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The movie ended as everyone started to leave. Johnny, Cutie pie, Ponyboy, Two-bit, Marcia, and Cherry all walked together along the sidewalk that bordered the Drive-in. "Well, why don't you talk about your other brother Darry," Cherry questioned, Ponyboy looked to her, "There is not much to say, he is tall, tough." Cherry rolls her eyes, "You always talk about your brother Soda, I know enough about him, so what about your brother Darry?"

Ponyboy looks back down, "Listen he hates me, absolutely hates me, and he would probably stick me in a foster home somewhere if it weren't for Sodapop. Two-bit and Johnny stare at Ponyboy for his sudden outburst.

"No no, Ponyboy you got it all wrong," Two-bit says with a concerned look in his eyes, "Yea you guys get along just fine." Ponyboy looks over to Johnny, "Shut your trap Johnny, your folks don't even want you at home!" Johnny feels himself grow pale.

"It's ok Johnny," Cutie says while stroking Johnny's arm. "Watch your mouth boy!," Two-bit yells, slapping the back of Ponyboy's head. "Oww," Pony rubs the back of his head, "I'm sorry Johnny, I was just mad."

"No i-it's ok, your right anyways," Johnny mumbled, "Don't say that, I'm here for you." Johnny gives Cutie a small smile, "Thanks."

A light blue mustang followed the teens, Cherry poked Marcia. "Aww crap, what do we do Cherry," Marcia whispered grabbing the attention of the others, who watched two socs exit the car. "What are you doing with these bums Cherry?" A soc said, beer in hand. "I told you I wouldn't be around you when you were drunk Bob," Cherry yelled causing the soc to laugh, "Come on we're not that drunk."

"You don't call puking and blacking out in the streets drunk?" The soc scoffed, "Just come with us and we won't hurt your little friends." Johnny noticed the rings on the soc's fingers, they were the same rings he remembered the day he was beaten in that parking lot. Johnny grew pale and stiffened up, "You ok?" Johnny nodded as Cutie pie patted his back.

"What do you mean, we ain't scared of you," Two-bit yelled picking up a bottle from the ground, hitting it against the fence to make it sharp. Two-bit throws a piece of glass to Ponyboy, while the socs pull switchblades out. "Stop!, "Cherry got between them, "We'll go with you, just get in the dam car." The soc sighed and sat in their car, "Why, we could have taken them." Cherry ignored Two-bit and pulled Pony to the side. "You're a great guy Ponyboy but if I don't say hi to you in school," she paused, "Don't take it personally."

Ponyboy nodded, "Yea, I get it." Cherry smiled and waved bye. Marcia and Cherry shuffled back the mustang and drove off.

The four boys walked toward Johnny's house, "Hey see you guys tomorrow, I'm gonna head off." The three boys waved goodbye to Two-bit and stood in front of Johnny's house, the sound of Johnny's parents fighting could be heard by all three of them. "I hate it when my folks fight, lets go to the lot," Johnny says as the three boys lightly jog to the lot.

The lot was an open field where people would sometimes dump old furniture or car parts. Johnny gathered sticks to light a fire. Ponyboy lay on an old couch cochin looking up at the stars, with a mopy look on his face. "You ok," Cutie says laying next to him, one hand holding his head up. "Yea," Cutie rolls his eyes at Ponyboy, "Hey why are you rolling your eyes at me!" Cutie shrugs his shoulders, "I don't believe you."

Ponyboy sighs and looks back up at the starry night sky, "I don't know, even though I said I get it, I-I just don't." Cutie pie bites his lip, "Don't get what?"

"Why Cherry Valance can't even say hi to me during school," Ponyboy says while Johnny starts to put the sticks in a neat pile. "She is a soc, she doesn't want you to ruin her perfect, rich reputation," Cutie says the last part in air quotes as he takes another stick of gum out of his pocket, "Want one?" Ponyboy shakes his head no.

Johnny finally lit the fire and motioned for Cutie to come, "Oh yes, it's so cold." Cutie crawls over to the fire and neals by it, hands over it to warm himself up. Johnny smiles as Cutie moves closer to him, his scent of roses and grease filling Johnny's nose once again.  Ponyboy stands up from his position and walks over to the two. "Hey I'm gonna head home, I don't want o'll Darry to scold me." Both Johnny and Cutie wave by to Ponyboy. Johnny looks around wondering why Cutie pie hasn't left yet, "Hey are you going back to your house?"

Cutie swallowed, "Yea, I think ill stay with you tonight, I mean you can't beat sleeping under the stars," he nervously says. Johnny realized he might have crossed a line and stopped himself from asking any more questions. "Well, ughh, good night Cutie," Johnny says while dusting an old cushion off and lying on it. "You can take the couch if you want."

Cutie nodded and lied on the old couch. As Cutie was feeling his eyes grow heavy, he saw a bold through the sky. "Johnny did you see that," Johnny moves to face Cutie, "See that." Cutie points to the sky as more glowing things bolt across the sky. "I think there shooting stars," Johnny says, both boys smiling.

"Make a wish," Cutie whispers, Johnny closes his eyes and thinks about what he really wants. "I-I want Cutie pie to like me," Johnny secretly wishes, "What did you wish for." Johnny blushed a little, "Oh um, If I tell you it won't come true right." Cutie nodded and looked back to the stars.

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