•Chapter 7: Putting Pieces Together.•

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Freddy was put back on charge in Parts & Service while Vanessa and Gregory layed out the documents or pages they got from that room,"So, kid. How long have you been living on the street?", "A while. Just, not use to getting help is all and, uh. . .", Gregory sighed and sat down, Vanessa looked at him,"Is that why you're so. . . Irritated?", "I don't mean to be-, I just. . . You know. . . I've been avoiding and surviving out on the streets for so long and uh, I guess I just don't understand adults or others so. . .", Vanessa nods,"You're alright kid, I understand.", Gregory nods, thankful that Vanessa was a little more understanding now that she took a second to listen to him instead of locking him up in Lost & Found.
They both stood up and looked at the blueprints and papers around them,"Fuck.", "Kid-", "Oh, come on, adults swear at me all the time.", Vanessa sighed, she wasn't this kid's mom so she didn't stop him,"Fine. Whatever.", Gregory walked around the blueprints that they had found, they were slightly dull or had slight rips and tears in them.

", Gregory walked around the blueprints that they had found, they were slightly dull or had slight rips and tears in them

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"Hey, Vanessa, look

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"Hey, Vanessa, look.", Vanessa walked over, crouching down to look at the blueprints,"This all seems to be made by that Afton person, and none of them look friendly.", Vanessa nods,"No kidding.", but when picking up the blueprints she noticed thses didn't seem to be made for entertaining kids.
The bear with a missing eye seemed to have an audio that lures possible kids to it and the other bear seemed to be mixed with very old animatronics but a word stood out to Vanessa,"Remnant?", "What's that mean?", Vanessa shrugged,"Not sure, it's mentioned twice both here and in this spoon looking thing.", Vanessa took her phone out a searched it up, she groaned as she got several different meanings,"Several meanings, but the closet would be; The definition of a remnant is something left over or an indication of the past. An example of a remnant is the last yard of fabric that remains after all the other fabric has been sold. An example of a remnant of the past is rotary telephones.", Gregory titled his head,"Huh. Guess it explains why old animatronics were mentioned?", "Maybe so.", though Vanessa got a bad feeling about the arm thingy that was named The Remnant Injector.
The Gregory picked up a blueprint of the Pizza Plex, noticing the white pencil marks,"Hey, Vanessa, what's this??", he walks over and shows her, she sighed heavily and rubbed her eyes,"God. . .", "What's wrong?", Vanessa looked at Gregory, before she grabbed another blueprint and he saw it was of Bonnie,"It was uh, Bonnie's last movements. Over the course of my first few weeks as a Night Guard, my boss had warned me that Bonnie had some old programming that had him wondering the building but only ever on the East side of the Pizza Plex, I had reported that during this Bonnie had been. . . Very aggressive and back then, the only one that could calm him down was Freddy or Chica, but mostly Freddy.", Gregory nods slowly, putting the page down and walking around the papers.
"You wouldn't be judged if you forgot they were robots, kid.", Gregory looked up, Vanessa was holding a full page of coding for the animatronics,"When the animatronics get damaged in some way, the kids treat it as if they were human it shows just how life-like they are and. . . Well, how much they mean to kids.", Gregory nods,"Yeah, I always wanted to come in here and see a birthday but you know, got chased and all.", Vanessa nods, Gregory then showed her the message,"Listen, maybe if we all go to Monty's Golf thing, we can find out what happened to Bonnie and maybe even get Monty out if this violent state.", Vanessa shrugged,"Monty has always been in edge, but never this much so. . . Yeah.", "Well, how did you fix Freddy when he got hacked??", Vanessa put a finger on his lip, pausing to remember before she stood up and approached the computer, Gregory following and see her open a program,"We weren't able to trace who sent the program, but this program managed to stop Freddy from the hack attack. Maybe we can transfer it to a USB and put it on the animatronics.", Vanessa then pulled up another blueprint on the company, only this one showed the Skeleton of the animatronics,"The back of the Endos, which is what the Skeleton is called, you can see there is a USB right below the back of the memory card, which is basically a small disc that can be easily put in but hard to take out.", with that Vanessa transfered the program to a USB and showed it to Gregory,"If I can get close enough to the robots it could stop this strange virus.", Gregory smiled,"Sounds like a plan, and it sounds so cool!", Vanessa nods, starting to take a liking to the kid,"Okay, but we have to wait till Freddy is done charging.", Gregory nods, gladly taking a long breather and maybe even take a small nap.


"Find that brat! He must be killed and sacrificed!", they watched from the shadows as the main 3 animatronics broke off from the mad lady.
After making sure the coast was clear, grabbing their laptop they made their way down to Parts & Service.

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