Chapter 28: Kill the Demon Part 2

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Najenda and the rest of Night Raid, minus Chelsea and Mira, rendezvoused with the Revolutionary Army's spy team immediately upon entering Kyoroch ant they began to formulate a plan to assassinate the religious sect counselor, Borick, a spy for the Minister. The appearance of the Jaegers was troublesome, but it was something they could have predicted. But the one thing that the Revolutionary army didn't predict... was The Five Kouken Temple Rakshasa Demons.

Lubbock was sprinting away in an alleyway from the duo of Mez and Sten, with a slightly panicked expression as he glanced back at them, who were easily keeping up with him.

Lubbock's thoughts: "Shit!! They suddenly attacked me! How did they see through me!?" Though, a crack of Mez's left arm sounded before...

Mez: "And GO!!" She announced as she thrusts her arm forwards, causing it to suddenly extend like it was elastic and jab Lubbock right in his back, causing him to gag and spit out blood before he fell over, completely limp. Mez seemed a bit confused and slightly surprised as she felt his neck for a pulse, only to be taken aback when there was none. "This guy's heart's already stopped. How weak!"


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In the outskirts of Kyoroch in a more canyon-like area, Mine and Tatsumi stat on two logs, overlooking the town after their little 'date'.

Tatsumi: "Whew, we sure went to a lot of places."

Mine: "But it's a really fun and diverse place, isn't it. When everything's done, I'd like to enjoy myself shopping here." Tatsumi just began sweating a bit.

Tatsumi: "You take long to shot, so that'll probably take days."

Mine: "Huh? That's a pretty normal amount. A man who can't pardon a woman's shopping? How Shallow." The green eyed young assassin whoever, fired back with,

Tatsumi: "A woman who immediately teases about a guy being shallow, huh? How Shallow." The pink haired assassin, didn't like this response and a full blown argument broke out between the two, as usual.

" The pink haired assassin, didn't like this response and a full blown argument broke out between the two, as usual

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