Chapter 4

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Although he hadn't expected the bit of physical contact, it didn't feel unpleasant. Her hand, slightly smaller than his, pulled him gently. Giorno finally realized that Jolyne was doing it unconsciously. It came to remind him of her father. Of course, Jotaro would never have taken his hand, much less made physical contact. The resemblance was more in that the man acted with a certain impulse at times, despite normally thinking before acting.

He did not pay attention to his surroundings. Rather, he allowed himself to be guided by the young woman and observed her from behind. She was, of course, not easy to ignore. Her name continued ringing in his ears. Was it because of how peculiar it was? Since he could not decipher it, he remained lost in her silhouette, completely indifferent to his surroundings, missing the cry of an outraged father who was observing them from the distance.

"Giorno! What the fuck?!"

The blond stopped in his tracks, feeling an unpleasant shock. Jolyne also stopped her strides, feeling his rigid hand and seeing the violent dad approaching. The pair stared at the exasperated man, wide-eyed and tense, and in Giorno's case, also covered in a cold sweat.

"You dare?! Even though I offered you my hospitality, you brat...!"

Jotaro shouted, stunning them. He exploded at the image of his daughter and the blonde holding hands. Unable to control his impulses, he was tempted to grab their hands and wrench them apart.

"Jotaro!" The woman next to him knew well of his aggressive side. She unceremoniously stopped him, taking him by the arm.

With a little force imposed on that grip, Jotaro's fury slowly abated, looking directly at Jolyne. She was already letting go of the blond's hand and watching him with a somewhat disgruntled, indignant face.

"M-Mister Jotaro..." Giorno did not know what to say. It was the first time Jotaro had spoken to him like that, and if the situation had been different, he would not have allowed such behavior towards him, but since Jolyne was involved, he feared for his own life for a second. Perhaps it had been reckless to allow himself to be pulled along by his boss's daughter.

Jolyne finally let go of him completely, regaining her senses. Jotaro closed his eyes, feeling ridiculous. He internally thanked his ex-wife for having intervened. Knowing himself, he could have done something stupid and, if possible, further ruined his standing in his daughter's eyes.

"Hey, old man, what's wrong with you? Is this how you treat your co-workers?" This time, it was Jolyne. It maybe hurt a little; it had been so long, but her dad didn't bother to say hello or whatever before he started yelling at the blonde man. She had long anticipated that this visit would only bring her problems and now she felt that she was proven correct.

Seeing Jolyne scold him, Mrs. Kujo just covered her face, feeling sorry for Jotaro. She really didn't know how to help that man when he was already at this point in his relationship with his daughter.

Jotaro, instead of answering or paying any attention to the other two that were present, just kept looking at Jolyne. Hands on her hips, she looked at him indignantly. It had been approximately two years since they last saw each other. Noticing how much she had changed, he could not help but feel nostalgic, especially after hearing her voice. It sounded a little more mature, almost like that of a woman.

The blond did not know whether to speak up, but now, seeing his boss's face turning to a more relaxed countenance, he decided to keep quiet. He noticed a posture in Jotaro that he had never seen, although if he thought about it more, it was the most natural thing in the world. And it was caused by nothing more and nothing less than a father's own weakness towards his daughter.

"Okay, guys. Jotaro is just a little tired." Mrs. Kujo wanted to justify. "Don't take it to heart."

"Jolyne..." The man wanted to say something, taking a slight step towards her to have a loving reunion, but he did not have the strength to do it, or rather, he did not feel that he had the right to.

First Love (Primer Amor) (Eng. Ver.) (GiornoxJolyne) (Giolyne)Where stories live. Discover now