"Now, you and Natasha?" - Ch 14

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A/N: So, it's been like 2 months, I apologise, I lost motivation to write for a while but here is the next chapter for y'all, enjoy <3

It got to dinner time and I knew I would have to go down there and face Natasha. I decided I would just not look at her at all and act like everything is fine. That would work well enough. "Miss Y/N, Mr Stark would like me to inform you that dinner is ready" I heard Jarvis say. I guess the update was finished then. "Thanks Jar" I said and made my way downstairs.

"Here we go" I thought as I made my way into the kitchen. I could sense Natasha avoiding my eyes and blushing. "Why is she blushing?" I thought. I pushed it to the back of my mind for now, I just had to get through dinner which was not going to be easy since I have to sit next to her. "Where'd you run off to earlier Y/N?" Sam asked. "Oh god, why did he have to ask?" I thought. "I just...went to do some...drawing" I said and gave him an awkward smile. "Yeah...drawing" he said with a smirk.

Nat's POV
Y/N came downstairs for dinner and I was avoiding her eyes because it would be awkward, even though it was still awkward without looking at eachother. I could feel myself blushing and I mentally cursed myself. "Why am I blushing?" I thought to myself. I still couldn't get the image of her out of my brain and in some way, I didn't want to, it was kind of turning me on just thinking about it. "No Natasha stop thinking about it, you are not attracted to Y/N!" I tried to convince myself, but there was no denying it. I am attracted to Y/N Y/L/N...

I could either tell her and she likes me back, tell her and she doesn't like me back and things are awkward or I could continue being mean to her and ignoring my feelings. Of course, I chose the latter, continue being mean and ignoring her, it's just easier than facing my feelings. So that's what I decided to do, I would keep being mean, can't be that hard right?...

Dinner was so awkward, we were both mostly ignoring eachother and conversing with different people at the table, I was talking to Wanda and Vision, they are really cute together, I can't belive they still haven't admitted their feelings for eachother. I'll talk to Wanda about that later. "Wands, we need to have a movie night, just you and me, I feel like it's been ages since we hung out" I said. "Yes! We totally should, how about tonight? we can go get snacks later" She asks. "Definitely" I replied. We call it a movie night but the movie will probably just be playing in the background bcs we normally just talk through it, and there's so much to talk about right now.

After dinner was finished it was around 7pm, it was still light out, luckily, so me and Wanda went to get snacks at the store. We picked some twizzlers and Reese's, Sweet & Salted Popcorn, various flavours of crisps and some Gatorade for drinks. Once we had everything we went back to the compound and carried everything straight to my room.

"What do u wanna watch?" I asked. "I don't know, I feel like I've watched everything on Netflix" Wanda said. "How about we jusy rewatch something then?" I suggested. "Okay, let's rewatch Love and Monsters" She said "Oh yes, good choice, I love Dylan O Brien" I agreed and turned the movie on.

We watched about 10 minutes of the movie before I decided I should tease Wanda about her and Vision. "Sooo....." I started. "So?" Wanda said confused. "So...when are you gonna admit ur feelings for Vision?" I asked. "You can't say shit, what's happening with u and Natasha huh?" She backtalked. "I asked first" I said. "Fine, Vis kissed me" She said. "HE WHAT!? U BETTER HAVE KISSED BACK" I freaked out. "I did and we talked and I guess we're like...a thing now" She said. "That's great Wanda" I supported her.

"Now, you and Natasha?" She looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "She walked in on me....yknow" I told her. "I know" She snickered "What do you mean you know?" I asked. "I mean I know. I knew what you were doing and I sent Natasha up in hopes she would realise her feelings for you" She explained. "She doesn't like me back" I said. "You should talk to her" Wanda said. "For the love of god Wanda, don't give me that shit, just tell me, I hate when people say that" I complained "yOu ShOuLd TaLk To HeR" I mocked in a weird voice. "Okay, okay, she likes you back so I say just go for it" She told me. "No, ur messing with me" I said.

"I promise I'm not Y/N, I think she can make you happy and you can make her happy if you just admit your feelings, I just want to see you happy, I think you could be really good for eachother, but you have to be sure you want it because if you get too deep into it and then break her heart I will literally murder you Y/N Y/L/N, she's been hurt enough in her life" She ranted. "Wow, okay, and I know, I'm going to take time to think about it and make sure I really want this because damn Wanda I might actually be falling for her and I don't wanna hurt her" I said. "Okay, good, now let's finish the movie" She said. "Okay" I replied and we both chuckled a little.

Nat's POV
I made my decision and I was gonna stick with it so I just went to my room to relax for the night. I didn't sleep yet but I stayed up reading a book and evesdropped on Wanda and Y/N a bit, they talk really loud. I found out Wand and Vision are together, I figured they'll tell the rest of us when they're ready. The they got quieter and almost at a whisper so I gave up on trying to listen.

I went down to the kitchen for food as I was hungry and it was midnight so I just grabbed a quick snack and some water and then decided I should probably go to sleep.

A/N: Um okay so it's been like ages and my brain was not on my side when writing this so it took ages. BUT this is Chapter 14, I know y'all have been so patient so thank you, I just needed some time. THINGS ARE PROGRESSING Y'ALL, they both finally realised it so things will be moving along sorry again for the wait.

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