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Cutie pie folded the letter back up and stuffed it in his jacket pocket. "So why'd you get pulled in?" Ponyboy asks running his hand through his hair, a frown forming on his face when he felt how short it was. 

"Ah, the boys down at the station know me by now. I get pulled in for everything," Dally spoke as he turned his car key to ignite the engine. Dally smiled and pushed his foot down causing the car to accelerate. "DALLY SLOW DOWN!" Cutie screamed as the car swerved around muddy roads and corners.

"Calm down Cutie, I know what I'm doin'." Dally drove like that all the way to the Dairy Queen. 

"Your gonna get us killed," Cutie snaped as the Car came to a stop. "Come on Cutie pie, you know Dally wouldn't," Johnny said in-between laughs, "stop making that face, your like an angry toddler."

Dally and Ponyboy joined in on laughing, causing them to get a few weird looks from other families. "So immature." Cutie mumbles as Dally step out to get food. "Hey wait! Let me come with, you always screw my orders up!" Ponyboy screamed running after Dally. 

Johnny and Cutie giggled, Cutie turned around to look at Johnny, who sat on the back seat. "So, you doin' better Johnnycake?" Johnny stopped laughing and turned his head to look out at the passing cars. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Come on Johnny, It has to be hard coping with something like that. Just let me help..." Johnny cut Cutie off with a stern, "Shut up!" Cutie's eyes worriedly watched Johnny, wondering what was going through his head at the moment. Dally suddenly came back with Ponyboy and handed both Johnny and Cutie their food. 

"Should probably tell you guys, there's a rumble happening tomorrow night," Dally says stuffing his face with fries and taking a sip of his drink. Cutie turned to Dally, "What for Dall?"

Dally shrugged as he set his drink down. "Well, If we win the soc gotta stay out of our territory. If they win then things go back to normal, and well have socs in our hang-out spots." Cutie sighed and took a bite of his burger. "You know, fighting ain't always the way. There are other ways to settle things, like talking it out or some shit like that."

Dally sighed and turned to Cutie, "It's just the way things are, I can't change it but I can help us win, and that's all that matters to me."

Cutie thought back to his dad, remembering all the fights his mom had had with him. Cutie remembered how his dad always tried to protect him from his mom when she was drunk, and he would always clean up Cutie's cuts when he got into fights at school. A tear left Cutie's eye as he thought about what his dad always told him. 

"Peace cannot be achieved by force Cutie, It may only come from understanding."  He always admired his dad for his superhero-like qualities and promised himself he would grow up to be like him. He knew his dad loved him, he knew that his mom didn't and that's just how things were. 

It was like yesterday that he remembered his dad drinking his pain away from the fight with Cuties mom earlier. He could remember the slurred "Goodbye" his dad had said as he exited the door. He remembered watching as his dad's car pulled away. He remembered being called by the hospital, telling Cutie's mom that his father had died from a car crash. 

Cutie blamed his dad's death on his mom ever since, he tried to listen to his dad's words, and make peace with his mom, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

Cutie was brought back to the real world as Dally started the car engine. "We also got a spy." Johnny wrinkled his eyebrows and sat himself up, "Who is it?" 

"Remember that hot redhead I was tryin' to pick up at the Drive-in. You know! The feisty one who threw the coke at me. Yea, Cherry Valance or somethin', she's been helping us. Goin' behind the socs backs and giving us their plans." Dally says while Ponyboy thought back to the night before they ran away. Cherry Valance, it made no sense to him, but he was glad that she was helping.

"When did she decide to help you?" Ponyboy asked, still a little blown away that she was helping the greasers and not the socs. "Ehh, she came in a small car, a real nice small car. Anyways she came to me and a few others, must have taken guts, but she agreed to help spy on the socs for us. So far sheds told us that they agree to use no weapons, clean fight. She also told us that she can speak in your favor at the hearing, prove that Bob was drunk, the one who started the fight. Some shit like that.  By the way, you guys think I got a shot with her, I think she might like me."

Ponyboy rubbed his head, taking everything in. The car continued down the gravel road making little cracking noises as the tires ran over it. Johnny spoke up after a few minutes of silence. "We're gonna turn ourselves in."

Dally's eyes grew wide as he slammed the breaks with his foot. "What did you say?" The three boys stared at Johnny who grew a little pale. "I mean you said it, we have people to speak for us at the hearing, and It's better than being on the run forever."

Dally shook his head, "Listen, kid, you can't do that. You won't run forever, but if you go to jail, for even a month itil change you forever. Look at me, I used to be like you three. Jail toughened me up, made me do things I would have never thought about doing before. I just don't wanna see the same things happen to y'all. Especially our little Cutie pie here, can't see him turn."

Cutie frowned as Dally laughed and ruffled his hair. "You  know I'll never be able to get used to that hair."

"I know it sucks, you don't gotta rub it in," Cutie says, eyes growing wide as he saw smoke coming from behind a hill. 

"It's coming from the Church," Ponyboy screamed as Dally sped toward the smoke. The car came to a stop as the four watched in horror. The building was in a blaze as children ran in chaos. 

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