•Chapter 19: The Final Battle.•

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Vanny laughed as she say the state everyone was in,"Looks like you two crawled out a dumpster, did you two enjoy the ride~?", "This ends here, Michael.", Michael glared at his Father, he made sure Chica's bite wasn't too bad and pickedbup the axe again,"Freddy, take the people from the balcony out of the building. Me and Vanessa will handle this.", Freddy wanted to argue, but couldn't so he motioned the people to follow him and they practically ran to keep up and not be killed by these insane bots and woman.
Burntrap, or William, had an axe if his own that looked pretty worn out but still in good enough shape and Vanny had a simple kitchen knife that had been sharpened and blooded by the blood of innocent lives.


Freddy and Gregory made sure all the people got out,"Go, go, go, go!", they all got out, then Gregory held up something,"Wait, Freddy!", he turned to Gregory and saw he was still holding Vanessa's flashlight,"We gotta go back!", "No, Gre-", before Freddy could finish or grab Gregory, he ran back to Vanessa and Michael,"GREGORY!", Freddy ran after Gregory despite people yelling for them to come back but couldn't stop them.


Michael blocked every attempt his father made to hit him, though he was tired his father was weaker than he remembered so he knew he could win but worried more about Vanessa.
Vanessa and Vanny were just going at it, every cut Vanessa only made her more angry as now that she knew this lady was using her name to get away with shit, it means Vanny was the reason was sent to Theapry for months.
"You sent me to fucking Theapry for now REASON, YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!", Vanny just laughed, Vanessa was just as skilled as her as she tired for years to get this job, and she wasn't about to lose it to this bitch!
Vanessa launched her hand forwards and yanked the rabbit head off the woman!
Under the mask, was a messy brown haired lady who may in her 20s at the most, her hair was kept in a bun so it wouldn't get in the way of anything.
"You. . . Mother fucker."
Gregory ran into the room,"VANESSA, CATCH!!", Vanessa turned for a moment as Gregory threw her flashlight to her, only Vanny tackled Vanessa to the ground,"I WON'T LET THIS FAIL!!","IT ALREADY HAS!", Vanessa kept her knife away and tried to make a grab for the flashlight, when she did she swung it hard and hit Vanny in the head.
Vanny fell, giving Vanessa time to use her cuffs again to cuff Vanny,"You'll be in jail for a long time.", "THIS CAN'T BE!!", they turned to the stage and saw William was disarmed and Michael a mess.
"It's over."
William looked at his opponents, all stronger than before and weren't backing down anytime soon.
"Not this time."
They all froze and frowned at the new voice that entered the room,"Gregory was that-?", "No, I sound nothing like that.", they turned in confusion but then froze in shock.
"G-. . . Gabriel. . ."
There in front of Freddy, who was no powered off, was a much smaller boy with freckles, brown curly hair, a jumper, shorts and trainers.
He walked towards William calmly, showing no anger or fear but Afton did,"No!. . . No, you're. . . YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE GONE!!. . . LIKE THE REST OF THEM-!! GET BACK!!", Gabriel continued to walk towards William who was backing away in fear.
Behind Gabriel, many souls appeared but they were all blacked out figures of adults and kids that were killed today, Gabriel looked at that the man that took his life and his friends away,"For years you have brought nothing but pain and suffering to families and the people you kill, and you showed no mercy to those you hurt to get what you wanted. Your family, friends and innocent bystanders, William Afton. But this is no longer my revenge, but revenge for the people that died because of you and your plans, so Afton. May you rest in pain and suffering by the souls you hurt today.", immediately after Gabriel was done talking, the souls of the adults and kids charged at William screaming and yelling.
Gabriel watched as the souls ripped him to pieces, no sooner than they did the ceiling gave out and the huge monstrosity appeared down from the ceiling and grabbed William and took the souls with it into the ceiling.
"Gabriel. . ."
Gabriel turned and saw the shocked faces of Michael, Vanessa and Gregory,"Uh. . . Hi, guys. . .", "You were Freddy this whole time. . .?!", Gabriel shuffled his feet, feeling like was in trouble,"Y-Yeah. . . It wasn't obvious because the company made sure to put some things in the suit like a Grsmmer Function.", Michael noticed his face if sadness and knelt down,"Gabriel, you're not in trouble or anything, just. . . I thought you and the others were. . .", Gabriel came over, obviously knowing he owed them all an explanation to what happened.
"W-Well. . . After we trapped William in his personal Hell for a bit, Cassidy refused to move on no matter what. So, Afton continued to beat the nights and challenges no matter how many times he died. . . I tired to convince Cassidy to let go, saying that if she continued on this path then William would not either, she didn't listen and just yelled at me.", Michael was stunned,"So, that's why. . . If Cassidy doesn't let go, my Dad wouldn't either, it's a never ending war between them and they refuse to let others move on who are sick of it.", Gabriel nods, turning to Gregory who was stunned himself as Vanessa,"So. . . This whole time, Freddy was possessed by you?", "Y-Yeah, um. . . Glamrock Freddy had systems that wouldn't make it obvious, my mom said I had something called Autism and ADHD so for a while I was confused and just followed my friends around, but as time went on I started to try and see if we could break out if Afton's control.", Gregory was shocked, all this time it was a kid helping him and this kid looked to be 6!
Vanessa sighed,"You were just following her friends huh?", "Yeah. . . Surprised, because I wouldn't have died if I hadn't followed them. . . I. . .  I didn't want to be alone. . . But I was alone for so long after Jeremy or, Bonnie was gone. . .", Michael felt bad, he gave the boy a hug who hugged him back,"I'm sorry it took so long to save one of you. . .", Gregory was now confident that Afton deserved it.
"Uh, guys we should run."
They all looked up like Vanessa and they all came to a realisation.
. . .
And he was more ruined then ever, Michael grabbed Vanny, Vanessa picked up Gregory and Gabriel ran to lead the way,"THIS WAY!", "GO, GO!!", and out they all ran.


By now, the Pizza Plex was going up in flames.
People held the doors open for them as they saw them running,"COME ON, YOU CAN MAKE IT!!", "GO GO GO!!", Michael, Vanessa and Gregory made it! Just before the door collapsed in on them!
Michael dropped Vanny to the ground as Vanessa caught her breath, didn't help with the smoke and ashes,"Heh. . . We. . . We did it. . .!", "WE DID IT!", the crowd cheered, Gregory and Gabriel jumped up and down with celebration, and Michael and Vanessa shared a victory hug!
Gabriel smiled as they celebrated, he looked back at the building and saw three figures.
Susie, who looked tired.
Jeremy, Who was tried but happy.
. . .
And Cassidy, Tried and confused.
"How. . . How did you. . .", Gabriel couldn't think of a professional response but,"Well. . . Sometimes you can't fight fire with fire. . .", they disappeared into the flames.
"Wha. . . What the. . .?!"
The crowd realised Vanny was awake, she looked up and realised she was cuffed and Vanessa stood over her, pissed,"Hey, name stealer.", Vanny knew, she was more than screwed now.


"So, she use to work in a Game Company and went insane?", The police Man nods,"Yep, according to her old colleagues she started to act weird until she quit out of the blue. Now, uh, I'm guessing you two want convention money.", Vanessa picked up Gregory,"More like us three, he went through just as much as we did Sir.", the police man nods, and writes that down.
Gregory looked at Vanessa,"What now?", "Well, I plan to quit this job after this hell but uh, wanted to ask if you were interested in. . . Having a new sister.", Gregory looked at her in shock,"What?", "Yeah, well tonight you proved me that kids aren't bad and I really enjoyed working with you and Michael of course.", Michael nods,"What, I'm asking is would you like to live with me?", Gregory smiled and hugged her,"Yes! Yes, thank you!", Vanessa smiled, she turned to Michael,"Would you like to live with us, only if you want to!. . .", Michael smiled,"I don't mind, I haven't had company in so long.", Gregory felt like he had two big siblings now!
Gabriel smiled, and decided it was best to leave-
"Gabriel, where are you going?", he turned back at the new small family of survivors,"Um. . . Well, without the suit I don't really have anywhere to go so I. . . Just anywhere really?", "Well, want to come with us?", Gabriel was surprised, Michael smiled,"It's the least I can do to make up for all the years of suffering.", Gabriel smiled, he ran back over and hugged Michael's legs, luckily he looked visble and real enough to others or this would have looked weird.
Michael and Vanessa watched Vanny was put in the back of a van, probably to the mental hospital and drove out of their lives.
Michael flipped off the building as Vanessa did to Vanny.
"Fuck this place and her.", Gregory and Gabriel nods,"Couldn't agree more.", Vanessa sighed, as she sees Doctors coming over to them to look at their injuries,"So, what do you all want for dinner?", Michael smiled,"Chinese Food anyone?", "YES!", Vanessa and Michael chuckled as they and their new siblings were directed over by the doctors to look at them.

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