Chapter 54: Kill the Reinforcements Part 2

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Night Raid's special mission has commenced, with the objective being to whittle down their forces as much as they could by assassinating as many Imperial Generals and High Officers as they could. With Levi and Chelsea going completely stealth to spot out any of the targets, Akame and Dairoku wore cloaks over their bodies as they separated, knowing that they'd cover more ground by splitting up.

While this was happening, an impatient and very self centered Revolutionary Army General named Nuge decided to charge into the Empire with his platoon. They were using horses as transportation as they neared the Capital's walls.

Rebel Soldier: "Are you sure about this, Nuge-Sama!? We're getting way ahead of everyone else... shouldn't we be keeping pace!?"

Nuge: "This will be the battle of the century! If you want to stand out, you've got to throw caution into the wind! As long as we get the desired results, nobody will say a thing! 'The driving force responsible for the surprise attack that broke the morale of the enemy right before the decisive battle' That's what the name of Nuge shall be associated with, forever etched into the annals of history!!" However, they immediately stopped right before the big wall, seeing a figure leap off of it and began to hover in the air.

Rebel Soldier: "Nuge-Sama! T-There's someone flying in the sky!!" It was her; the Icy General.

Nuge: "T-That's... It's Esdeath!!"


There the General, Esdeath floated, high above the small army of Rebel soldiers below her. By wrapping Ice around her body and making those piece float, she was able to levitate along with them, a bit like how Budo was able to fly. However, unlike Run, Dairoku, Akame and Lauren, she couldn't fly freely with them, but they definitely were useful enough to give her a height advantage.

Seeing the Empire's Strongest before him, Nuge reached behind him, pulling out multiple arrows out of his quiver and his bow before aiming at her and pulling the arrows back into the string.

Nuge: "At last, you're mine. With my Teigu, L'Arc Qui Ne Faut, I'll pierce right through you!! Claiming her head would truly be a deed worthy of praise!! I'll go down as a legend!! My name is all but assured of reaching mythical proportions.. TARGET ESDEATH!!"

He launched the arrows, causing them to go flying in different directions, all the while getting closer to Esdeath, who looked alarmed.

L'Arc Qui Ne Faut
Teigu Form: Bow and Arrow
Wielder: General Nuge

"By shouting out the name of their target while firing, as long as the target stays within range, the arrows will chase after them for all eternity, until they hit their mark."

L'Arc Qui Ne Faut is French for 'The bow which never fails', which is ironic as Esdeath only grinned as she slashed each arrow apart in an instant

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L'Arc Qui Ne Faut is French for 'The bow which never fails', which is ironic as Esdeath only grinned as she slashed each arrow apart in an instant. Nuge just stared in absolute disbelief while Esdeath scoffed and smirked.

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