•Chapter 14: Huge Spider Rip-Off•

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Vanessa and Michael were cut off by Endos, they turned and saw Vanny skip over,"End of the line~ Just give me the boy, and you can all walk away from this~.", Gregory looked at Michael, he shook his head along with Vanessa,"Over my dead body!", "We'll dig one hole.", "This way!", Vanessa grabbed Michael's free arm and they darted away from Vanny and the Endos.
Gregory looked behind them, the Endos were stomping after them real fast but some stopped as Gregory stared them down and didn't dare to blink.
Vanessa and Michael ran down several stairs and finally Vanessa slammed doors shut and locked it,"You two, okay?!", "Yep!. . .", "Dizzy. . . I'm not use to being picked up.", they all jumped at a loud bang, looking at the door they heard heavy footsteps,"Find another way in! We'll see you soon~", Michael felt a shiver go down his spine, Vanessa checked her light,"Shit. . . I'm at 20%.", Gregory checked his,"Here, use mine I didn't use it.", Vanessa took his, Gregory got Vanessa's light and could really feel the weight in it,"Sorry if it's heavy, gaurds have lights like that to be able to knock someone out.", Gregory nods, he felt real cool holding it.


Vanessa, Gregory and Michael walked through the halls of what seemed to be another basement, well Michael had a slight limp but he kept saying he was fine to walk.
"What is this place?", "I actually, have no idea. . . I've never been here before.", Vanessa turned on the flashlight, immediately taking notice of the glassflooring, a bar section and a dance area?
Michael walked over to the bar,"This a bar?. . . ", "I mean, there is alcohol beverages.",  "Is this were the adults go when the kids play?", Vanessa shrugged,"Maybe, makes sense why the walls have soundproof shit on the walls.", Gregory nods, Michael then froze as he turned a corner,"Michael? What's-?", Vanessa and Gregory walled over, both then freezing at what Michael was staring at.
"Music Man."
There, looking to be asleep, was a huge Music Man that seemed to be sleeping behind a DJ set and a Keyboard flooring???
Michael turned to Vanessa,"What the. . .?", "Management: Said something about getting something that could request songs. . . But not this creepy thing. . .!", Gregory agreed, it was creepy with it's huge eyes, mouth and teeth.
Michael, Vanessa and Gregory slowly creeped past the huge animatronic, praying to themselves that it was charging or out of charge.


After they got passed him, Gregory gasped,"Look, a keycard.", Vanessa turned and saw it, "This could help, one keycard I don't have.", Vanessa hit the nose and it opened, Michael was surprised on how that worked and found it kind of nice, Vanessa took the card and attached it to her keys and cards,"Least we got something-", they all jumped at the sound of music, they turned to the way they came out and Vanessa knew something bad was going to happen real soon.


They went back to the bar place, and Michael wanted to just die right there and then once e he saw Music Man gone,"Where did he. . .?", Vanessa shrugged, she really had no idea as there didn't seem to be any way to leave behind there.
"U-Um, Vanessa. . . M-Micheal?"
They turned to Gregory, who was looking up, confused they did to and-
. . .
Staring down at them, from a hole in the ceiling, was a demonic and awake and staring at them with their creepy face.
. . .
Vanessa, Michael and Gregory sprinted away from it, but Music Man proved to be smart as he not only crawled on walls and ceiling, but was using holes to get to them faster!
Michael kicked the bathroom door open, Vanessa and Gregory ran in with him but Music Man then blocked their only exit to the bathroom and tried to reach in and grab them, making them back up into the wall.
"Guys, I'm scared!"
Michael looked at Gregory, who had the look of terror.
. . .
Seem familiar?

"Mikey. . . I'm scared. . ."
Michael peaked into the kitchen, seeing their father's back turned to them with another bottle of alcohol in his hand.
Michael turned to his baby brother, who held Fredbear like his life depended on it,"Just give dad some space. . . He's just worried about Elizabeth and Mom. . .", Michael closed the door carefully, took his brother's hand and took him down the hall.

"Will they find Mommy and Lizzy?"

. . .

"Yeah, mom will get better and Lizzy will be found."
. . .
That was a year before you changed into the worst, grief does something to a person huh?

Michael pulled himself out of that memory, it disgusted him that he let his anger and grief get the best of him back then AND what was more disgusting was the fact their own father planned it all and just needed to pretend for the police and public.
. . .
"Okay, here's what we do. We can run out and down the hall we found the card at, the door is too small for him to follow.", Vanessa nods, she then picked up Gregory,"Hold on tight.", "I can carry him if you want-","No, no. I got it, just let your foot have less weight.", Gregory nods, agreeing with Vanessa as he wrapped his arms around her neck, Michael nods and turned to see Music Man backing up.
. . .
Michael and Vanessa bolted out, Michael hated the music as it felt so loud to him and plusing of the speakers playing the music.
Michael and Vanessa practically slid through the door, Music Man trying to reach them but failed and banged his fist on the ground before retreating.
Michael and Vanessa took a breather, "Gregory. . . Give me the watch.", Gregory nods, letting Michael take the Fazwatch.
"Freddy? Can you hear me?"
"Michael, where are you, Vanessa and Gregory?"
"Okay, good news is we saved Gregory from Moondrop, but the bad news is we got chased by Vanessa and then we got chased by Music Man that is somehow more than 6ft robot!"
. . .
"Hard to believe huh? Look, do you think you can reach us?"
"I am looking at the map, I believe I can meet you at the Utility Tunnels, I have marked it on The map."
Michael, Vanessa and Gregory checked it,"Perfect Freddy, we'll meet you there.", "Alright, please be careful.", with that they signed off, Michael turned to Vanessa and Gregory,"Guess we gotta find a way out.", they nod and walk down the hall.


"How deep is this place?", "I have no idea, I don't even think I'm supposed to be down here.", the place was completely filled with obvious old junk, old suits, drawers, drawings and so much more.
Gregory was looked around it,"Woah.", "Yeah, this company goes way back. A lot of people have fond memories of this place, others. . . Would rather forget this place existed.", Vanessa understood why, The Fazbear Killer practically left a curse on this Franchise.
Gregory looked at the two, he knew they knew something but he couldn't find the motivation to ask them, he was tired and scared.
. . .
They froze.
"What was that."
"Uh. . ."
They looked up from their dead-end, and out crawled a huge Music Man playing music louder than ever.
Gregory held on tight as Vanessa ran with Michael, screaming as he heard loud crashing and didn't dare to open his eyes,"IT'S THROWING FUCKING CABINETS!!", "WHY DID MY FATHER CREATE THIS THING!?!?!", Michael and Vanessa dodged and skid to a stop when they thought they were close to being hit by the things it threw!
Michael ran ahead and threw it open and saw Freddy,"FREDDY, RUN!", Freddy stared in disbelief, but ran with them to get away from whatever the heck that was!
Michael shoved Vanny out of the way and they continued to run, leaving Vanny pissed,"What the fuck-?!", then Vanny was grabbed and picked up,"HEY, YOU WORK FOR ME!! PUT ME DOWN, I AM YOUR SECOND IN COMMAND!"


"You both should rest, let your injuries heal before you fix Roxy."
Vanessa had rolled her sleeves up to hide the soaked blood, brusies from Moom and tried to regain her breath from running.
Michael had a bruise or two but only had a sore foot from kicking metal and a door.
Gregory thankfully only had a few bruises and cuts, the large one on his knee was plastered quickly.
Monty was charging and Freddy was watching over them, timely checking the cameras and the doors just in case, Michael watched in surprise,"How do. . . How do you know how to do that?", Freddy looked at him, Michael could see it was a blank stare.
"I do not know."
. . .
Michael remembered it.
He remembered nearly having a panic attack seeing Freddy at the door at one of the old locations years ago.
. . .
But how would this Freddy know how to do this?
. . .
Michael had a ideas of how, but one he prayed to not be true.

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