•Chapter 3: Kidnapped Friend.•

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Gregory climbed back into Freddy,"Sorry for leaving, I wanted to find a battery for you so you can save more power.", "That is very thoughtful of you Gregory, but unfortunately a battery would not help as to require more power you would need to take off my power restrictions.", Gregory nods, forgetting that Freddy had malfunctioned on stage, he looked at his FazWatch and at the message this customer left about it, glaring he held it down and began to reply.
"I apologise sincerely for a malfunction that was completely out of our hands, but maybe if you were a robot that had to recharge and constantly be repaired and updated, and you begin to pass out then maybe you shouldn't be so hard on the company and the animatronics."
Gregory sent the reply, smirking, he loved that he was getting the hang of the Fazwatch.


Gregory finally got to El Chips and crawled underneath,"Be careful. . .", "I will.", he kept low as he crawled around the restaurant to get to, and find this office.
Still had to avoid those stupid bots and Roxy because they were roaming around the restaurant trying to find him and probably drag him to my doom.


Finally, Gregory got out of the vents, leaving that wind up thing in the vents and hopefully it leaving me alone for now.
I enter the office and find the badge,"Got it, Freddy-!", before I knew it an alarm went off and a timer appeared,"Freddy, what happened?!. . .", "The Office is on lockdown, Monty and Roxy seem to be making their way towards the office. That timer is how long it will take to shut down the lock down, keep them away long enough for me to stop it, alright Superstar?", I nod and ran to shut the door as Roxy tried to get in.
"I bet you don't even have friends."
. . .
She's right, my first friend was Freddy.


Finally, as soon as the lockdown ended I ran out of the office to find Freddy.
I jumped out and realised the sad and stupid truth: I got lost.
I cursed myself and ran around this, area to try and find a way out or doing map signal to contact Freddy.


Finally, I found another Security Card but I was locked up in the office that had one door,"Freddy, I found the Security Card but Chica is banging on the door, how do I get out?", "Chica loves Pizza. On the desk should be a self-ordering bot app, maybe use that to lure her away.", I nod and turn on the app, questioning how an animatronic can even eat or love food if it can't taste.


Finally that duck was gone!
But someone, maybe that Vanny, changed the permissions on the security stuff so now he has go back to Freddy before Chica or Roxy find him again, Monty he can out run but not those two for long!


Where is he? He isn't talking nor is he responding to the watch, is he in a recharge station??
Walking around alone was a bad feeling, with the bots, robots, Vanny and Vanessa all around trying to get Gregory, he was out in the open with nothing but a Fazblaster that won't do much.
"Gregory. . . Gregory. . ."
Gregory ran as he heard him through the watch,"Freddy, where are you??. . .", "Down. . .", his voice began to glitch, Gregory pulled up Fazmap and found where he was and is located so he sprinted there, not caring if he was spotted.


Gregory ran to him,"You're okay. . . I was worried. . .", his voice was glitching and looked as if he had been thrown off a high place,"What happened??", "I. . . I missed the hourly charge, and tried to get to Parts and Service. . . Something is wrong. . . But I got jumped. . .", Gregory looked around took notice the light slightly high place, Gregory turned back to Freddy,"What do I do? What can I do??", "Help me to parts and service. . . The only way I know how is the lift, it's on the stage and takes me down after every show. . . The lift controls should be in in the door behind me. . .", Gregory nods,"Okay. I'll do my best.", "I know, SuperStar. . . Entering Rest Mode.", with that Freddy closed his eyes to save his battery.


Gregory ran around to find another office to get to that office and find the lift controls.
But I eventually found it after having to avoid Roxy and the bots that that alert my location, so I may have scraped a knee.
Now's not the time, Freddy needs help!
So, Gregory grabbed the Security Card but also found a disc,"It looks old, but in good condition.", "Gregory?. . .", a smile appeared and he turned to see Freddy on the screens,"Freddy!", "I don't know, what you did but my signals are fixed and I can. . . Sort of walk again.", "Thank God for that.", Gregory then jumped at the sound of banging, turning to other cameras he saw Roxy and Monty,"They're banging on the doors! How do I get out??", "Do not let them in, the doors were built with a shock deterrent. It should stun them.", Gregory nods,"Okay, but how do I get out?", "See the large vent, you are possibly standing above it. I can force it open and get out you that way, but for now you must stall.", Gregory nods, looking between all the doors and was ready to stun these jerks!


Running back and fourth was hard.
But Gregory wasn't planning on getting letting these things win so he didn't complain.
Gregory jumped in fright but was relieved when he saw the large vent was opened and moved by Freddy, he looked down and saw Freddy,"Jump down!", Gregory nods and jumped, and Frddy caught him, "Freddy, you saved me! There were no lift controls up there. . . Only a disc and a card.", "It is. . . No worry. We can use the disc to active a show protocol, we can get to the main stage and it will take us to parts and service. As, that is the only way I know to get there. . .", Gregory nods, letting Freddy lead the way bt was a little worried by Freddy was using the wall as support to walk.
. . .


Freddy and Gregory made it to the stage, Freddy nearly collapsing right there,"Freddy. . .?!", "I'll be alright. . . Superstar, just play the music. . .", I nod, looking up I see Monty, Roxy and Chica wandering around and most likely that bunny lady was around to, so I had to be quick.
So, I ran up to that box thing that looked like where they played music and put I  the disc, hitting the play button several times.
A huge hologram appeared, it looked so cool,"There is the kid!", I turned and saw Roxy running at me, I wasted no time and jumped down onto of a photobooth and then to the ground,"Get him!", I sprinted, seeing Freddy and even pushed some of the safe gate things out of the way,"Freddy!", without a moment to lose, Gregory hit the button that lowered them down and leaving Roxy and Chica unable to reach them.
Gregory turned to Freddy,"Where they the ones that jumped you?", "I am. . . Not sure, I can not recall. . . But amazing as usual Superstar.", I smile at Freddy.
. . .
"Wait, what time it is? The Daycare Attendant!", Freddy realised the same, looking around they saw it on the wall,"Moondrop!", "Naughty Boy. . .", "Get to the recharge station, follow me!", as soon as the lift stopped Gregory ran after Freddy, who may have been limping but was fast.
Before Gregory could comprehend what happened, Freddy put him inside the recharge station,"Stay.", Freddy?!", Gregory heard a loud bang, he looked through the glass and saw a horrible sight.
Freddy unconscious, seemingly the back of his head was cracked opened as oil or. . . Some substance was leaking out, and that stupid Moondrop waving and dragging him away,"NO! FREDDY, WAKE UP!", Gregory banged on the window, but nothing could stop him.


"Thank you, Moondrop. Now find that kid.", Moondrop left, leaving Vanessa and Freddy alone in Parts & Service.
Vanessa got Freddy in the cylinder for repairs, as she did she noticed the cracks, damage and the bust in the back of his head,"My God. When I asked Moondrop to get you, I didn't mean like this.", "Freddy. . .! Freddy can you hear me. . .?!", Vanessa's eyes darted at the window, seeing the kid looking at his wrist and running past it, looking at Freddy,"You. . . You were helping him.", Freddy didn't reply, Vanessa sighed heavily,"Least he ain't dead. Last thing we want is a lawsuit and a death on our hands, but why did the animatronics bring me you broken.", Vanessa grabbed a flashlight and went to look for that kid.

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