GeorgeNotFound has joined the game

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[Spawn: 335, 107, 4]

     George spawned on a tall... mountain? It wasn't much of a mountain so much as one of those weird generation statue pillars. The drop was steep and far. Suddenly he felt very scared for his life. There was a tree on the side, but none on the top.

Well he can't stay here forever. He delicately made his way down to the tall spruce tree, feeling the rich dirt push around under his feet.

George jumped onto a branch that poked him a lot. He dangled off the branch a little before dropping down. Wow, mountains are so much scarier here than in-game. He could fall and he would die.

He quickly dismantled the tree. The floating leaves and logs looked strange in this realistic world. Now to figure out how to get down. He decided to just fucking YOLO it and get as far down as he could without dying. Sometimes he had to take leaps of faith and it hurt like hell and worse, but somehow he made it to the bottom.

His heart pounded at the speed of light and faster. Holy shit, he was alive! No broken bones, no twisted ankles, nothing! It was a good thing they still had Minecraft's speed-healing. That damage was sure to take a bite out of his hunger (no pun intended) though, so he should probably find some food.

He didn't know what mobs spawned in taigas like this. If he was lucky he'd find a cow or something, but most likely it would just be a few foxes, and you can't get food from those.

George quickly whipped up a set of stone tools with the wood from surrounding trees and created a small crater in the mountain to use for the stone.

He wandered around, picking grass for seeds as he went, in case he needed a bread farm.

George had been wandering around the forest, as one does, but his hunger had quickly deteriorated. Why was hunger a real thing? He liked it better in Minecraft where it doesn't affect you unless you're practically gonna die.

After what seemed like forever, he found what he'd been looking for.


A pig, not like a domestic one that's fat or very big. It wasn't a piglet either.

But it was a pig nonetheless. And pigs were food.

George probably resembled a starved wolf, finding fresh meat after so long and attacking it wildly. But goddammit, that was how he felt at that moment.

George made a waving motion with his hand to change inventory slots to his axe. He took a running start at the poor creature at jumped to crit it. It squealed and desperately tried to scramble away. One more slash along its wide body and it squealed uglily as it poofed into a small smoke cloud, leaving only a porkchop.

He placed his crafting table and crafted a furnace, using some leftover sticks and his wooden pick he used for 0.3 seconds as fuel.

After the longest ten seconds ever, he had a juicy cooked porkchop. George sat down cross-legged and happily munched on his new food.

Man, this was great <3

GeorgeNotFound joined the game. Feral Boys 2/5

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