1/I: Finally Falling

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~Indy Serenity~

Monday, August 5, 2019

So, college started up again, but this time, I was a fresh alumna. It felt so freeing to have graduated, not dealing with any more of the stress of big projects or research papers that counted more than half of the grade. All the shit that every single semester had to offer. It was all over. However, I escaped all that just to enter another world of stress: adulting, taxes, saving money. That and the fact that I'll be away from my friends and fam during the day, who I love to call the "Honey Bun Squad." Although I live with my fam, I'd still have the opportunity to visit and have lunch with them and my squad during their breaks from classes. It'd be whenever I had a free day or a break from work, since now I have a full-time job working at my daddy's cafe.

Earlier that day, my older quadruplet sister Illvetta and I were getting approval from the dean, Mr. Prather, to organize an exciting event in early November before Thanksgiving break for the college students. Fortunately, he approved it without any hesitation. His only condition was for us to hold an assembly beforehand, organize a fundraiser to pay for decorations, and a decoration committee. We pretty much agreed to those terms to keep him colored impressed.

I was already in a positive disposition as lunchtime approached because we got the approval to hold an event at the college and being off from work as a bonus, so I offered to stay for lunch with my sister and the rest of my squad. Seeing Illvetta's face light up with delight was the highlight of my day. Seeing my squad of friends get eager as I and Illvetta walk into the student lounge hall was another. To my surprise, my best friend, Lotus, was there, waiting for me, so I was stimulated as I ran to hug her. (I have Asperger's.)

Lotus is the one friend who I really see as a sister—besides my actual sister, Illvetta—since ballet class when we were 5 years old. What kinda broke my heart was that she graduated before me in college, but she would always come by to visit and talk to me most of the time, and now we'd probably get to take breaks or have free days from work together just to hang with my fam and friends or just the two of us just hanging out together. We have a friendship that isn't like the others since we both related to a very certain degree.

"I figured you'd be here!" Lotus said. "What are you doing here anyway, girly?"

We took a couple seats next to each other at this huge table with the squad as I was answering her question. "Well, Illy and I were discussing something that was in the works for a while with the dean just a little while ago, with hopes of him approving it. Did it without any hesitation!"

"Yeah, so now, everyone will have to wait for an assembly on September 5th discussing what it is that we organized!" Illvetta added as she shared her homemade fries with me and Lotus. "So, please, don't pester neither me nor DiDi with questions about what we have going down. That includes you, Illias..." she gave a cheeky glare at my younger quadruplet brother.

My older quadruplet brother, Indiana—yes, my fam is a quadruplet family, should've mentioned that before—had to add in a witty remark, nudging him and laughing at his expense. "Yeah, with your annoying ass..."

Illias rolled his eyes and smirked, shaking his head.

As everyone carried on jesting and laughing at my baby brother, Lotus and I decided to talk among ourselves as we made our way to the kitchen to find something vegan-friendly.

"Soooo..." Lotus started. I was clueless as to what she was hinting at.

"Soooo...what?" I let out a chuckle. We paid for what we were able to find that was vegan and headed back to the lounge hall, but we decided to sit at two other seats at a small square table that weren't surrounded by other people. We sat beside each other so we could share food and continue our conversation.

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