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i'm a lost cause.

ARIA HAD MADE HER great escape from her parents yet again, her heart thumping in her chest as she continuously whipped her head around, ready for the moment one of parents would pop around a corner.

Her hair blew in her face as she hurried down the steps, she halted as she seen two crew members talking outside of the crate her friends were hiding in, she hid behind a small wall.

She watched as they walked away, heading towards the opposite side of the ship, she hurried towards the crate, climbing into top of barrels as she banged her fist on the grate.

"What the fuck?" JJ cursed, his face becoming pale as he laid eyes on the frantic girl stood outside of the small opening, he quickly threw it to the side as he reached his hand out.

She grasped his large hand as he helped her in, he assisted her down the mountain of boxes until she reached the floor, "Thanks, JJ."

"Are you okay? We tried to find you everywhere but we couldn't. Where we you?" John B asked, furrowing his brows.

"I'm fine. I found the cross and while I was there Rafe came. He forced me to go with him. It's my dad. He's alive and so is Ward." Aria panted, tucking her thick strands behind her ears.

The group swallowed, "Yeah, we heard."

She flicked her eyes up to an unfamiliar face, taking in the girls beauty, "Sorry, who's this?"

"This is Cleo. She's the girl who helped me and Sarah out in the Bahamas." He gestured, she smiled at the girl.

"So they're just gonna get away with everything again, huh?" JJ blurted, playing with his chapped bottom lip as he scoffed underneath his breath, "Not happening.
We're not watching this movie again, right, Pope?
You said we need the win. And with her, we're going to the bridge, and we're gonna take it right now. You with me?"

John B glanced up, nodding his head in agreement with the blonde, "Let's do it."

"I'm with you, and I wanna be the one to take that bridge." Pope added.

Cleo chuckled at the boys, "He's gonna take the bridge? He couldn't even take me."

"First of all, I was going easy on you." Pope fired back, becoming obesely defensive as the two began to argue loudly.

As they bickered, their voices getting louder and louder, JJ quickly interfered, making them both quiet down.

He darted his eyes to the foreign girl, "If you're really with us, if we use that knife, we can go up into the bridge, hold it up against the captain's neck, then we go on the intercom and make him tell the rest of the crew to meet up in the forward hull. Once they're in the same place, bam, we lock them in there, and we take back what's ours."

"I like it. It could work." Pope shrugged.

JJ shot Cleo a daring look as he turned to her, "Are you with us then?"

"No." She replied bluntly, turning to the curly headed girls resting on top of the boxes, "This is stupid."

The group became silent as crew workers passed the ship, their voices loud, eyes going wide as they all glanced at one another.

"They're checking the crates." Aria whispered, the friends scurrying frantically.

Cleo climbed up on the sturdy boxes, removing the grate quickly before sliding out of the exit, ignoring the groups protests as she tripped over her own feet, catching the eyes of the crewmen.

"This one's clear, sir!" She panted, watching as they let go off the bars sealing the door shut, "Went through it inch by inch. Nothing but tubes and plastics in there."

"What if the stowaway had been in there?" The man asked tauntingly.

She leaned against the barrels, giving him a cocky glance, "Well, he wasn't...so. Come on, man. We have work to do. Move your bumper man."

The other crewman left the area once again, Cleo making sure the coast was clear until she hurried back to the crate.

Pope glanced back at the group, "Okay. She's on our side. That's good."

He removed the grate, climbing out as he joined Cleo stood on the deck, the two shared looks before sneaking away from the hidden spot and onto the ships deck.

Aria tucked her hair behind her ear awkwardly, sighing lowly to herself as she leaned against the wall.

"We just have to wait for the signal." John B nodded, looking back through the covered hole.

After a view minutes of silence, a hoarse voice came onto the intercoms, demanding that all crew members and passengers report to a single room, the Pogues jumped up, rushing out of the crate.

They scrambled around the ship, hurrying to their places.

authors note.

hi babes! i'm sorry i've been
away for so long :( i missed u.

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