Skeletons, Zombies, and Spiders Galore

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     Runrunrunrun FUCKING RUN!!! Dream hastily ran deeper into the forest. The moonlight sneaking through the trees turned everything silver and gave just enough light to avoid blindly crashing into a tree or something. His dog, which he named Smiles (great name, he knows), ran alongside him, paws patting the dirt ground as they both weaved back and forth between trees, the mobs in hot pursuit and for some reason faster than in the game. Smiles barked aggressively at the skeletons in particular. It makes sense since Smiles is a wolf and all. Bones weren't nutritional, but they were as delicious as candy for a dog. It would be like if you're running from the gingerbread man.

     Dream could hardly see in the dim lighting, aside from the monsters. The moonlight seemed to sit only on them, emphasizing their grotesque features. Every rotting detail of the zombies reflected moonlight and the matte, rough texture of the skeletons had every ridge highlighted. The zombies had their half-missing jaws hung loose, leaving their mouths open and showing mostly-missing yellowed and decaying teeth built for destruction. Their empty eye sockets bore into your soul and their skin melted and drooped, showing bits and pieces of bone. They were covered in blood, and something told Dream that it wasn't wholly theirs.

     Spiders were the worst, glossy hair radiating in the pale light, red eyes glowing bright with a hatred for the living. In fact, one of them jumped in front and tried to cut him off, but it jumped right into his blade, leaving floating string and XP.

     Dream and Smiles hacked through them with blades and teeth, making quick work of the small group. Smiles sniffed the air and barked, drawing Dream's attention to the moving shadows that seem to come from nowhere. Skeletons clattered and pulled back their bows, zombies groaned and the occasional creeper made no noise at all. Are you fucking serious?! This was too much. Flight would be the smarter option now. He took off, the hostile mobs in hot pursuit. At least he had Smiles to back him up, if it had to come to that.

     Dream made a sharp left behind a tree and, using dirt, made a tiny safe cubby with one fluid arm motion, making sure there was enough room for Smiles. Dream panted, nibbling on a pork chop, handing some rotten flesh to Smiles as well. His heart pounded and his chest heaved. Why did he have to deal with this bullshit?

     He replaced one block with a crafting table and made a bow, but he only had one flint, so he only had four arrows to work with. He'd have to have lots of concentration and accuracy to hit, much less kill, any mobs.

     He broke the block at head height and leaned out the newly-created window. He notched an arrow, aimed, and released, hitting a skeleton square between its dark, empty eyes.

     Yes! Dream pulled back into the cubby. Smiles barked encouragingly, making him smile. Again, fitting name.

     Dream sniped a few mobs, but none were enough to kill and he'd already run out of his four arrows. Unfortunately, melee was the only option left.

     He took a deep breath, which didn't help him feel better at all, and sat down Smiles. "Stay," he told it. "I don't want to risk you getting hurt. There are a lot more monsters than before, and I'd be devastated if anything happened to you." Smiles looked up at him longingly and Dream gave him a pat on the head and opened up an exit to the safety hole.

     He exited and switched to his sword. Alright, he needed to deal with these shits and fast. He was on an adrenaline high, his legs were sore, and he was exhausted as fuck. He spotted a creeper hissing amidst the crowd and got the greatest idea known to man.

     He sliced horizontally through some approaching zombies, giving them matching cuts that will last until the end of their days.

     Which was quickly approaching.

     He cut them again and they disappeared in a poof of smoke. He continued with the manslaughter, zombies clawing at him and skeletons piercing him with arrows. He screamed out in pain but kept it up until he reached the creeper. It flashed white and expanded. Yes, yes, yes, yes! He braced for impact and boom! The explosion triggered other creepers and led to a chain reaction of explosions. Mob corpses flung into the air and poofed away. But they weren't the only ones who were flung.

     The shockwave sent Dream flying and stumbling into a tree. He collapsed on the ground, exhausted and hurt. He coughed aggressively and blood seeped down from his lips. Where the creepers once were now left craters filled to the brim with loot and small, floating cubs of dirt.

     His wounds hurt. His throat hurt. Everything hurt right now, mentally and physically. He gulped down another pork chop and he felt like crying. His wounds stung as they healed.

     It wasn't supposed to be like this.

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