Chapter 12

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"Get on your pretty little knees for me"
Leonardo DiCapro

As the second month was killing me, I wanted to get out of Hogwarts and go somewhere else beside this pathetic excuse for a school.

Every day felt the same getting ignored by people I knew and the closest people I knew meaning Leo just blatantly ignoring me as if I did not exist to him anymore.

I walked to DADA without Hermione once again it didn't bother me at this point nothing really bothered me I was just someone who did not have feelings for anyone. And I was fine with it. I sat at the table, Leo and Draco were having a conversation Draco seemed pretty interested in it so I did not want to disturb them like usual.

Snape decided to start class.

"So students, I'm assuming you've heard about the great hall meeting as what is happing is big, as we will be welcoming back a student and someone els in particular. And I'm not supposed to say who because it's going to be a surprise I hate surprises. Anyways flip to page 349" he said.

I wasn't paying attention I was drowning in my thoughts because... well don't really know why.

It just became hard to focus in class all the sudden the past two months.

"PAGE 349 miss Angelica" Snape said squinting his eyes at me. "I hate this class" I mumbled under my breath I was assuming he couldn't hear me. "Detention with Umbridge!" He scowled at me. "Unfortunately you will be missing out on the important great hall meeting and everyone else will be attending" great I thought sarcastically.

Leo then rolled up a piece of paper and when Snape turned his head in the other direction Leo through the paper at his head. "DETENTION DICAPRIO" Snape yelled at him now he was going to be missing out on the important great hall meaning what was it about that is was so important.

Only if I'd knew because when he discussed if I was drowning in my own thoughts, how stupid.

Potions class

I walked to my potions class wanting to avoid Leo, and I succeeded but I knew I had to face him in detention.

I walked into potions class and he started to ramble about that stupid meeting in the great hall apparently it was going to have an effect on some people. God can people calm down it's not like we are going to die.

"Anyways class enough of my rambling" thank god you thought to yourself.

"We will be brewing our own amortentia" he said with a smile I was more than happy about it.

I could smell what attracts me.

Amortentia is a kind of love potion and kind of not. You smell basically what attracts you. If that makes any sense. It could be a person at least that is what most people smell including me last time I smelt Leo and I don't exactly know who I will smell this time. I wonder if I will smell him.

"We will be doing this in partners and then you will split it, I will be assigning partners."

In potions class I sit next to Hermione she became closer to me this week and I was happy about it she told me she had been busy with Harry and Ron and trying to keep them under control because they have been under some sort of potion these past few months.

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