41/XLI: Christmas Blues and Cheers

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~Indy Serenity, Jonni, Lotus, Redd, & Avellana~

Indy Serenity's POV

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

This is everybody's most favorite time of the year, especially mine. Joy and love is in the air, and there's nothing better than eating food, giving and receiving presents, singing classic Christmas carols, and being around the people who you love. This year, we were having a Christmas party at Sabina's place. Unlike the bitch whose name I won't say ever again, Sabina's mansion has a big living room for all of us to gather around and open gifts and mingle, eat a lot of food, and sing songs. Plus, Sabina is much nicer and doesn't starve for attention by doing scandalous shit. After all, she, along with her parents, is a close friend to my family.

We all at first thought about having the party on Christmas Eve night, but then we just wanted to do it the night of Christmas so we could open a lot of gifts at home and at the party. It was mainly Illias' idea. Anyway, I was glad that he suggested that. I had a gift for a special someone after getting to know her a little more for over a month.

This special someone helped me get over the roughest breakup of my life. She came to my side and made sure that I was okay the night of the ball. We helped each other see a lot of things in people who we used to know. What surprised me is that the forbidden named bitch used to be her ex-girlfriend and that she left her out of the blue. I told her that it's time that she found somebody better. It's been a year since she's been single, so why not be that "somebody better" to her? What's even better than telling her that in the form of a Christmas gift?!

It was around 5:30 in the evening, and I had just got to Sabina's place. The fam was there ahead of me so that they could help Sabina cook some food for the party. I stayed behind to work on my Christmas gift. Once I got inside, I was greeted with a big hug from Sabina. She was in a very jolly mood.

"Merry Christmas, Indy! I hope that everything is well, because...you know..."

I smiled at her. "Sabby, don't worry about it. I'm okay. It's all behind me. Besides, I think I found someone else who can fill that spot."

Sabina looked slightly disappointed, but tried to hide it with a smile. "Oh...I've always kinda thought that...never mind! I hope that you're happy with your new love! Being happy is all that matters!"

"Thank you, Sabina. That's very sweet."

I knew that deep down Sabina was very upset about me and...Avellana...breaking up. A lot of people were, even people who didn't know me or Avellana at all. They thought of us to be the "it" couple when they'd see us out together. But, the past is the past. It's time that I find somebody new and move on to bigger and better things, especially with a new year coming our way in less than a week.

I couldn't help but think back to when I last saw her for a moment. She looked different. Her hair was short. Short and curly. Was she telling the truth when she said she was suffering...? Now, I kinda wish that she was here. Knowing how things may be now, she'd get the invitation and wouldn't come because of how I yelled at her on her birthday. Her fucking birthday...and saying "Happy Birthday" to her never came to mind at all...although she went a whole month to say anything to me, I shouldn't have done what I did and just hear her side.

Shortly, my person of interest arrived. She looked beautiful. Just seeing her walking in made me smile. My gift for her was laying underneath the tree along with so many other gifts, and I couldn't wait to give it to her. What made it more appropriate for the party was that we both picked matching sweaters for the party. Our sweaters were cutely inverted versions of each other's design that was just a little Christmas ornament with a heart in the middle of it. It was my idea.

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