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     Dream activated speedrunner mode. He told himself earlier he was gonna take this SMP slowly, but if that's the only way he was getting out of here, then so be it!

Dream took a bite of some mutton he obtained earlier and sprinted in the opposite direction of the taiga. Taigas are cold biomes so it's unlikely he'd find a warm biome near there, but he still didn't know where the nearest lava pool was or how to get there. A big part of speedrunning is luck, and he prayed to RNJesus it would be on his side.

It wasn't easy to find food if he needed to, but it wasn't difficult either. Animals don't spawn too frequently in any biome other than plains, but he could kill zombies for rotten flesh if it got desperate.

Dream wondered what rotten flesh tasted like, but he visualized it and all of a sudden he didn't want to know anymore.

He looked up at the sun and it was a little before afternoon. So he didn't have to worry about mobs for a while. How convenient.

Dream quickly ran past his original spawn. He slightly drifted left to avoid the mountain, pushing away multiple branches that were in his way. The scraggly twigs scratched at his face and armour.

He mindlessly went up a hill, which dropped down steeply. Dream jumped on one of the treetops. Now that he was back to being Tarzan, he could probably go faster since there wasn't anything in his way.

Birch trees littered the otherwise darkly-coloured forest until it transitioned to a birch forest.

Dream was closer to the ground now, and he had to be more precise with his jumps if he wanted to stay in the canopy. A big blue lake was to his left but he was more interested in the steep cave (12, 59, 314) below him.

Dream cautiously made his way down to the grassy ground, and then into the cave. He already had iron, but this might give him some more iron.

Little red mushrooms were growing, and a skeleton's bones rattled in the dark.

Dream heard hissing, and he instinctively held up his left arm equipped with a shield. A creeper glowed white before exploding, leaving a big crater and small chunks of cobblestone and dirt in its wake. Dream's hair blew from the shockwave. His ears rung.

He switched his hotbar slot to torches. Still holding up the shield, he slowly made his way down the cave, placing torches. Everything the light touches is my property.

A skeleton stretched back the string from its bow and released. Dream blocked it with his shield and struck, almost knocking the bow out of its rattling hands. Another slice ended its life.

The cave bent right before dropping down. Dream placed a random wood plank to mark his place so he wouldn't get lost. Going forwards, he found a big forking cave with iron. Bats' screeches echoed throughout. Dream could barely see in the darkness, and he was already running out of torches.

Dream feared the openness of this cave. Mobs could attack from every angle. Torchlight reflecting off the cold stone walls, he wandered into a small branch off of the cave. No ores other than copper. Dream backtracked and blocked off the entrance with cobblestone, marking it as "explored".

He turned around to explore more and there were glowing red spots. Maybe it was redstone? Dream walked closer and the red spots shifted and disappeared. That's... not normal.

The red spots and Dream realized what it was. It leapt out from the shadows and in front of him. The torchlight from his hand reflected off a glossy, hairy surface. A spider.

Arachnophobia kicked in and Dream froze. Real-life spiders were already scary, but this one was a metre tall and twice as wide. He waved his right hand, switching to his iron sword. He involuntarily shut his eyes and swiftly slashed at the spider. It disappeared into white smoke with a poof.

Dream opened his eyes again. His sword had blackish-purpled spider guts on it. He nearly threw up. He went back to his wooden exit marker and used his pickaxe to scale the short wall and hurl himself over the edge.

This cave wasn't worth it.

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