18/XVIII: Building Our Way to Ecstasy

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~Indy Serenity~

Sunday, September 8, 2019

We were practically deep into our make out in front of her apartment complex. Though, I managed to break the kiss, but Avella wanted more mid-pause.

"Wait...we should continue this inside. Isn't that why we came here?" I said.

Avella smiled into my eyes, then we got out of her truck and ran up the stairs to her place, faster than lightning. She quickly unlocked the door, and we rushed inside. I followed her to her bedroom, but she hastily took one of her shoes off. She took her sock off and put it on her outside doorknob before shutting and locking the door. She turned her fairy lights to light up her room like they were stars and put on some songs that felt so sensual that it matched the mood of what we were both feeling right now.

It took nothing but us embracing each other's presence to raise the soft, romantic tension between us. After she locked the door, Avella came close and held me by the waist with one hand, and rested her other hand on my face, resuming to rub her finger behind my ear like she did before.

We locked eyes for a good moment, letting the sensual ambience in the room take over as we slowly waltz around the room. I couldn't help but eye Avella's lips the whole time. I wanted to kiss them again, and never stop. I wanted to let her know that she was extremely loved. I wanted her to know that I felt extremely loved by her. I wanted her to know that she's the one.

I couldn't hold it in much longer. I gingerly grabbed her chin, and I slowly brought her face down to mine. The kiss grew stronger as tongues began to dance together, as we resumed the energy and romance from the car. The panting commenced throughout.

We suddenly stopped, but only for Avella to help me out of my cape and shirt. She bit her lip, embracing my upper body for her first time. The warm touch of her hands slowly gliding up and down my waist left a tingling feeling in me. One of her hands moved from my waist to my chest, creeping under my bra to rub the spot where my heart was. I looked up at her, only to witness her smiling.

I didn't want to be the only one shirtless. I helped her out of her sweater. My eyes widened seeing her without a shirt on for the first time. While her breasts were a gorgeous sight, her skin looked like it was softer than the skin of an apricot. I wanted to wallow in the suppleness of her skin like a blanket, if it were physically possible.

And there we stood. Two lovestruck women in their bras staring knee-deep within each other's pupils, hearts racing and flames burning with all their might. Smiles spread across our faces.

At this point, I thought she'd take my bra and the rest of my clothes off and go ham, like most young people who fall in love, or go through what I call "the infatuation stage." Considering that this is Avella's first time, I then figured that she wanted to take things slow before sex came to mind. I wasn't mad at her at all for that. She could go as slow as she needed to, for I was in no rush to "go there" with her. She was already a perfect human being, and I was already hers.

Avella ever so gently puts her hand under my chin. She lifts it up to admire my eyes, but begins to conspire to fondle with my lips and neck. She wanted me at that moment. The press of her lips against mine couldn't be any softer. She then French'd me, growing deeper each second. It's like she kissed someone before, the way she had my eyes rolling in the back of my head and me moaning a little. My heart was throbbing out of chest. She was making me lose my breath. She was fucking good...or I've missed kissing for the longest time...or both...

It wasn't too long before we made it to her bed, with Avella on top of me. Our lips were still locked to each other, with Avella's breasts finally pressed against mine. Having another body on mine was a feeling that I never thought I would miss. I then felt my face melting as she left wet kisses on each side of my face. A little discreet swipe of her tongue from each kiss made my stomach flutter. She moved down to my neck and started kissing me there. Her tongue wasn't being discreet this time.

The Way Love Changes You; Book One: Love's FirstsWhere stories live. Discover now