•Chapter 5: Patching Freddy Up.•

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Gregory and Vanessa rushed back to Parts & Service, Gregory immediately felt his heart leap of joy and he ran to the Cylinder Glass,"Freddy!", Vanessa quickly did a quick check of the perimeter, making sure no animatronics could get in.
Gregory pressed against the glass, seeing Freddy still on the chair thing and powered off,"One moment, kid.", Vanessa came over, approaching the computer and typing something in before the door opened up.
Vanessa turned to Gregory,"Wait here.", she entered the cone and got behind Freddy, crouching down to inspect the head damage,"Fuck. . . What did Moondrop do.", "Um. . .", she turned to Gregory, who had entered against her wishes but she couldn't stop him,"He was already damaged before we came here, I think when he fell the shell of the suit. . . Broke?", Vanessa nods,"Yeah, I can see. Though, we got lucky as none of the wires seem to be have been ripped at or damaged so be thankful, kid.", Gregory nods, Vanessa stood up and grabbed a tool box and opened a larger box and pulled out a few things.
Gregory watched in fascination,"You know mechanics?", "A little. Took a course in secondary school and university. When I took the job, was asked if I am able to fix stuff up and said yes, so I do minor maintenance on the bots. Most of them.", Gregory sat on the floor, laying on his back to watch Vanessa work on the patch.
"So, it was a cyber attack?"
Vanessa nods,"Mhm. It was confirmed after we got Freddy off the stage, mechanics were not happy and are determined to find the idiot that tried to hack him, but some. . . Program stopped it from spreading.", "Huh. A luck.", "Mhm.", Gregory watched as Vanessa patches up the crack, managing to seal it up.
Vanessa glanced down and just saw Gregory watching her work, she bit back a smile at the kid's fascination of the work and stood up, leaving Gregory on the floor to admire the patch up.
Vanessa opened the chest hatch, mingling around it and checking something, Gregory popped up out of nowhere and peaked in more,"What's that pump thing?", Vanessa glanced it and Gregory pointed to a pressure scale.

Vanessa points at it,"That, you know how us humans have a blood pressure? Low blood pressure makes us dizzy, weak and risks fainting while high blood pressure it puts extra strain on your blood vessels, heart and other organs, such as the brain, k...

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Vanessa points at it,"That, you know how us humans have a blood pressure? Low blood pressure makes us dizzy, weak and risks fainting while high blood pressure it puts extra strain on your blood vessels, heart and other organs, such as the brain, kidneys and eyes.", Gregory nods,"So. . . Freddy has it because??", "He isn't the only one, they have one. It the pressure of the oil is too low then it's harder for them to preform as, like a human, their AI will shut down as for too high, it will just fry their wires or any memory cards.", Gregory nods, Vanessa did her thing as he watched as the little arrow thing hit the middle centre of the scale, with that Vanessa dusted her hands and put her tools away,"He's good to go.", Gregory nods, jumping down from the chair and taking a step back from Freddy.


"You're okay!", Gregory hugged Freddy, who hugged back,"I am glad you are alright, SuperStar.", Vanessa found the little reunion sweet, despite the fact she had a disliking to kids, she found this interaction between Gregory and Freddy was sweet.
They both looked at Vanessa,"Vanessa, I thank you for fixing me.", "No worries Freddy, kind of my job. But we have an issue at hand.", Gregory nods,"Freddy, Vanny and the others are hunting for all if us. Including Vanessa.", Freddy was surprised,"Really?", "Yes. And now I see why the kid, Gregory, was running from me after seeing some bunny lady.", Freddy nods,"Yes, I apologise again. We do not know who she is all we know is she seemed to have been here for a while.", "What do you mean?", Gregory stepped forward,"She has this room above Fazblaster! It's where the controls are, maybe there's something in there that could tell us more about her. . . But we don't have keys.", Vanessa thought to herself, sighed she reached for her belt and, held up and jingled a ring of keys,"You have?", "Yep. Every key and card to this place, perks of being a guard.", "I am not sure.", they turned to Freddy,"As much as I wish to find more out about Vanny, I do not either of you two to be hurt.", Vanessa was about to say something, but Gregory beat her too it,"Please Freddy, of we figure out who she is maybe we can help the others, as you said they weren't like this before right?", Freddy made a sigh of uncertainty of this, Vanessa and Gregory looked at him before he sighed,"Alright.", Gregory smiled,"The both of you stay close, Freddy make sure the kid stays close.", Freddy nods, Vanessa leads them up the stairs to Roxanne's door,"One tries to kill and the other chooses mercy, Freddy acts more like a kid than this actual kid, like come on.", as Vanessa muttered nonsense to herself, Gregory caught a glance of the blueprints of the others, seems like they had special features about them like a voice box, claws or eyes and yet Freddy is normal.
Vanessa, Freddy and George went in the elevator, "Okay, where is this room again?", "Above Fazblaster. I have marked it on The Fazwatch, right above the Maze and all you'll need to do is climb up the stairs and across the bridge.", "Thanks Freddy.", the Elevator came to a stop and they got out, stopping at the sound of. . . Crying?
Gregory walked towards it, with Vanessa close by him.
"Not fair. . ."
"I'm a loser. . ."
"We should have found him by now. . ."
"He must been cheating. . ."
Gregory was surprised as well as Vanessa,"What?. . .", "I thought Roxy. . .", they turned to Freddy, who sighed,"Roxanne, has told me once that she feels as if she doesn't live up to the expectations the company want, as Foxy is an idol to her but. . . She feels like she could never live up to his popularity.", Gregory couldn't help but feel bad, but what surprised him was that Roxy. . . Could cry?
But their robots aren't they?
He looked at Vanessa who wasn't surprised, she turned to Gregory,"They have a learning AI, the company wanted them to feel as if they were real.", that is. . . An odd request.

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