Chapter two (2) Relatable Mr. Ego

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ON My Way

I'm sorry but
Don't wanna talk, I need a moment 'fore I go
It's nothing personal
I draw the blinds
They don't need to see me cry
'Cause even if they understand
They don't understand
So then when I'm finished
I'm all 'bout my business and ready to save the world
I'm taking my misery
Make it my bitch, can't be everyone's favorite girl
So take aim and fire away
I've never been so wide awake
No, nobody but me can keep me safe
And I'm on my way
The blood moon is on the rise
The fire burning in my eyes
No, nobody but me can keep me safe
And I'm on my way


"hey miss do you mind moving your car abit backwards"? His voice rang in her ears almost giving her chills

"your car is blocking my way"he said  pointing a finger at Kaltoom's car when she didn't pay any heed to him. she turn her gaze immediately to him ready to attack whoever thought he had the nerve to order her around, her morning was already ruined thanks to her mom and she wasn't having anyone add to that.

Her eyes met his and she felt a flutter in her chest, he had dark expressive eyes with full thick lashes she got lost staring into them.

Where the Hell did this man came from cause Damn!

She wasn't the type to gape or stare but at this moment her eyes had a different mind of it's own.

Farouk and Khalid had always been the ladies crush and she had always wondered what the girls saw in them but right now she was seeing it crystal clear in this man.

"Quite staring and move it please"He was getting upset, Adyan was used to getting that kind of stare, his mind was too occupied to pay any attention to the beauty staring at him.

Kaltoom got out of her thoughts flicking her eye lashes, she knew men like him,they think they got looks so every girl would fall instantly for them.

She flared her nose angrily and without as much as a word she walked away leaving a stunned

" Muhammad Adyan"

Yes that was his name!

She was already late for the damn lecture and she won't want to waste anymore time with this egocentric fool she thought as she walked to the department of psychology.

who the hell did she think she was to walk out on him like that. He pulled out his phone and made a phone call then walked away

First lecture was over the class was better than she imagined it would be the professor was damn good at his job and fairly enough she understood the lesson so she walked out to the cafeteria with her best friend and coursemate Amani.

Amani had decided to stay back with her bestie and study together after she came crying about how her mom wasn't letting her do what she want.

Amani on the other hand never wanted to go out to study, she was a mommy's girl and didn't want to stay far, so everything worked in her favor.

She stayed back and had her best friend as well.

they found a table and occupied it kaltoom just pressed her phone like the social media addict she was, going through the latest tweets on the bird app
while Amani asked for a plate of fried rice and wings with a smoothie to go,and dig in immediately ignoring her friend who said she was not hungry

They were sitting in silence as Amani ate her lunch while kaltoom went through her phone when suddenly a hand grabbed her wrist scaring her and causing her brand new iPhone 12 pro max to fall the phone her Dad got her only a week ago.

Who dares do this to her?  Her eyes were wide and already red from anger.

... she looked up and her eyes fell on the guy from the parking lot his face was expressionless 

And looking at him from up close he looked alot more handsome than the first time she laid her eyes on him which was today,  she mentally smacked herself

How dare you?.....

"What the hell do you think you are doing let go of me... "
before she could say anymore he dragged her out

"let go of her ..."
Amani said but he just sent her a glare that spoke more than words could with his intimidating eyes

He took her to the parking lot and pushed her away " now move this thing away"
"Wait...what? his calling my baby a thing?"She thought scrunching her face

it was a brand new Mercedes Benz for crying out loud... Did he know how hard she tried before Abee got her this car?

Forget how cute this guy was, he was driving her nuts.... Damn today just was not her day!

" what if I don't.. "she asked

"Then you won't even imagine what would happen".

He was threatening her and for the first time in a long time some one was threatening her and there was nothing she could do, but one thing was for sure he was gonna regret it.

"Hmmm Amani pass me my purse.. "

she said to Amani was watching the drama unfold in front of her like an idiot.

Amani gave her the keys and without looking anywhere she took out the keys and flung it to him
" if you badly need to move your junk do it yourself " she said returning the previous insult

" fine I'll but just because I'm in a hurry note that you'll regret this"

she drifted and watch as he drive out of his way then without turning the car off or closing the door or bringing it back he hopped into his BMW M5 and drove with full speed living behind an angry kaltoom.....

Kaltoom felt really hurt by what he did how dare he, now her day is ruined and she can't do anything about it, little things ruin her day and this is exactly what that egocentric man has just done, and that too on her first day at school she hates him so much
She felt really upset if only Khalid was around!
She felt like crying at the spot.

Hey lovelies hope you are enjoying the story😉

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