"You look....nice" - Ch 15

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Nat's POV
I woke up at 8:00am which is kind of late considering I normally wake up at 6 or 7. I got up and showered and got ready for the day. I think some of the team were going out today, I don't know where so I'll ask someone at breakfast.

I headed downstairs when I was ready and the smell of bacon and pancakes wafted through the kitchen. I walked through the door and everyone was already up and eating. "Hey, Nat, nice of you to join us" Clint greeted. "Ye, I just woke up late" I replied with a small smile. I headed to my seat and grabbed a plate of food for myself.

I woke up pretty early today, me and Wanda had fallen asleep watching the movie so I woke her up and she went to her room so we could both get ready for the day. I showered and changed and then headed downstairs for breakfast. Cap was already in the kitchen cooking pancakes and bacon. "Need any help?" I asked. "No, it's almost ready, but if you could set the table that would be a great help!" He replied "Okay dokay" I obliged. "Thank You" Cap replied.

Once the table was set people started coming down once they smelt the food. Everyone grabbed a plate and started eating. Natasha walked in at around 8. "Hey, Nat, nice of you to join us" Clint teased Natasha for being up so late, she was normally one of the first up. "Ye, I just woke up late" She replied with a small smile. "God I could look at that smile all day" I thought to myself, and it felt nice not denying my feelings for once. I still had to think about what I was going to do, whether I would act on those feelings or not, but I could think about that later.

Wanda raised her eyebrows suggestively when she caught me staring, I gave her a death glare and she just smiled at me. "Move over" I heard from next to me, it was Natasha, I thought we were over this hating eachother but I guess she thought that was easier than facing her feelings. "Alright, calm down, someone got out the wrong side of bed this morning" I snapped back, if she was gonna be mean, I was gonna be mean back, at least till I figured this all out. "Ugh" She huffed and rolled her eyes. I moved over anyway and she sat down to eat her food.

Nat's POV
Y/N was being annoying this morning, as usual, but it wasn't a nasty kind of annoying it was like a sarcastic kind of annoying. I could see her staring at me when I walked in the room, I don't know why she was staring but it was kind of making me uncomfortable, we normally avoid looking at eachother at all costs.

"So, do people have plans for today?" I asked. "Ye, we need to go to the store, I thought I told you" Clint said. "No, I don't remember you telling me" I said. "Well you have had other things on your mind lately" He said suggestively. I just scowled at him.

"Anyway, we need some things for meals and snacks for the party tonight" Tony piped up. "What party?" Y/N asked. "Oh ye, there's a party tonight everyone, starts at 8pm, wear something nice, and yes, there will be alcohol" Tony explained. "Well if there's alcohol why the fuck not, I'm in" Y/N answered. "Is it mandatory?" I asked. "Obviously" Tony replied. "Figures, well I will be in my room until then" I said and left the table

Natasha wasn't too annoying during the rest of breakfast, there was the occasional elbow bump which earned me a glare but I could handle that.

Clint and Natasha left for the store around lunchtime. I realised I was hungry but then remembered the whole reason they were going was to get food, we had literally nothing in the kitchen, so I would have to wait till they got back.

I continued watching TV in the living room for around an hour before they came back. "Hey Y/N?" Clint shouted. "In here" I shouted back to let him know where I was. "We got u a massive packet of cheesy doritos" He said as he threw a packet at me. "Oh my god, I love you, you're literally amazing, thank you so much" I replied as he left. "Do you know how bad those are for you?" Natasha piped up. "Yes I do, but I do not care" I explained. She just rolled her eyes and probably went to eat a salad. She acts like my eating habits personally affect her.

Nat's POV
Clint wanted to get Y/N some Doritos since they're her favourite, while I do think they are very bad for you, I kind of like how her face lights up when she sees them. He tossed a massive bag in the cart and we finished shopping and headed back to the compound.

Clint shouted for Y/N as I went to put the rest of the bags in the kitchen. "Oh my god, I love you, you're literally amazing, thank you so much" I heard Y/N say as I headed into the living room. "Do you know how bad those are for you?" I asked her. "Yes I do, but I do not care" She replied as I left the room to empty the bags in the kitchen.

I finished putting stuff away and made myself some lunch which was a BLT sandwich. I decided to eat in my room since I don't like being disturbed. So I headed upstairs and read a book until the party.

I stayed in the living room till around 7:00pm then I thought I should probably get ready for the party, so I headed up to my room to pick out my dress/suit. I went for a red dress/suit with some black shoes. I decided I would put a little bit of makeup on this time. Not too much, just some eyeliner and lipstick.

I looked in the mirror and was happy with my outfit so I headed out my room. "Oh, hey" I said as I bumped into Natasha outside my doorway. "Hey" She said as she discreetly checked me out, but I saw it. "You look....nice" I complimented her as I decided to be nice. "Thanks" She said and bowed her head but I swear I saw a blush. "Ladies first" I said as I put my arm out for her to walk ahead. She just walked past with a blank expression, but at least she wasn't ripping into me, that's progress right?.

Nat's POV
I read my book till around 7:30 when I had to get ready for the party, I already had my clothes picked out so it wouldn't take me that long to change.

Once I was changed I did my hair, deciding to leave it down tonight, and then my makeup. I finished my makeup and looked in the mirror deciding I looked decent and headed out my room. "Oh, hey" I heard Y/N say as she walked out her room at the same time. "Hey" was the only thing I could say as my jaw was basically on the floor. "She looks so hot right now" I thought to myself. I wasn't even going to deny it anymore. I wanted her. That was for sure. I discreetly checked her out hoping she didn't see me. "You look....nice" She complimented me, but it sounded physically painful for her to say. "Thanks" I replied trying to hide my blush. "Ladies first" She says as she holds her arm out for me to go first. I just walked past and we both headed down to the party.

A/N: Sorry to leave on a cliffhanger again. Here is Chapter 15 for you, sorry that it's been a while but I hope you like it and I will be trying to get chapter 16 out sooner.


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