Chapter Thirteen: The Human Factor

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Megatron had us line up in the order he told us to leave as he vented his frustration at us.

"How is this possible?! Four relics, each within our grasp. And yet, only Soundwave has returned with something other than an excuse!" Megatron said

Couldn't give one even if I could speak and if I came back without it. 

"Tell me, Hardshell. What is yours?!" Megatron asked the Insecticon, Hardshell

"I have none, my lord. We failed to retrieve the Tox-En. But the green Autobot has been... terminated," Hardshell told him

"Then perhaps this day is not lost after all."

"If that is true," Knockout spoke up, "It has been a while since anyone has extinguished an Autobot's Spark.

"Because it has been a while since an Insecticon warrior has been provided the opportunity to do so," Hardshell argued

"Really now? Because the bug under my recent command was utterly useless."

Knockout's sarcasm and witty comments are going to get him killed someday. Hardshell hissed at him but Megatron stopped him

"Enough!" Megatron said, "Hardshell, are you certain the one called Bulkhead was exterminated?"

"By my very own hand, Lord Megatron," Hardshell said.

I'll believe that when I next see Bulkhead or hear about him. Well, Wheeljack called to say that Bulkhead was alive and that he wanted Hardshell. Most likely for revenge. But that's not the only wrecker we heard was still alive. A few weeks later, Breakdown's signal had suddenly come back online. It's been a while since we heard from him. What's he been up to all this time? Has he found a human of his own or just joined the Autobots?

Either way, Knockout went to go get him. Only to come back with what only could be described as Frankenstein's monster if it went right. (Y/N) and I went to some theaters recently and we watched the old horror classic including a sequel called 'Young Frankenstein'. Both were very good. But that's how I would describe how Breakdown looked.

But it wasn't Breakdown. It was a human named Silas who was using Breakdown's corpse as a body. That's rather disturbing. But he gave us a satellite capable of destroying anything in its radius. All he wanted in return was a place in the Decepticon cause. (Y/N) was clearly uncomfortable with this creation. Honestly, this is just disrespectful. We wanted his remains to give him a proper burial but, humans being humans, they can't leave the dead alone or treat them with respect.

But I was put on a mission. Break into a human Military base and get the codes for the satellite. Just to get away from this thing, I took (Y/N) with me despite Megatron ordering me to keep her here. I've left her alone far too many times. She's coming with me. So, I used the voice of Agent Fowler to safely evacuate the Military Base and get inside. I got inside once everyone had left and started downloading the codes and information for the Satellite.

The Autobots arrived not long later but Bulkhead wasn't there. But there was someone new. Who's that? It doesn't matter. I'm a little preoccupied. It wasn't long until Megatron asked me to beta test the satellite so I'm assuming it had been launched. I can control it from here since I'm hacked into the mainframe. So, I did as asked and fired at the Autobots, purposely missing them. It worked just as Silas described.

I kept the satellite's aim on the Autobots for a while but never once tried to hit them. I would probably just use the excuse that the Satellite was in space and it was too slow should Megatron ask. But it soon came up that someone else was trying to control the satellite. I tracked it to Jasper Nevada. That's where the Autobots humans live. They weren't doing much but I did show Megatron that the humans were attempting to disable the satellite.

By that time, I had downloaded the codes and could move the satellite to wherever I wanted. Megatron ordered me to attack the humans. Okay, now I'm scared. I can't do something like that! Not after having (Y/N) for as long as I have. Alright, all I can do is delay myself for as long as I can until the Humans do something. I am never harming humans, not even children. Okay, I take that back. I'd hurt Silas but that's it!

I'd never want to hurt another human. So, that's what I did. I aimed the satellite for the house they lived in but I didn't make any attempt to fire at them until they did their part. They moved the satellite quickly and it lost control. It also burned up while entering the Earth's atmosphere. I'm happy with myself.

And maybe the Autobots will know I helped a little. Probably not. At a guess, my encounter with Wheeljack might've changed their minds. Speaking of, the Autobots came into the base and I turned to them. I just put my hands up as if to say, 'don't shoot'. Before they could judge my actions, I showed them what my plan was and what I did.

"You saved them?" Arcee asked

I nodded.

"Thank you, Soundwave. It is not too late to take up my offer," Optimus said

'Soundwave! Return to the warship,' Megatron said through my comm.

I looked back at the Autobots. 

'Not yet,' I said using audio from the musical 'Hamilton: Yorktown (the world turned upside down)'

I took (Y/N) and returned to the Warship. When we got back, Megatron had some news for Silas that I think (Y/N) liked

"Silas, you have earned your place at the table," Megatron said

"Lord Megatron, I am honored," Silas said bowing

"Knockout's dissection table."

Silas looked horrified at his last statement. He turned around to see Knockout with his battle spear ready to stun him.

"Breakdown would be tickled," Knockout smirked

"No, Lord Megatron. Why?" Silas asked

"Because Damocles was the best you had to offer, and it is no more. The human factor did indeed tip the scales in favor of my enemies," Megatron said

Knockout stunned Silas and he fell to the ground. Knockout walked over and appeared on Silas' right while Megatron loomed over him.

"He will be a fascinating case for study," Megatron said to Knockout

"I will leave no fiber or fiber optic unexamined," Knockout said

Knockout tapped the socket where Breakdown's eye used to be before Silas was dragged off. Silas screamed and yelled begging us not to let this happen but we did nothing to save him. He was dragged away and I have never seen him since. 

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