"Just Google It" - Ch 5

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A/N: Chapter 5 ig, enjoy! Also, ik it's not a big milestone but I'm on 72 READS so thank you so much!

Me and Wanda made it down to the party and walked in arms locked. Everyone looked our way and I started to feel a little uncomfortable, I don't do well in crowded places.

I decide to go over to the bar to get a drink and who was there? Natasha, of course she was, I didn't want to deal with her right now but I knew if I was going to get through this night I would need alcohol.

"Strongest thing you have please" I said as I walked up to the bar. "You sure, you can't handle your drinks that well". She replied. "Yes, I'm sure and you don't know shit". I said back in anger. She just nodded and handed me my drink. I don't know why she cares anyway.

I make my way over to where I saw Wands and sat down next to her and we had fun and got a bit tipsy but I wasn't really drunk yet so I stayed for longer. Just then, my favourite song came on and being tipsy, I wanted to dance. I dragged Wands up into the dance floor and we danced until we couldn't anymore.

By the time me and Wanda finished dancing almost everyone was gone and it was just the Avengers. "LET'S PLAY A GAME" Shouted a very tipsy Tony. "What game?" Cap asked being one of two of the only sober people in the room. " I WANNA PLAY TRUTH OR DARE" I shouted, a little bit drunk by now. "Okay, let's play" Tony said sitting down on the couch.

We all sat down on the couch and started playing. "Okay, who's going first?" Clint said, surprisingly, he wasn't that drunk he normally gets wasted when he comes to these parties. "I'll go" Tony said, he always goes first, I don't say anything tho. "Okay, um Buckaroo Truth or Dare?". "Uh, I choose Truth". "*humph* Boooringgg" Tony whines. "But okay, do you have a crush on anyone in this room?". "Yes" Bucky replies. "*gasp* who??". "Ah ah, not so fast, you only get one question Tin Can". "UGHHHH" Tony whined, again.

It gets a bit late and everyone has a turn but we decide to keep going as nobody is ready for bed. "Okay, Cap Truth or Dare?" Bucky asks. "Dare" Cap says confidently, which was unexpected, he always goes for Truth. "Woah, Capsicle, you feeling okay?" Tony jokes "Just fine Tony now can you give me my dare Bucky". "Alright alright, I dare you to kiss the person you find the most attractive in this room". Cap starts to walk over to Wanda but then switches and comes over and kisses me. I see Natasha frowning in the corner of my eye and she looks away but I think nothing of it. "Well thank you Captain, I'm flattered but I don't like you like that." I'm gay, it was just a cover" he whispers in my ear. I nod and he walks away.

Everyone takes another turn and it gets back round to Wanda. I know she's gonna ask me cus I wanted to come out to the team and this is how I wanted to do it. "Y/N Truth or Dare? " Wanda asks. "Truth" I say a little nervous. " What is your sexuality?" I see Natasha perk up a bit in the corner as if she was interested. "...I-I'm... Abrosexual" I say hesitantly. The room goes silent. Everyone looked at me and I knew they didn't know what it meant. " It's when your sexual orientation can change over a period of time" Natasha pipes up "That's the best way I can explain it" she adds. "That was actually a good way to explain it" I reply. "But if you wanna know more just google it because I'm tired and don't want to explain it.

Everyone heads off to bed and I collapse as soon as I get into the room. " How did Natasha know that, that means she's looked it up right? I may have a chance after all" I thought to myself. "Nah what are you thinking? Of course she doesn't like you back" Then I finally drift off into a peaceful sleep.

A/N: So this isn't my favourite chapter if I'm honest. Also, I'm thinking of adding another relationship to this so do you want Stony, Stucky or SamBucky???

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