Chapter 1

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The girl's alert eyes only concentrated on the swaying made by her little legs, which barely touched the ground. She sat on a metal bench, hugging and resting her chin on a peculiar butterfly backpack. She no longer seemed to be thinking or paying attention to anything else around her; that was what it seemed like at first glance.

What was she doing, or what was she waiting for? Why was she alone? That was what the teenage boy was wondering. He had not stopped looking at her for several minutes, waiting for her mother or a relative of hers to approach her.

Sitting in that square, with a smoothie in his hand, he was not paying any attention to what his friends were talking about. When he arrived, he had noticed that small presence ignored by others, as people came and went without stopping to look at her. He felt something about it, though he didn't know what. Worry? Intrigue? But more importantly, why would he care about her? The girl was not his responsibility.

With that in mind, he set about ignoring her and focused on what his friends were saying. A few minutes later, he was still far from achieving that, having participated very little in the conversation. Finally, there came a point where he could no longer stand the urge to verify if she was still sitting there, waiting. Out of the corner of his eye, he espied her in the same position, only now with a somewhat melancholic countenance.

He swallowed hard, not knowing how to react to that air of sadness. And why should he? He contained that frustration in wanting to ignore her one more time.

"Bro?" He was called by one of his friends, who apparently had been trying to get his attention several times. "Did you hear me? The movie is about to start. We have to go."

Noting his own situation, he remembered that they had tickets to a performance and it seemed it was time to go.

The teenager nodded and got up from his seat smoothly, subsequently following his friends up the escalator in the direction of the movie theater. And despite his calm strides and kind face, in his mind, he was mortified about leaving the little girl without a watchman. It wasn't his obligation, but he felt that need.

Almost finished climbing the stairs to the next floor, he gave her one last look. He perceived the same image from the new perspective, seeing her braided head still sitting atop her colorful backpack.


The hours passed and after seeing the movie, they made the decision to go to the soda stand. So animated was the group of friends that the boy had almost forgotten the matter of the girl. The incoming light in the square was almost nonexistent, so the light bulbs were lit.

It was already night and they still did not know whether to finish their outing. Perhaps the rest wanted to continue, but he wanted to leave at that very moment. With confidence and no regrets, he told them his desire to go and rest. Perhaps it was very rare for him, since they always went everywhere together and with high spirits, but on that occasion, he did not feel that way. Without further delay, he said goodbye and left. A strange feeling overcame him and without really knowing where his feet were taking him, he ran to the same place as he had hours before. The metal bench that was previously occupied by the girl was now empty.

"Maybe she left with her mother..." he said, thinking aloud without taking his eyes off the spot. Without really knowing what to think, he continued on his way.

Stepping outside, he realized that it had recently rained. The current of air from a recent storm intercepted his senses, making him shiver. He wanted to wrap himself up with the garment that hung from his arm, but some faint whimpers caused him to tense. He turned in various directions, wanting to find the source of the sounds, until his eyes came across a small bulge a few feet away in the corner.

First Love (Primer Amor) (Eng. Ver.) (GiornoxJolyne) (Giolyne)Where stories live. Discover now