Episode 1

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Ezra's POV

I walked around through the mist with my hands tucked inside the pockets of my coat. It was cold out here but I didn't mind. I've always loved early morning walks since it gives my mind some peace.

After a while, I sat down under a tree and rested my back against it. My eyes started to grow heavy and I fell asleep without realising it. I woke up when I heard the giggling of my brothers who were playing around with a dog. I looked around with squinted eyes as the sunbeams sneaking from between the branches of the tree hit my face.

I stood up and dusted my clothes before heading inside. I was greeted by Jhonny, our housekeeper. He has been working here ever since my parents got married. I walked towards my Mother's room and knocked before entering.

Mom:Come in.

She cooed with that deep yet soothing voice of hers. I smiled as soon as I saw her. She smiled back at me but her wet cheeks took all of my attention. I looked in her lap and a sad smile made it's way to my face as I saw her wedding photograph gently clutched in her hands. I've always loved that photo of my parents since you can tell by their smiles how happy they were at that day.

My father wore a beautiful gown which made him look absolutely stunning. He was smiling brightly with those pearly white teeth of his as my mother held him by his waist and kissed his cheek. She looked really handsome in that photo. My father used to tell me that mother was the handsomest girl in town when she was younger. To be honest she is still quite handsome even at this age.

My father always said that the day Mom married him was the happiest day of his life until he had me and my brothers.

Mom:Oh! I didn't realize it was you Ezra! Good morning.

She uttered after wiping her wet cheeks. I could tell that she had been crying for a while now by how puffy her eyes were.

Ezra:Missing Dad again?

She didn't say anything but just smiled while looking down at the photo.

Mom:Yes, I can't help it sometimes. I know it's been two years already but I still can't believe he's gone.

My father had passed away two years ago due to a disease. All of us had mourned his death for a long time since we loved him a lot. He was such a loving parent and a great husband. It was really hard to move on especially for Mom.

Sometimes I worry about her so I make sure to check up on her every now and then. I sat beside her. She looked at me and passed me a tender smile.

Mom:You don't have to worry so much about me, you know. It just happens sometimes but trust me, I'm fine. Your dad's gone so all I have now is you and your brothers and I'll make sure to cherish you guys till my time comes.

She said while caressing my cheeks. I simply smiled at her.

Ezra:I know you worry about us and our future but you need to take it easy sometimes. I've noticed that these days you've been working too hard. Trust me Mom, compromising your health won't bring joy to any of us.
Mom:I know, I'm sorry.
Ezra:It's alright.

I heard Jhonny call us for breakfast. I hugged Mom one last time before both of us walked downstairs for breakfast. My brothers were already there. They are three years younger than me. Madison and Pandora. They are twins actually. Madison is 10 seconds older than Pandora. Both of them look very much alike. It would've been impossible to distinguish between them if Pandora didn't have that mole under his lips.

Author's POV

Madison was an emotional and loud boy. Always preoccupied with gossip, socializing, and women. He was an attractive and charismatic boy but he was also reckless and impulsive. Despite Pandora being the more charming one out of them, most women used to go for Madison because of his extroverted personality. His father used to keep his attitude in check but after he was gone there was nobody who would keep his actions in check.

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