•Chapter 13: Back To The Daycare.•

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Michael and Vanessa practically threw open the doors, they ran to The Daycare Veiw and shone their lights down at the Daycare,"Do you see him??", Vanessa shook her head,"No, too dark and our lights can't light up the room enough from here.", Michael looked at Vanessa,"Wait, try the cameras but try and put the night vision mode on.", Vanessa nods, she pulled out her phone and quickly accused the cameras.
. . .
Vanessa pointed and there they saw Moon guarding Gregory, who was in now laying down wide awake and under a blanket,"If Gregory gives any sign that he's awake, Moon will kill him.", Michael nods,"Yeah. What do we do, I don't have a plan-I've never even dealt with animatronics like this.", Vanessa hummed, glancing down the slide.
. . .
"Okay, the room has four generators to turn on the lights, maybe if we turn on ONE side of the room's lights now then we can get Gregory to safety and Moon can't get him.", Michael nods,"Okay, Okay. So, where are they?", Vanessa pointed to the play-structures,"They're in there, I asked my boss why we leave them out during the night but he says it's not my place to ask.", Michael had a bad feeling about it.
"Michael, you try and get to Gregory and I'll turn on the generators, I know where they are.", Michael nods,"Okay, so you're turning on the lights by the ballpit?", "Yeah, once we do then Sun will come out and we can convince Sun to help us get the virus out of Moon's system.", Michael nods, then followed Vanessa to the slide,"Wait, we have to go down the slide?", "Don't worry, we'll land in the ballpit.", Vanessa went down first, Michael waited a few minutes before he slid down.


Vanessa and Michael landed in the ballpit safely, Vanessa got on her hands and knees to crawl out of the ballpit and to the play-structures to find and turn on the lights for half the room.
Michael crawled towards Gregory, Gregory saw Michael barely in the dark,"Michael. . .", Michael gave a sign to be quiet, Gregory gulps and nods as he glances up at Moon.
"Someone is here. . ."
Moon stands up and goes towards the play-structures, giving Gregory time to crawl to Michael and with that Michael had him hide under the balls.
Vanessa was crawling around finding generators,"Okay, Generator 1 and 2, those are what I need.", Vanessa turned on 1,"Vanessa.", she turned and saw Moon, and he looked pissed and not wanting to stick around, Vanessa crawled away fast!
"Come back here~!"

Vanessa cursed and thanked the Lord that her boss had her to this when she did her training for this stupid job.
Finally, she found the generator and plugged it in and activated the lights!
Vanessa crawled out of the play-structures,"VANESSA RUN!", she ran  but only fell when she felt her ankle be grabbed and yanked, causing her to fall and his the ground,"Rule Breaker. . .!", "VANESSA!", Michael stood up and sprinted to Vanessa,"MICHAEL!", Vanessa was trying to kick Moon off her ankle, then Michael grabbed a box,"SAY NIGHTTIME TO THIS!", Michael kicked Moon in the face and throw the box on him.
Michael helped Vanessa up and they sprinted to the ballpit, both falling into it with Gregory sighing with relief and Moon saying something about the mess.
Vanessa and Michael sat up in the pit, Vanessa feeling like she had bruises all over, her chin was bleeding, hair a mess and overheating, Michael felt like he might just faint from exhaustion and he couldn't feel his foot anymore.
"Ho! Ho! Hello new friends and Rule Breaker!"
They turned and saw Sun pop up from the pit,"May, May! Why is the room like this and are you two injured??", Vanessa stood up from the ballpit,"Sun! We need help, besides the injures!", he titled his head as Vanessa just used her wrist, like she was resting her chin on her arm, but her uniform was soaking up her blood,"We need Moon to hold still, there's a virus making him attack us, can you help?", Sunrise hummed, Gregory went to Michael who hasn't gotten up,"Michael are you okay?", "Yep!. . . Think. . . My foot just hurts from that kick, things made of metal.", Gregory nods, Sun nods,"Okay! If you want him to stand still, your best bet is to make a mess of the room, it was distract him while you go to the control area and turn off his arms and legs, it will stop him from moving.", Vanessa nods, taking a moment to collect herself,"Vanessa?. . .", "As soon as Moon is dealt with, we get the medkit. It's also behind the control table.", Gregory nods, worried for both the adults that were trying to fix this and keep him alive.
"Okay, Gregory I want you to knock over the boxes, I'll run over to deactivate Moon.", Gregory nods, Sun had offered to look at Michael's ankle and was certain he twisted it.
Gregory counted to three, and made a dash for the boxes and kicked them all down,"Mess. . .! Mess. . .! Tidy. . .!", Vanessa took her chance and sprinted the desk, she barely avoided the corner of the table.
She opened the computer and began to shut off Moondrop's arms and legs.
Vanessa then managed to turn on the rest of the lights, grabbing the medkit under the table and walking over to Gregory as she took out plasters and bandages for herself,"Is he down. . .", "Yeah.", Vanessa gave the USB to Gregory as she took a moment to bandage her chin, then took out bandages for Michael, who Sun got out of the ballpit and onto the floor.
"Least it's not broken.", "True.", Michael took the bandages and wrapped it around his ankle and foot, he didn't take off the sock because he couldn't be bothered and then he slipped his boot back on,"Thank God, you okay Vanessa?", "Yeah, just a cut under my chin.", Michael nods, managing to get back to his feet but leaned against the wall,"So. . . Is Moon good?", Gregory looked up and Vanessa saw he had plugged in the USB,"Uh, he's getting somewhere.", Vanessa nods, then she turned to Sun,"Sun, can you. . . Can you do me a favour?", "Of course, to make up for the trouble.", "Do me a favour, send this to this email, basically send me information about Vanny.", Sun nods, giving her a salute,"Of course!", then the door opened, they all turned.
. . .
Michael, forgetting his ankle injury, he ran to Gregory and scooped him up and him and Vanessa took off running!
. . .
Sun turned to Moon,"What crazy folks, huh?", ". . . Sun you fucking-"


Freddy paced the Parts & Service, Monty watched and couldn't understand why Freddy would need to worry, they can handle it.
. . .

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