he was going to hurt me. "Well you have chores to do in my dorm, I expect them to be done nicely got it" I nodded my head in agreement "use your words Angelica! I hate it when you don't" he said in a firm voice obviously if you haven't noticed he likes being the Dom. I am not surprised though. "Good because I don't want to give you what you want" I said staring him down giving him a ride look to show him I also show dominance it wasn't really my thing though I mean what I've been through I sometimes do show dominance which also runs through my family's and generations blood my family and relatives like to have power over people and when we do we want more. It's pretty evil if you ask me.

Flashback to 3rd year

I was making my way to care of magical creatures class I was new and it was my first day I was excited because in beauxbatons I used to take care of magical creatures I found them so fascinating. We want down this path with lots of trees they had bright green leaves it was beautiful they were very tall trees the grass was short it smelled like freshly mowed grass. "Hello I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy but you uhh can call me Draco" he said in a husky voice but also in a soft tone he did now seem bad at all. "Hello nice to meet you I'm Angelica" I said in return with a smile he then winks at me. He broke our eye contact with a sudden voice in the background it was my first friend at hogwarts Hermione "Angelica don't talk to Malfoy he is one stuck up prat!" She told me then Malfoy gave me a disgusted look "your friends with these blood traitors, your just a filthy little mud-blood like them get out of my face" I looked at him he was like a different person I thought he was nice but I guess not, how could I be so stupid.

End of flashback

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