•Chapter 4: Friends/Enemies?•

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Gregory ran down the hall, looking for a key card or a security card that would allow him to get into Parts & Service.
He took a moment to recharge his Flashlight and to catch his breath, all the running around made him tired and kind of wish these robots would give him a break.
"Kid! Kidd!! Please come out!!"
Gregory froze, it was that guard!
Quickly grabbing his flashlight, Gregory jumped into a bucket to wait for Vanessa to move on and look somewhere else for me.
He carefully watched as Vanessa walked into view, admittedly she looked tired and mad but at the same time Gregory couldn't trust her because of how close her name was to Vanny AND because she tried to lock up him up in Lost And Found!
Vanessa glanced around, before she took off down a different hall.
Peaking out, Gregory glanced around making sure Vanessa was far down the hall so he carefully climbed out of the bucket and went down another hall.


Gregory shined his light down the hall, taking notice of all the. . . Animatronics? Is this what they look like without their suits??
Gregory gulped and slipped past it to hit a button, flinching at the sound of footsteps, turning he saw the Skeleton thing had moved.
. . .
So Gregory kept a close eye on it as he walked backwards, trying to not run into anything, before he sprinted and kept looking back to try and slow down whatever it was!
Gregory took notice that it was getting faster and was moving faster each time he found a button!


Gregory finally found a room that had a Security Card Holder,"Finally!", Gregory opened it and snatched the card,"I can now get Freddy!", Gregory was about to run, but stopped to look at the room, it was an old playroom with dead Skeletons and, it looked like someone. . . Was working here?
Gregory approached the computer, tapping the space bar and it proved to work as the screen was on lock so no change of calling for help.
All Gregory got, was the lock screen had 'M.A' on the lock and there didn't seem to be any password so just great!
"Got ya!"
Vanessa seemed to appear out of the dark, grabbing Gregory by the arm,"Gah!", "You are in so much trouble!", Vanessa tried to drag Gregory away but Gregory grabbed her arm and pulled her towards,"No! You can't lock me back up, she'll find me again and try and kill me!", Vanessa groaned, wondering why she choose this job because she just hated kids, turning to Gregory,"Look kid, I dunno where you got the idea someone is trying to kill you, but you're not supposed to be here so you and I are going back to my office until your parents-", "They won't come! They're not here!", Vanessa stopped, both of them freezing.
. . .
"What.", Gregory gulped, Vanessa sighed and finally kneeling down at Gregory's level,"Kid. Why won't your parents come and get you.", Gregory looked at his shoes, before he looked up at Vanessa,"Because. . . Because they don't want me.", a heavy silence fell over them,"They. . . They gave me up, the Orphanage Lady told me so and if one of us misbehaves she hits us with rulers or locks us in a timeout room with no supper, I took the chance I needed and I just wanted to hide in here till she gave up but. . .", Gregory wanted to cry, but he didn't want to be seen as a cry baby, Vanessa wasn't good with the whole comforting thing but she gave Gregory a hug, making him hug back,"Look kid, I'm sorry. It's just. . .", they broke the hug and Vanessa took off her hat, revealing her messy blonde hair, Gregory could see the stress and lack of sleep in her eyes and face,"Working nightshifts, it does something to a person and-. . . I've just been on edge, and. . .", Vanessa sighed heavily, rubbing her eyes, Gregory looked at Vanessa and couldn't help but feel bad for her, she was just doing her job and he did break in.
Suddenly a long bang interrupted the silence, making them both turn to the source of the noise.
"Hide!. . ."
Gregory pulled Vanessa by her arm behind old playblocks that were around the room.
They listened and watched in silence, hearing both heavy and light footsteps.
Vanessa was in shock to see a white rabbit skipping into the room holding a knife with Roxy following them.
The rabbit giggled before clicking a button and computer lit up again, they let out a disappointed,"Awe. . . Password. That's no fun.~", Gregory could at least confirm it was a girl trying to kill him, Vanny hummed as she spun around the room and picked up Vanessa's hat,"Ooh~ The Gaurd has been here~ So it the kid and her might be close~ So close~~!", Vanessa and Gregory looked at one another, both thinking that this lady was crazy as shit.
Vanny turned to Roxanne,"Find the boy~ I'll find the password~!", with that they left the room, Roxanne and Vanny leaving in two different directions.
. . .
Gregory turned to Vanessa,"Do you believe me now? She's been chasing me all night, ever since I got into the Plex and chased me till I hid in Freddy. . . After he had malfunctioned. . .", Vanessa stared at Gregory, taking a moment to process what the heck was happening right now.
. . .
"Okay, kid.", Vanessa stood up,"You got me convinced.", "Really!?", "Yeah.", Vanessa and Gregory got out from behind the blocks, Vanessa turned to Gregory with her hands on her hips,"Look, I know I made your job hard. But can't we just call it even, because I've been chased all night. So, truce. . .?", Gregory held his hand out for a handshake, Vanessa sighed and shook his hand,"Don't make me regret this.", "I won't!", Vanessa groaned, knowing this was way above her pay, but she wasn't about to let a kid die.
So, Gregory held her hand as she lead the way,"If this rabbit lady is after you, she also may be behind what happen on stage.", "Huh?", Vanessa looked down at Gregory,"Turned out the reason Freddy collapsed on stage, was because there was a cyber attack and Freddy's system was shut down because of it.", Gregory's heart stopped,"Wait-Freddy, we have to go back for him!", she pulled Vanessa down the hall,"Wha-", "Guard lady, The other robots are the reason he was broken, they attacked him because he was protecting me. . .!", Vanessa slowly let that sink in, thinking about everything before she nods,"Okay, yeah, we have to get Freddy.", with that, the new friends/Enemies ran down the hall back to Parts & Service.


The sound of keys on a keyboard echoed through the dark and the sound of a bing stopped the clicking for a moment.

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