Episode 12 - Part One

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"I think, I will participate in the event!" Peter grinned from the floor.

"Oh!! Woah woahh!!!" bawled Ned, thumping onto the wooden floor with his heavy feet.

"NED! I DON'T WANT TO BRING MY HOUSE DOWN! YOU BETTER WORK FAST!" Mrs Leeds voice booming from downstairs, making Ned fall silent into a corner of the attic.

"I can't believe you agreed!" whispered Ned.

"You made me agree." Peter whispered back.

"Yes, and I am proud of that. Now fill this form." Ned whispered back.

"Okay, but why are we whispering?" asked Peter, whispering again as he got from the floor.

"I don't--ho ho oh ho!" laughed Ned.

"ARE YOU GUYS EVEN CLEANING?" boomed Mrs Leeds from the below.

"This is why I was whispering stupid!" whispered Ned, slowly handing over the form to Peter.

"I get it." Peter whispered back. "Now stop this, and get back to cleaning."

"Sure, and do not forget to bring that form tomorrow. You sumbitting that in front of my eyes."

"Yea. But not tomorrow"

"Whyieee?" Ned whispered, stretching his question to sound his irritation.

"I have earned myself an detention." replied Peter.

"Detention, for what stupid?"

"Like I said before, for getting lost at OsCorp."

"Mr Harrington is a pain in the asshole." Ned grunted, still whispering.

"You had said the same for Flash, the other day. What are you hinting at, Ned?" whispered Peter in a manner of taunt.

"FUCK YOU!" shouted Ned, totally forgetting that they had to whisper.


"Fuck!" whispered Ned.

"Yes, you surely are." laughed Peter.

"Now, get out unless you want to be grounded along with me." replied Ned, going downstairs.

"Sure." replied Peter, before looking down at the form in his hands, and then staring at his miraculous hands, followed by the ceiling he had been on, moments ago.

"Wierd!" Peter groaned, feeling goosebumped.


Next Day,
MidTown School of Science and Technology.

Peter sat at the back of the lonely science laboratory, pretending to work with the testubes planted using clamps in front of him. Below his desk, onto a shelf, werr a couple of books, cleverly amogst which Peter was trying to tead the different sections of the form he had received from Ned, the day before.

Peter pushed one of his numerous textbooks off the forms as he wedged it inside a science journal, just in case someone arrived in the room all of sudden, and found him filling forms instead of doing his detentions.

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