•Chapter 15: Opening Hours•

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Michael opened his laptop and found an email from Sun,"Huh, guess he did end up sending it.", "Yep.", Michael opened the file and found a whole document and no picture of Vanessa,"Okay, according to this file, Vanny was the name she introduced herself as when she first came here, she used to work as a beta tester for a company until she switched to work here as a coder for the animatronics. She did not give any last name, she wished no picture to be taken of her or no worker to know about her.", Vanessa nods slowly,"So, she worked up ontop of Fazblaster.", Michael nods, he scrolled down further,"Even though she is proved to be a good worker, she has gotten in trouble for using YOUR name when she googles something or goes somewhere she isn't supposed to.", Vanessa stared at Michael then at the laptop,"So that's why my search history was-That bitch owes me several lessons of Therapy!", Michael nods, he knows that if they ever see Vanny, Vanessa is just gonna rip her head off.
He has learned, several times to never mess with a woman.


Roxy sighed, glaring at Gregory who was smiling innocently,"Even though you rammed me into a wall, I guess I can work with you till we can get this Virus sorted out.", "Thank you, Roxanne for understanding.", "Yeah, yeah, whatever Freddy.", Gregory hugged Freddy's leg protectively, Vanessa came over to the small group,"Okay, we don't have much time till opening hours so we best hurry and get Chica back into her right mind.", Michael nods,"It seems like her tracker is in the Kitchen, so we best get to there.", Vanessa turned to the animatronics,"Okay: Roxy and Monty, you two go and distract all the Endos, Freddy make sure Gregory stays close to you, me and Michael will go and save Chica.", Roxy looked unsure as she folded her arms,"Ya two sure?", "We'll be okay, just keep an eye on the Endos, Vanny and keep Gregory safe.", Freddy nods, Gregory looked at the two adults he had grown attached to and deeply didn't want them to get hurt.
Michael, sadly, picked up an axe and turned to the robots,"We'll be back soon, Roxy and Monty you know what to so and Freddy, stay with Gregory in this room.", Freddy nods, and with that they all split up.
Monty and Roxy went up to The Pizza Plex, Michael and Vanessa made their way to the kitchen, and Freddy and Gregory stayed in Parts & Service.
Gregory curled up to Freddy as they sat in the protective cylinder,"I'm scared. . .", "I know. . . I know. . .", Gregory closed his eyes, trying to tell himself that they'll be okay. . .


Vanessa opened the kitchen doors and peaked in with Michael, the kitchen was in a mess, trash was scattered and it looked creepy at night.
Michael gulped as he and Vanessa entered,"Jeez.", "Yeah, Chica eats at of the food. Causes a malfunction daily, she does this every fricking night.", Michael nods, now glad that the kitchen camera was always broken so he wouldn't have to ever witness this mess.
"Wait-. . . What's the beeping sound?", Michael listened carefully,". . . Might be the tracker.", Vanessa and Michael stayed close as they followed the beeping sound, Michael readied himself to swing his axe and Vanessa was ready to taze someone.
. . .
They were surprised to see no one, but thr beeping was so loud, Michael then bent down and dug his hand through the pile of trash, he then pulled out a chip with a red flashing light.
"Is that. . . Her tracker?"
"How the hell is it here?. . . She didn't take it out did she?"
"But that would mean she remembers where they put it in."
Suddenly they felt one hand on each of their backs and force them forward and down a hole.
Vanny laughed, dancing on the spot as they disappeared down the garbage shoot,"HAHAHA!!! Ohhh~~~ Michael, you really didn't think I would follow your Father's orders without a Backup Virus~~?", Vanny pulled out a button and pressed it, "Guests are coming in~ Let The Fun begin~~!!", Vanny cheered as she heard the lights turn on around the building.


Freddy didn't like it.
He didn't know what was happening around him or to himself, these things he was feeling and the sounds of the generators turning on.
Gregory had fallen asleep, he didn't like this feeling fear in him, he felt when he saw Vanny and Michael, why was he feeling this?
"Welcome boys and girls! Freddy and The Gang are so happy for you all to be back!"
Freddy looked around anxiously, where was Vanessa and Michael, shouldn't they be back by now?!


Vanessa and Michael lay unconscious, both had been pushed down the garbage shoot and show terrible injuries.
Freddy sat in the cylinder holding Gregory close in fear and waiting for Vanessa and Michael to return.
Above them all, stood the three animatronics that they strived to save but now stare at the growd of adults and children as their prey.
. . .

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