"I don't have a crush on her!" - Ch 16

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A/N: Yo, sorry for taking so long to post again. Anyways, here is Chapter 16. Enjoy :)

I headed down behind Natasha and instantly went over to the bar as she headed towards the group. "Just a beer please" I said to the bartender. I didn't want to get too drunk tonight because I knew I was going to feel it in the morning so I would just have a few beers.

I headed over towards the group and somehow Tony was already tipsy, he probably started drinking before the party even started. That sounds like something he would do. We all talked and socialised with other people for a bit until a very drunk Tony shouted "SHOTS!!!". Almost everyone was down, except me. Like I said, I do not want to feel it in the morning. "Y/N, come do shots" Wanda slurred. "Oh, no, I am good, I want to stay sober tonight thanks". I replied and she stumbled over to the bar.

I slumped back on the sofa with my ankle over my leg and took a swig of my beer when I realised Natasha hadn't moved. "Not doing shots?" I asked. "huh?" She said like she was daydreaming. "You're not doing shots with the others?" I repeated. "No, I don't really feel like it" She explained. I thought that was weird because Natasha was ALWAYS down for shots. I shrugged it off anyway and got my phone out to check it.

The others came back after shots and sat down and we were all just talking and laughing. Me and Natasha were the only sober ones at this point. "Hey, guys?" Wanda asked sounding kind of nervous. We all stopped laughing and looked at her. "Me and Vis have something to tell you all" She added fiddling with her hands.

Nat's POV
I didn't feel like getting drunk tonight. I had a lot on my mind and didn't want to do anything stupid while under the influence. It appears Y/N didn't want to get drunk either because she only had a few beers.

"Me and Vis have something to tell you all" I heard Wanda say as she pulled me out of my daydreaming. "Okay, what is it?" Bucky asked. "Well, me and Vis are kinda....together" She said hesitantly. "Like, in love? How would that-? No nevermind. Good for y'all" Sam said. "Yes, me and Wanda are in love" Vis clarified. "I'm in love with Stephen Strange" Tony slurred. "We know Tony, you've been together for like a year" Y/N said and everyone laughed. "I'm happy for you and Vis" She added. "Ye" Everyone agreed.

"While we're on the topic, me and Bucky are also together" Steve announced. "Everyone already knew that, the heart eyes you give eachother, it's so obvious" Tony piped up. "Damn, am I the only single one here?" Sam complained. "Let's see....Bruce isn't here, neither is Loki or Peter...so ye, I would say you're the only single one here" Wanda said.

"Uh....hello, two single people over here" I stated pointing between me and Y/N. "Ye okay, whatever you say" Wanda replied and everyone looked at us accusingly. "I'm feeling quite attacked right know, what are y'all insinuating?" Y/N asked. "That you both have secret crushes" She replied smugly. "I don't have a crush on her!" Me and Y/N both shouted at the same time. I was kind of sad she said that but I didn't let it show. "I never said it was eachother" Wanda said with a smirk trying to hold her laugh. "That little shit" I thought.

I knew Natasha was lying when she said she didn't have a crush on me. She doesn't know I have a crush on her though and that's how I intend to keep it until I figure out if this is really what I want.

"Okay, well u trapped us on that you little shit" I said to Wanda. "Whatttt? Noooo" She said sarcastically. "U better watch it" I warned. "Or what?" She asked. "Or I'll tickle u, that's what" I replied with a smirk. "I know all ur tickle spots" I added. Her eyes went wide "NO!!! Please don't" She whined trying to cover her ticklish spots. Everyone started laughing at her reaction. "I'll get you when you least expect it" I said. She looked terrified.

Alright, I'm going to bed, you all should too" Natasha said standing up and walking away. "Ye, I'm actually exhausted, I had fun tonight though" I said and headed to my room.

I was tossing and turning all night, I couldn't get Natasha out of my head. I needed to figure out if I could really be with her and if I could, I needed to act on it. I decided to make a plan tomorrow. We aren't really still hating eachother so that's a good sign and I know for sure that Natasha likes me so I just have to plan out what I'm going to say and how I'm going to do it.

Nat's POV
I couldn't sleep at all. I had so many thoughts going through my head. "What would a relationship with Y/N actually look like?" Was one of those thoughts. I mean, there's no way we would work. We hated eachother for so long and then we're suddenly in a relationship. It just wouldn't work, right?. But what if it did? "Ugh, I hate this" I thought to myself. I don't even know if she likes me back and I'm already thinking about what a relationship would be like with her. "Stupid Natasha" I mentally scolded myself.

I didn't even realise I had fallen asleep until I woke up the next morning. The sun pierced my eyes as it shone through my window because I forgot to close my curtains last night, big mistake. I dragged myself out of bed to get ready for the day. I didn't really have any plans on what to do today, maybe I'll just go for a run later, it will give me time to think about everything.

Today is the day. I'm going to make a plan. I get out of bed and get ready for the day, I need to find Wanda so that I can talk to her about this. She'll probably be at breakfast already so I decide to eat breakfast first.

Once breakfast is finished I grab Wanda and drag her to my room. "I need to talk to you." I state. "About what?" She asked. "About Natasha" I answered. "What about her?" She asked again. "I need to decide if I really want a relationship with her and if I do I need to make a plan." I explained. "Okay. So?" She asked. "So what?" I asked confused at what she meant. "Do u want a relationship with her?" She added. "I mean...ye, I kinda do Wands, but I'm scared, what if I mess up? Or she doesn't want a relationship?" I voiced my concerns. "Well, you're probably going to mess up but if it's something you both want, you'll be able to figure it out and you won't know what she wants until you ask her." She reassured me. "Okay, I'm gonna tell her." I said confidently. "How, though?" I added. "Just go for it, pull her aside and tell her." Wanda suggested. "Okay...ye...seems easy enough" I said, kind of nervous now I'm actually going to do it.

A/N: I know I'm mean, leaving it at that when you've been waiting so long for this chapter, I really apologise for not being active but I promise it'll be worth it. Also, thank you all for 30K it's honestly insane!!!!

1305 words

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