Chapter Eight: One shall fall and One will rise.

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I've never been the superstitious type and neither has Megatron but he's started to see visions of an old prophecy that was told back on Cybertron. It was written in the covenant of Primus that, when the forty-seven spheres align, a perpetual conflict will culminate upon a world forged from chaos, and the weak shall perish in the shadows of a rising darkness. You almost couldn't know it.

But not many people chose to believe it. I was one of them. Megatron is so desperate to make the prophecy come true because he believes he's part of it. (Y/N) has warned Megatron that prophecies will often talk about someone else and not to get his hopes up. I took (Y/N) away from him when I saw he wasn't happy with that comment. I completely agree with her but I don't want her getting into trouble.

As Megatron was in a hurry to get things done before the prophecy began, he wanted our new Spacebridge ready for use. It was nearly ready to be used but all we need now is an ample power source. I found one in a human military base. Airachnid suggested that she could tunnel in and take it but Megatron didn't like that idea. He said we couldn't afford to be stealthy anymore and that we would just have to take it. So, troops stormed the base and took the power source.

Although, we didn't keep it for long because I saw Optimus and Bulkhead sneak onto the ship and steal it. I didn't report this to anyone. I want the Autobots to get my hints that I'm trying to help them as much as I can. If they're getting the hint at all after my recent act that Megatron still doesn't know about. But Optimus decided to stay and find Megatron. He said that he had been foolish for not seeing that history has proven that our two sides will never change their ways.

If there wasn't another solution to this problem, then he couldn't allow more darkness to fall on Earth or any other world. So, to solve this, he must kill Megatron. I will happily allow this to happen but Megatron is fueled by Dark Energon so that will be almost impossible. But I think he's willing to take that risk. Optimus started to demand that he would be taken to Megatron and that he would spare them if they did. Of course, they didn't listen and started to attack him.

Optimus used one of the comms from the troops to tell Megatron where he was and to come and face him. But Megatron had a better idea. He told everyone who laid a hand on Optimus would answer him and ordered me to lock onto his location to send Optimus there. I did as ordered and we were in the dark from there. I checked on (Y/N) who seemed to have no appetite for the food I gave her earlier. And she was very uncomfortable around Airachnid. I took her away for a minute so we could talk alone.

"I know you're concerned about me but I'm fine," (Y/N) said

'LIAR!' I use audio from a human film called 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Smarter Brother.' I just wish it wasn't so harsh

"Okay, okay. Megatron has started to stench of rotten flesh or rotting corpses and it's putting me off my food. And Airachnid caught me alone a few days ago and said to me 'You will make a fine addition to my collection,'."

The part where she talked about Airachnid was what set me off. I know Airachnid has made a reputation to hunt creatures from every planet for her collection. But she will not be adding (Y/N) to that. I took (Y/N) back to the Bridge and kept a closer eye on her. I still need to get her that bell so I can't lose her again. Because that's become her reputation and I know it's not on purpose. We soon went to Megatron who called us over to collect all the Dark Energon that came out of a volcano.

As the troops were doing that, (Y/N) had to pinch her nose. Oh, that's what she's smelling. The Dark Energon is what's putting her off her appetite. She's going to be really hungry by the time this ordeal is over. But I found something interesting that's happening. I went over to Megatron about my discovery. I  played the news which was talking about how there were so many natural disasters happening on Earth.

He didn't see a problem with it until I  pointed out that they were all coming from the core of the Earth. I'm pretty sure only Volcanos do that on Earth but not all the other disasters. I then showed him that, if you put all of the noises of the weather together, you can hear something else. A Cybertonion heartbeat. As I played it out loud, Megatron told me to turn it off. But even when I did, Megatron could still hear it in his head.

His torture did end and we almost forgot about it. But I'm getting concerned for our troops now. They're becoming very weak and our cargo hold is almost full of the Dark Energon. Airachnid recommended that we should stop for the sake of our cargo hold and our troops. But Megatron didn't want to do that. He told her that he had to leave and left Airachnid in charge while he was gone. We didn't see him for hours after that.

I would search for any signs that Megatron was alive but we never once heard from him. But Airachnid was quick to suggest thinking of the possibility of a future without Megatron. I think that all the time, I just don't openly suggest it. It didn't take long for Megatron's signal to disappear and Airachnid to speak up again about the whole situation. 

"Fellow Decepticons, while our loyalty to Megatron's command has always remained steadfast, our leader's recent behavior has been questionable at best, and it would seem as though Earth has become nothing short of a failed experiment," Airacnid said pointing to a video of Earth destroying itself. 

"Commander Airachnid, you're not suggesting that we abandon Lord Megatron?" Knockout asked

"Despite Soundwaves efforts, we have been unable to detect our master's signal. Megatron is either permanently offline or in the thrall of Unicron. Neither is in the best interests of the Decepticons, so I am deeming an exodus to be the most prudent course of action. Unless anyone has a problem with that."

Absolutely no one said anything against it. I have much to say about it but you won't hear anything from me. Airachnid ordered me to set course for another Galaxy when I stood up, not wanting to leave.

"You have something to say, Soundwave?" Airachnid asked me

I said nothing. But we're not leaving Earth. I don't care if she's my Commanding officer.

Airachnid transformed into her spider form, "I command this vessel. You will resume your post."

No. We're not leaving. If I could, I would have given (Y/N) a wink or a look to say I have this covered. I'm going to put on a show for everyone.

"Step aside!" Airachnid ordered

In your dreams, Airachnid. She charged at me and attempted to lay one of her limbs on me but not one hit me. I just blocked her attacks before picking her up off the ground. I smirked under my visor and tossed her across the room. Airachnid swore to tear out my spark for that. I'd like to see her try. I deployed Lazerbeak who shot at her and stunned her to the floor. I stepped on her as Lazerbeak returned to his place on my torso.

"I yield," Airachnid said

That's what I thought. I walked away victorious. I wish I could have done more for her comment to (Y/N) but I think she's learned her lesson. I continued to look for Megatron's signal after that. It popped up after a long wait and, after a long wait, Megatron returned to us. We all bowed to him when he entered the room.

"Welcome back, Lord Megatron," Knockout said smirking

We walked away from the door to reveal a rather confused-looking Optimus Prime. Breakdown was quick to get up and try to defend Megatron from the Autobot leader.

"At ease, Breakdown," Megatron said, "That is no way to welcome a long-lost comrade. Orion Pax is one of us."

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