Chapter 5

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"Tell me or I hex you"
Mattheo Marvolo Riddle

It was the next morning I woke up pretty early to throw on my normal school uniform. I was ready for today. I was pretty confident I was ready to break Blaise's heart like he did mine, even though that prick Malfoy could be lying. It didn't bother me though I was going to find out the truth. My relationship is on the line and I'm willing to save it or not. It depends on the situation. I walked down the long hallways filled with students. It's not unusual like this, not a lot of people like breakfast this much all the school had was oatmeal eggs and toast, nothing special so why was everyone in a hurry to get there. I made my way to the Ravenclaw table and sat there and I felt like sitting alone this morning. Dumbledore started to talk this was unusual. "Today students of Hogwarts there will be a new students attending today" oh so this is why everyone wanted to get breakfast not for the food but for the new students. "Mattheo Marvolo Riddle" everyone gasped out of shock and so did I. I knew no one knew Voldemort had a son. How come my parents never told me this my parents are good friends with Voldemort but they never mentioned a son of his, my parents aren't death eaters, that I know of. Although I do have some suspicions that they are, I would not be surprised. The boy then walks to the front of where Dumbledore was and stood there waiting for someone els. "Now before we sort Mr. Riddle into his house we must welcome Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio" my heart rate went up as he walked through those doors it was him, Leo my childhood boyfriend/best friend. Does he know I attend Hogwarts he than walks up to where Dumbledore is standing, a few feet away from Riddle I'm assuming they don't know each other the room filled with voices and whispering, students were eying down Riddle and Leo I don't blame them with Leo, Leo looked way hotter than I remembered him. I then locked eyes with Riddle. He seemed terrifying like you were staring into the eyes of the devil then I looked beside him and there was Leo giving the girls flirtatious looks how typical. But I must not talk to Riddle I don't want to bother him. I don't want to be a creep or anything but I'm assuming there is a book about him and his bloodline about Voldemort and ancestors. I stormed out of the great halls turning to glance at Riddle and Leo, Leo then saw me. He gave me a smile. I ignored it and ran into the library. It was quite at night, my favorite time to go.

I looked in the restricted section and nobody is allowed there. I also wasn't bothered what house they were sorted into. I obviously knew Riddle is going to be sorted into Slytherin and Leo into Slytherin too. I haven't seen Draco at all this morning and I completely forgot about Blaise and how I was going to break up with him and ruin his life or find out if Malfoy wasn't lying to my face. I won't be surprised if he does lie to me. I then found a book about the Riddle history and then right beside it was my family history. I grabbed both the books and walked out of the library.

I forgot to mention but Leo knows my actual last name. I walked into my dorm and sat on my desks chair I put down the riddle history I opened it up to be met with the first page it was this kid named Tom senior Riddle I read through the paragraph and realized that, that was Lord Voldemort I decided to keep going through pages until I found it. Mattheo Marvolo Riddle it said this. "He is a sociopath, psychopath incapable of feeling love because he was conceived under a love point. Once he finds a girl interested he will do anything to keep her away from everyone it has a low chance he will find any girl interesting though, he likes to torture people just for fun most of the time, or if they piss him of or just because he does not like them. "I slammed the book shut and slid it under my bed I had read enough I knew him, he's a sociopath I need to stay away from him. I went out into the great hall. I saw Leo sitting at the Slytherin table, I was then brought out of my trance by Dumbledore. "Angelica I need to see you in my office." Office I would have thought he would use a different name for his "office" I followed him to his office and he then told me I will be switching houses to Slytherin because I knew Leo. He found out I knew Leo because of my father he sent Dumbledore a note explaining why I'll be switching houses. It was going to be a problem because I haven't talked to Leo since we were 13.

And Riddle is in Slytherin so that's another problem Dumbledore told me about Mattheo some more a bit but not a lot he did tell me he likes weakness and pain to bring to others to find vulnerability in others so he can have power over them. It was scary really but I have to show no weaknesses when I'm around him.

He then walked me down to the dungeons and walked me to the girls dormitory. My eyes met with Leo's. He was surrounded with girls. His smile went away when he saw me. It was hard to read his expectations, he was always hard to read. Everything was an emerald green very pretty colors.

I kept my eyes on him. He did the same. Then he was out of sight. I knew I had to face him. I just don't want to worry about right now he then opened up a door it had a king size bed everything was an emerald green and black, very pretty. Dumbledore then left me alone. Then my things appreated in my dorm. It looks like I will have a room all to myself.

I then flopped onto my bed. It was the most comfortable bed I've ever laid on. There was then a knock on my door. I had an idea of whom it was, Leo. I opened the door and I was met with the scent. The scent I smelled in the Anmornita was comforting. I immediately hugged him back as I did miss him but I was furious with him but I missed how he smelled and how and how comforting his huge were. "Hello, Angelica" he said in a happy voice, his voice matured although his personality didn't. "Why are you here, and why are you talking to me? You did not have the time to write to me so obviously you do not have the time to talk to me Leo" I said in an annoyed voice and gave him a mean look. "Well I thought you deserved better, are we still dating?" He said in a hopeful voice with a hint of hope in his eyes. "No we are not. I've moved on, I'm actually dating someone!" I said in a stern voice the light in his eyes went away. It saddened me but he deserved to hurt like I hurt. "Well if that's how you feel fine then, can we still be friends." His eyes were still cold his voice sounded empty and cold. "No" I said in a cold voice and slammed the door shut. I was tried of him already. I wanted him out of my life. I had to regain my focus on ruining Blaise's life. I don't know if I can anymore, maybe I can use him to prove to Leo I've moved on.

I walked into DADA and sat beside Hermione, "hello darling" I say to her, giving her a small smile. She smiled back "I'm doing fine, did you do your homework?" She says in a questioning voice I reply with yes, because I did I got out the homework and Snape collected our homework. I then scanned the room and my eyes met with Riddles. Great, I have classes with him. I doubt he will show up though. We kept eyes contact. I broke it as it was getting uncomfortable. I then bring my attention to the front of the classroom. Then a question came into my mind, why was he staring at me? I felt eyes burning into me. I knew he was still staring at me. Why me? Snape then brings class. "Today class I have a seating chart" oh no I probably was going to get seated with that psychopath or Malfoy just great or I'm lucky and get seated with one of my friends. "Theodore & Hermione" great Hermione is not my partner I thought sarcastically, "Pansy & Blaise" you've got to be kidding me "Mattheo & Angelica" I had a gut feeling I was going to be seated with him, we then go over to our table it was just me and him. Then Snape's next words could actually kill me. "Leonardo & Malfoy" You guys can sit across from Mattheo and Angelica" oh god, and all the people I did not want to be around were sitting at the same as me. Everyone kept their heads down at the table. I did the same. We did not talk to each other, not a word was spoken.

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