Episode 7

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Ezra's POV

Ezra stood in a corner all by himself as he regretted coming to the Ball. He was about to go and get himself something to drink when he bumped into someone's shoulder as he turned around. He apologized to the person before looking up at them. He was surprised to see the enchanting woman standing in front of him. She flashed him a perfect smile which automatically made Ezra smile too.

Ezra:I didn't think you'd actually come here.
Mary:Well, I had nothing to occupy myself with at home so I decided to show up after all.
Ezra:I'm glad you did. At least now I have some acquaintance in this party.
Mary:What about your brothers?
Ezra:Maddie couldn't attend since he is sick and Dora is dancing over there with Miss Bingley. So I'm all alone right now.
Mary:Ah, so that's how it is! Well, you don't have to worry anymore cause I'm here. I have no problem joining you, only if you want me to of course.
Ezra:I'd actually like that.

Ezra said smiling at her, finally feeling at ease.

It had been a while since Mary joined Ezra and they both were having a great time together.

Mary:Since all we've done this evening is chat, how about a dance now Mr Bennett?

Ezra was a bit taken back by her question and he grew silent for a while.

Mary:Do you not like dancing Mr Bennett?
Ezra:I do, I love dancing. It's just, I wasn't expecting you to ask me to dance with you.
Mary:Well I am, so how about it?
Ezra:I would love to.

Ezra took Mary's outstretched hand as she led him to the Ball room. She placed her hand on Ezra's waist. Ezra hesitated a bit before placing his hand on her broad shoulders. They both started dancing to the music. Their bodies moved in perfect synchronisation with each other.

Ezra:You dance quite well, Miss Wickham.
Mary:Ooh a compliment! Does that mean I've succeeded to charm you?

She said, bringing her lips close to his ear as his face flushed.

Ezra:Well, you'll have to work harder than that to charm me.

Ezra stated with a sly smirk as he slightly pushed her away from him. Mary pouted cutely which made Ezra burst into a beautiful laughter. It attracted the attention of a few people around him as they stared at him with an adoring gaze and Mary was no exception.

Ezra paused when he felt Mary's grip on his waist tighten as she pulled him closer to her. This action made him feel slightly uncomfortable and he was about to push her back when he heard a glass shatter. He looked behind Mary and noticed none other than Anne standing a few steps away from him. Her hand was bleeding as the shattered glass was lying on the ground. A servant next to her checked up on her.

Servant:Miss Darcy you're bleeding!
Anne:Yes, I guess I gripped the glass too hard. Don't worry about me, I'll take care of it. Just ask someone to clean this mess up so that nobody else gets hurt.

She looked in the direction of Ezra. His attention fell on the wound in her hand and his eyes winced. Anne quickly hid her hand behind her and marched away from there, leaving Ezra staring at her back.

Mary:What are you looking at?

Mary said as she turned around to see what Ezra had been staring at but found nothing.

Ezra:It's nothing.

After a while, they both decided to take a break. They were now taking a walk in the garden. It was a bit chilly outside but it didn't bother Ezra.

Mary:It's a bit cold out here. Are you sure you wanna stay here?
Ezra:Yes, I really need some fresh air. It was getting a little cramped in there.
Mary:At least let me lend you my jacket or you'll get cold.
Ezra:That's really considerate of you, but I think I'm fine.
Mary:If you say so.

They both walked in silence for a while.

Ezra:Miss Wickham, would you mind if I asked you a question? It has been bugging me for a while now.
Mary:Go ahead.
Ezra:Do you and Miss Darcy have a history? You don't have to reply if you don't want to.

Mary hesitated before answering.

Mary:Yes, yes we do.

She took a short pause.

Mary:Anne and I used to be really close friends. Actually, we were like sisters. Her mother was friends with my mother. When my parents died in an accident, Anne's mother took me in and raised me like her daughter. She loved me so much that I almost never missed my parents. It broke my heart when she caught an illness and couldn't make it. I was by her side till the day she died.

She took another pause.

Mary:With her dying breath, she promised me a share in her wealth and a job. But Anne went against her wishes and employed another person for the job. As for my share she refused to give it to me. I was kicked out of the family and forced to live the way I am now. With less to no money, switching between jobs that involve hard labour in exchange for less pay.
Ezra:But why would Miss Darcy do that to you after you were both so close?
Mary:She grew jealous of me since her mother loved me better. She wanted me to suffer since she believed I stole her family from her.
Ezra:How cruel!

Ezra couldn't believe that Anne would do such a cruel thing to someone like Mary. He was utterly disgusted by that woman at this point. In fact, he didn't even wanted to see her face right now.

Mary:Well, let's not dwell on the past and enjoy the evening, shall we?

Mary said while flashing her adorable smile to Ezra. He smiled back as they both walked inside.

Ezra:I can't believe Miss Darcy is such a disgusting woman. It's like the more I know about her, the more I grow to hate her.
Mary:Most guys usually fall for her charms but you are the first one to figure out her true personality. Honestly, I thought you would fall for her charms too.
Ezra:Oh please! There is nothing I find charming about her.


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