Sapnap has joined the game

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[Spawn: 215, 72, 328]

     Sapnap yawned as he spawned in. He didn't get much sleep last night and he clicked the server button without thinking. He was facing a birch tree, and there was a fallen one directly to his left. Uh... awkward spawn. So, birch forest. Pretty decent.

First thing he did was chop down the tree he spawned in front of and bam! Wood tools. He walked up a nearby hill and used it to jump on top of one of the trees.

Sapnap climbed to the tallest tree he could. There was a small cave (264, 67, 317) and a big river with a green taiga on the other side. He'd go to the cave to get iron and stone first. Once he got there he realized the cave was bigger than he thought. Still very small, but bigger than he thought.

This cave sucks.

It only had ONE copper vein and nothing else, not to mention it was TINY! He had to squish through to get to the end, and that wasn't even worth it.

Time to go to that river.

The river was big and shapeless, with a little island near the edge with two trees. The bottom was uneven and strange. He swam down a staircase-looking indention (331, 62, 322). His eyes stung from the freshwater.

He swam deeper. Floating gravel and sand emitted dusty particles into the water. The blueish haze under the water limited his vision. A drowned the size of a 6-year-old child swam in front, gurgling. Drowned are usually very scary with their rotting flesh and empty eyes, but this one was almost comical because of its small size and inflated Boss-Baby-proportions head.

He merely pushed it out of the way and it nearly died. One more small smack and it did die. He proceeded to a cave with glow lichen and iron. In an area branching off, there were a couple of glow squids. They looked beautiful and neon in the foggy water, and for once he was a little glad Dream rigged the mob vote.

Sapnap admired the scene, curiously swimming about like a mermaid.

Until he realized his lungs were screaming, clawing for air.

Sapnap desperately looked for an exit. Magma blocks dragged him down as he struggled against the current to not get caught. His air metre was dropping fast, and then it hit zero. He involuntarily breathed in some of the water and choked, the last bits of air escaping from his mouth.

He swam up into a narrow alcove, praying it would lead to the surface.

It didn't, but what followed was just as good.

An air pocket. A block tall.

Sapnap gasped and gagged, his body limp as he used his arms to cling to the edges. Water burst out his body with every cough. He took his sweet time in that air pocket, so grateful air tasted so good.

He wasn't getting out anytime soon. It was harder to see above the water in low light, but he didn't care. There wasn't anything to look for. He had air. He didn't even have to worry about running out of oxygen here, since this is Minecraft.

He'd leave eventually, but now just wasn't that time. He was perfectly fine in here. It was awesome.

Sapnap joined the game. Feral Boys 3/5

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