Episode 4

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Ezra's POV

It was early morning and everyone was on the table, having breakfast. Mom had already left for work while Maddie and Pandora were busy with their usual talks. Actually, ever since the Ball, Pandora just won't shut up about Miss Bingley and it was getting really annoying at this point.

Pandora:I just can't wait to meet her again.
Jhonny:I'm sure she must've forgotten about you by now cause that's how rich people are. If I was you, I wouldn't get too attached to her cause in the end, she might end up hurting you.
Pandora:No Jhonny, Jane is not like that at all. She won't hurt me...right?

He questioned himself as he began nibbling on his bottom lip, nervously. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Madison:I'll get that.

He went towards the door and opened it, revealing the Postwoman.

Postwoman:It's a letter for Mr. Pandora Bennett.

She took out an envelope from her bag and waved it in the air.

Madison:Yes, he's my brother.
Postwoman:Alright, please sign here.

Maddie signed on the piece of paper that the woman held up and took the letter from her hands.

Postwoman:Have a good day Mr. Bennett.

She said while waving at Madison and he smiled at her before shutting the door and walking back to where his brothers were.

Ezra:Who was it Maddie?
Madison:The Postwoman. It's a letter for...

Madison paused while reading something on the envelope. He eyed both of us cheekily.

Madison:Dora from...

He took another pause, trying to tease Dora. Dora stared at him impatiently, wanting him to finish the sentence as soon as possible.

Madison:Miss...Jane Bingley.

Pandora gasped so loud and choked on thin air as he started coughing. Ezra and Maddie burst into laughter.

Pandora:Give me that.
Madison:I said, no. If you want this letter, then you'll have to take it from me.

Madison said as he decided to tease Pandora a little more. Pandora walked towards him but he lifted the letter high up in the air. Dora jumped and tried to snatch the letter from him but he couldn't reach it. Maddie suddenly ran off with the letter and Dora ran after him as if his life depended on it. They both ran around the table in circles. Madison giggled while Ezra just smiled at the two. Seeing them being so lively somehow made him happy.

Pandora finally managed to tackle Madison to the ground and began tickling on his weak spots which caused him to laugh out loud and loosen his grip on the letter. With one swipe Dora had snatched the letter from him and ran outside, leaving everyone giggling at his behavior.

After breakfast, Ezra and Madison headed outside. There was Pandora, sitting under a tree while hugging the letter. Both of them ran to him.

Madison:What does it say?
Pandora:She said that she couldn't stop thinking about me since the ball and...
Pandora:She has invited me to tea this evening.

Both Pandora and Maddie squealed and hugged each other. Ezra covered his mouth with his hand in surprise. He didn't expected that at all.

Madison:Oh my God! Oh my God! You must go.
Pandora:I want to, but I don't think Mom will allow me to go out by myself that late.

He said sadly.

Ezra:Do you really wanna go?

He nodded and Ezra gave him a soft soft smile.

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