Chapter 4

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I zoned out. "Are you paying attention Angelica, of course your not why would I make you my servant you deserve more punishment, don't you think?" I stared at him with wide eyes what a jack ass. He was gonna use me how Malfoy of him. "Say something, god since you are saying nothing. Get on your knees now" he said to me I could tell he just wanted power over something even if it was power over another human being. He than pushed me down on too my knees the floor was could the hall way was empty only the moonlight shining in through the windows. "Unbuckle my belt, don't be scared" he said in a smooth tone he was leaning against the wall with a grin on his face he thought he had control over me but, he didn't. I unbuckle his belt slid down his pants then I saw it. His member was already hard I felt it through his trousers. "Don't be shy get my dick out and suck on it" he said in a firm voice it turned me on, but I had something else in mind I then got up from my knees looked him in the eyes and stared to walk away I was not gonna let him have his satisfaction it felt good though to be in control but when I started to walk away he pulled me by my hair back towards him, it hurt like a bitch. "What the fuck was that for, Malfoy" I yelled in pain. "Don't you dare talk to me like that, and you are my servant so you do what I tell you" he said harshly in my ear. "Who's there!" We heard a faint voice in the distance and I recognize the voice. It was flinch he let go of my hair and pushed me forward he pulled up his pants, and gave me a dirty look and whispered in my ear "I'm not done with you" he then walked away and I started to run in the opposite direction. I couldn't do this I was with Blaise this little thing with Malfoy. It was not gonna happen again and it won't continue either.

It was morning Luna was gone an so decided to take a shower I got in and I felt the warm water it was calming I needed some satisfaction of dominance I just don't know where to get it and what can I have power over. Maybe I can fiddle with Malfoy but to be honest I knew he was just using me for his own pleasure. The the door opened up to the bathroom I heard Blaise voice. "Your gonna be late if you don't hurry up!" How did he even get in my dorm how did he know were it was. "How did you get in my dorm Blaise" I said as I turned the shower off. "I just asked Luna and" I peeked behind the curtain, "can I have my towel please" I gave him puppy eyes he got my towel and started to run. How dare he I jumped out and opened the door on my bed sitting was Malfoy I screamed his eyes went wide. "Not to bad, hahaha" he chuckled I closed the slammed the door shut. "Can I have a towel!" I said in a stern voice "no I'm going to be late if I don't go now, so sorry" he said it sounded evil I knew I was gonna be late I needed some time to process of what just happened. Draco Lucius Malfoy saw me naked I got dressed and I walked to class "your Angelica" snap said "sorry professor, there were-" I was cut off, by Malfoy of course I was cut off by him.

"We don't want to hear your problems" "fuck of Malfoy" I yelled at him giving him a dirty look he returned the look. "Detention to the both of you, you meet me in my class room at 10pm on the dot" this was all Malfoy's fault after all my classes were done I decided to read in the library I heard the doors open.

I knew exactly who it was. "Hello" he than sat across from me "what do you want from me Malfoy?" I said in a stern voice "nothing can't we just hang out?" He knew I was hard to get so by pretending he was nice, he thought he could make me suck his dick or let him fuck me that was my theory. But that was not gonna happen "whatever, before you saw me naked you acted like a total bitch towards me and that was last night by the way" I was infuriated I wanted to slap him. I'm not some toy he can play around with. "Can we just have a decent conversation?" He said with hope in his eyes "before, you did not want to talk to me especially in public" whatever I never wanted to talk to you anyway" he gave me a mean look and walked out of the library. It was the next day me and Blaise did nothing much expect for hang out in his dorm room we never really had sex we would make out or talk. He wasn't like the other slytherin boys. All the boys in ravenclaw are a bunch of nerds and all the boys in hufflepuff are way too nice but that's not a big problem they were just a little too nice. The the boys in gryffindor well there decent I guess not really my type they like to be ahead of slytherin and be a number one but slytherin already beat them too it.

It was about night time and I was tired from studying and a new students should arrive sometime this week or next week I am very excited for it.

It was then the next morning that I talked to Blaise and we agreed to go to the three broomsticks for a date, I've never been on a date before. I knew Blaise had been on a date before. When I got out of bed I looked through my closet I saw a all black dress it was beautiful I figured out I'll just wear that, it's simple.

I noticed Malfoy could not keep his eyes off of me.

I wasn't bothered though I just shrugged it off. I met up with Blaise after defense with the dark arts class. "Hey darling" Blaise said as we walked said by said. I then noticed Malfoy glaring at Blaise, what's his problem he then goes over and talks to Pansy of course I then put all my attention on my boyfriend.

I begun a conversation with him "aren't you exited about the new students coming, Blaise" I said staring into his eyes. "I guess... are you?" "Yeah I guess so I'm just wondering who the new students are, curious you know" "yeah, well I'm going to meet up with Malfoy see ya" and then he left our conversation were dry most of the time it was sad I think he is losing interest when he talks to other girls he puts all his attention on them but with me it's different it was sad to think about, about losing him he was the only light in my life at this point.

It was after school and I put on my dress and makeup and did my hair I waited at the three broom sticks for him.

It was a hour later he still did not show up it was then three hours later I gave up on him showing up I was really hoping he would have show up, but I guess not.

I saw Malfoy walk in alone he looked at him head held up high posture straight.

He then noticed me alone with a butter beer across from me I was all dressed up to. "This seat must be for an imaginary person, I mean who would want to be seen with you in public" Malfoy said as he leaned against the table looking down at me in disgust. "Well obviously you want to be seen with me, and I actually had a date with Blaise but I guess he has better things to do" I huffed and sat back letting the smells fill my senses.

"I do not want to be seen with you and I saw him with Pansy they were busy hooking up in the astronomy tower, sucks to be you" then my heart shattered I knew I should have stayed away from him my eyes tears in them. "You're lying!" I shouted at him "no I'm not I can show you" he said with a smirk on his face while tears were running down my face I stood up and stormed out of there it was getting hot I almost felt like I could pass out. I heard footsteps behind me and i knew who it was. "Listen don't get worked up on a guy like him it's useless and pathetic"

Hé was right I like dominance so I get what I want when I want is was going to break up with Blaise and move on like nothing happened.

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❦ PINTEREST: @badglam ❦ TIKTOK: @softnakd

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PINTEREST: @badglam
TIKTOK: @softnakd

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