Chapter 7

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"I did not know you smoke weed Riddle"
y/n y/l/n

It felt nice to let everything out for once I've never really cried. Then the bathroom door opens it was Leo I knew he would come he saw me on the bathroom floor crying and went over to hug me but I pushed him away because I really don't like much attention. "It's going to be okay, Angelica" "I hope so" how could my life get any worse first I get hexed by Riddle then I caught my own boyfriend fucking someone I hate the most. "Leave me alone please" I say to Leo my words are trembling by the second. "Okay I just wanted to make sure you are okay" I nod my head and continue to let everything out and Leo leaves. Leaving me alone in the cold bathroom. After I was done having my pity party I walked out of the bathroom. I walked to DADA alone I did not want to talk with Hermione because I just don't feel like it I need some time to think. When I sit down I look over at Leo who looks concerned and Draco just keeps his head down. I look over to my right and see Mattheo staring at me.

No matter how long I looked at her I couldn't read her mind or figure her out I tried multiple times but it never works I hexed her and I somewhat feel a bit bad but, no I don't want to

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No matter how long I looked at her I couldn't read her mind or figure her out I tried multiple times but it never works I hexed her and I somewhat feel a bit bad but, no I don't want to. I can read everyone's mind except hers and it bothers me. Leonardo still had feelings for her but won't confess he won't confess to no one. And Draco well.... I don't want to say anything but he likes to play with her, sexually and he also likes to play with her mind which is cruel but I can't figure out if he has somewhat feelings for her. Angelica then catches me staring at her she was beautif- no I must not I can't call her that and I won't it's wrong. I got mad at myself and walked out of the classroom I could hear Snapes voice calling my name but I could care less.

I then reach my dorm and take off my clothes and takes a shower I need to get her off my mind it's not fair me and her haven't even talked with each other that much. I wasn't going to catch feelings for her I need to remember who I am. I'm Mattheo Marvolo Riddle incapable of feeling love or happiness and nothing will change that nothing at all. I need to stay away from her.

I saw Mattheo leaving and I decided to follow him he went to his dorm he then closed the door and I decided to wait outside for him he came out and his hair was wet we made eye contact

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I saw Mattheo leaving and I decided to follow him he went to his dorm he then closed the door and I decided to wait outside for him he came out and his hair was wet we made eye contact. "I need to stay away from you so please go and stay away from me" why? "Why though I did nothing to you" "just stay away from me it's for the best!" He yelled at me not loud though. "Fine whatever I can't believe I followed you here it was stupid" I then got up and walked away to the common room I was done with him.

I read in the common room for some free time and looked at the fire after I knew all the classes were done I made my way to the great hall. I then sat with Hermione and we talked about the classes I missed and got me caught up since there was a lot of work that I missed. After dinner I decided to take a walk even though it's pass hours and I should not be out this late. Because after dinner students are alone to go out for an hour but I like to go out for a few hours. And I needed it since the last encounter with Riddle I needed some time to myself.

I then started to walk around the tower hoping flinch doesn't catch me I then made my way to the Great Lake. It was at Hogwarts and it was connected with Hogwarts it was part of its land. I walked to the Blake lake it was my favorite place to go in 4th year. When I got there, there was a boy. "Hello" I called out my face when to disappointment when the boy turned around it was Riddle out of every other student in Hogwarts it had to be him. I turned around to head for the Astronomy tower since that was my other quite place to go but he grabbed my wrist causing me to turn around and look at him. "What do you want we can't be around each other, Riddle" "I know.... I don't know why I stopped you" he was drinking and smoking weed. "I did not know you smoke weed Riddle" I said to him peering behind his shoulder.

"It's none of your business what I'm doing" he has a lantern set down on the ground and he had a joint in his mouth. I took the joint out of his mouth and sat on the ground. "This is quite relaxing" I said laying down to look at the stars. It was nice to sit back and smoke all my problems disappeared. "I hope your enjoying your self" he said looking at me. I was in the first time forever. I then knew inwas too high I started to take off my clothes. "What are you doing?" He questions me raising one eye brow. "Swimming" "please don't take off all your clothes" "I'm not I'm only in my bra and underwear" he rolls his eyes and continues to look at the stars.

A few minutes pass and I'm relaxing in the water. "We should start to head back it's getting really late" I swim back to the surface. "Please put on some clothes!" He says while looking at the ground I agree and put on my shirt but not my skirt because it was my favorite skirt and I did not want it to get wet. "Put on your skirt" "no I'm not getting it wet" "whatever let's just get back to the castle" he then says some random words and makes us appear in the castle we start to walk the hallways together.

"Who's there!" We heard a voice Mattheo grabs my hand and we start to run and then that someone grabs my wrist it was Blaise. "What are you to doing out here in 3 in the morning and with Riddle, what the hell" "your not to speak about this to anyone got it" "and way is that?" What an asshole "because me and Riddle were doing nothing I just couldn't get to sleep and decided to take a walk" I said "mhm..." he then flicks me and Riddle off. "We are not talking again, Angelica it was a mistake that we hung out" "I agree fully" I then head to bed hoping tomorrow will be a better day then today.

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❦ PINTEREST: @badglam ❦ TIKTOK: @softnakd

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PINTEREST: @badglam
TIKTOK: @softnakd

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