Something not Nothing-11

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I had woken upon the dirty ground. Wasn't something new. It came with the grounds of being a superhero, waking up in strange new places after an attack or even just after being knocked down. I'd been here perhaps two or three times since the funeral.

I could never bring himself to look upon the engraved name that shone from the stone. Each time I saw it, well I didn't come often for a reason. The bile lived in my throat as a constant after the happenings yesterday.

My stomach growled, it was getting pretty late in the morning. I hadn't ate in over 13 hours, which probably wasn't too long to go without food. If you weren't a speedster. I didn't want to think about it though. All thoughts that ran my appetite had diminished till it was just me, the grave, and the sun. It would be a terrible way to die, but I wanted to embrace it. Wanted to be with Dick wherever he was.

Then a fear struck me at that though. What if Dick was no longer there in the afterlife he was now here, what if I had done all that to be with Dick and he wasn't even there he wasn't even there. He wasn't here. Clasped hands had to smother the rising panic and sobs.

My mind felt sharp, I knew how to hide, how to sneak. Like an assassin my nerves burned with the need to be put back into action.

Over my shoulder I caught one more glance of the headquarters. "Wally." The name rolled off my tongue easily, but my mind still blurred at the edges. So many questions and all I could trust were the instincts that drove me further.

Something had called to me in the void. Broken me free from the airy chains which bound me to the void. The terrain evolved to the outer city, and soon I had made it into the city.

I'm not sure what drove me I'm not even sure who me is. I touched my masked face, maybe I could recognize me. "Dick." The name came like water. It was what the gu- Wally had called me when I'd surfaced.

In a nearby bright lit window I stared at the face that looked back in puzzlement. For a moment I watched and with quick growing frustration I jumped to another building. In that window I still couldn't recognize me neither in the next or next. There came a moment where I no longer wanted to look at the me in the glass. So I turned away so easily. I cast him into the darkness of my mind as a spectator.

I had to have been recruited for a reason, there was purpose behind my existence. Now I just needed to follow the instincts right to it. My mission.

The darkness of nearby Alley caught my attention two suspicious figures shuffling into the alleyway. Stalking close by I watched as they passed the red stained concrete. The red- red stained concrete. The blurs along my memories remained. This scene was familiar.

Visions of a katana flashed, so much red. Red filled the edges, it filled my hands, it filled the concrete. It was all red and there was red in my mind. Seething red anger filled me so wholly, my fists trembled at my sides.

The shuffling of the two guys won my attention, the weight seemingly falling from my shoulders. Their shady business went on, I kept a distance to ensure what I saw was correct. Once certain these two were in fact planning to rob the shop, I slipped on down.

The shadows hid me they were just as much my disguise as my mask. "Gentlemen." I eased into the light and the two men visibly paled. Both throwing their hands up immediately.

"Didn't anyone tell you it's rude to interrupt someone's stake out?" A shadow figure appeared her pink accented disguise was almost cute.

"No girl scout cookies for us." One of the men grumbled out a comment. To which she quickly reeled back and slammed her fist into his stomach. He doubled over immediately, "Sorry but we're all out of thin mints." She bounced off her toes and giggled before facing me suddenly.

"Got anything to say-." She stopped her little dance quickly ended and even through the mask I could see her jaw drop. An inconspicuous turn on her toes had her facing the two men once again. "I'll take this from here." A cold shoulder?

Without delay she cuffed the two men who were at this point on looking, they were probably the worst criminals I'd ever seen. Well I couldn't remember but it must've been true of these past few hours. I hesitated to go, deep down a part of me cried to stay. Forced down I ignored it.

From building to building I leapt. I had still yet to find my purpose. It was like a sirens call, I heard it everywhere I went. Could feel it in my very bones moving me forwards forcing me down a predestined line. In a way I felt like a toy working my way down a conveyor belt. Each piece being placed upon me till I finally resembled the whole. Till I repaired the hollow hole within, till I became whole.

"I wasn't done talking with you." The girl from earlier approached. Her disguise was impressive but also lacking. Simple combat wear, large boots, plenty of compartments, a large black cape that was lined with pink, and to finish it all of a pink x upon her chest. There was some work on her headpiece , it looked as if it was a new addition. Long blonde hair kept tightly wrapped in a bun with a pink hair band pushing back the tiny hairs. Her mask a simple domino one.

"Do I know you?" She shook her head.

"People call me Pink X." There was no mistaking the pleading stare she met me with for a split second.

"Aren't you bad?" The memory snapped back like an overstretched rubber band. I fought the dull ache in exchange of having this knowledge back.

"Working on that." She sauntered closer. "Don't you ever think you could change?" I had to consider this as I had no clue who I even was. How could I possibly change if I'd never even once known who I was. Maybe in the few hours I'd been here I'd already changed who I was.

"It's difficult to change when you don't even know who you are." She smiled and grunted in agreement.

"Deep man." Her eyes downturned before returning with vigor and purpose. "Man have I got a mission for you." Such simple words yet all I'd been waiting to hear all day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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