24/XXIV: Leaving the Bee (and Her Queen) Alone, For Now...

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Friday, September 27th, 2019

It's been a couple weeks since I've haven't seen Slimy with anybody else. I saw her with Ellery at the fair, along with her friend as well. So long as she had fun and Ellery had fun, I was mostly okay.

I may have second-guessed Slimy, but that don't mean that I was gonna stop lookin' out for Ellery, with that sensitive heart she had. Slimy could still be doing no good, and Ellery wouldn't know. In addition, I still had a thing for her. She was still on my mind, even through the big dinner I attended at my bestie's house. I had fun, but it'd have been more than that if Ellery were invited.

Anyway, today was my day off from my job, so as per usual, I got ready to go hang out at my bestie's workplace. Showered, did my hair, dressed all cute, and drove on up there. I was really thinking about Ellery more than ever while I was driving. I don't know why, I just thought about her. I guessed that I hadn't seen her in a while and that I kinda missed her. I shouldn't be because we're not even friends as far as I was aware, but I couldn't help but to miss her.

I got to the cafe and happened to see Avella's truck, so I parked beside her. There was no doubt in my mind that Avella came just to see her sweetheart and get her hands on the pecan pie. She is somethin' else, but she's too admirable, easygoing, and devotional. She's the reason why I want to have a relationship one day.

I went inside, seeing Avella's eating several slices of the pecan pie. Avella was in her work apron, so she looked like she was about to head into work, since it was almost 9:00. Indy wasn't there, so she must've come later in the day. I also spotted Illvetta working. I wanted to guess that she and Jonni were really hitting it off, but I couldn't tell if they were a couple or just friends.

I sat with Avella because she was alone, but was enjoying the hell out of her pie slices. She smiled with her face full of pie and waved at me as I sat down.

"Hungry, ain't ya?" I chuckled out.

"Ha, ha! Funny!" she retorted, but was amused. "I'm about to head into work in a little while, so I thought I'd fill up until I get out at 6:00. What you doin' here?"

I kept thinking about Ellery, but I didn't want to tell her that, as she's gonna assume that I was obsessed. "I just like coming here out of boredom on days that I'm not working," I replied.

Avella raised a brow. "You're here for Ellery, aren't you?"

Now I had to crack since she asked. "Maybe...she don't come here every day, but almost every time that I come here, she comes in minutes later. I just...hadn't seen her in a while, that's all. I just like being her guardian angel sometimes."

She laid her hand on mine. It was warm. "As sweet as that is, you can't keep wanting to see her, then her 'girlfriend' will suspect that somethin' is up. You'll be in a world of trouble if she assumes that Ellery is cheating on her with you, when, like, Ellery isn't doing anything at all and wouldn't hurt a fly. Just be careful."

"Well, it's not only that, Avella...there's something else..." This had been on my mind for a while now, and I needed to tell somebody. Avella stopped eating her pie to hear what's up.

"The first time we talked, it sounded like she flirted with me. While I do like her but also knowing the situation she's in with her current lady, I don't think that I wanna associate myself with her any longer, or at least, for now, after long, careful thinking. I know that all we ever do is talk, but sometimes I get nervous when she comes up, whether Slimy is around or not. It's a mix of 'I love her,' but it's also 'this doesn't feel right.' I don't want Slimy getting the wrong idea, and then drama starts. She already is up on her toes because I did suspect her for havin' a side piece and not being loyal to Ellery. So, since then, she's been really lovin' on Ellery, and I can't get mad at her for finally being a good girlfriend just because of me. I just can't be friends with Ellery."

The Way Love Changes You; Book One: Love's FirstsWhere stories live. Discover now