"Why do you look like that?" - Ch 13

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A/N: This chapter is a little longer than the others but I promise it's worth it. Enjoy <3

Nat's POV
Clint kept looking at me as if to say "talk to her" and I kept on shaking my head because I couldn't just talk to her, she was probably already suspicious since we weren't even fighting so if I talk to her she would be even more suspicious and I definitely couldn't just straight up tell her I like her.

"Okay, what are you two giving eachother looks for?" She asked. "Crap, she saw us" I thought. "It's nothing" I answered. "Well it obviously isn't nothing otherwise you wouldn't be giving eachother looks" She pried. "I said it's nothing, leave it alone!" I shouted and stormed out the room. She was definitely suspicious now. I ran up to my room and locked the door and just started pacing. "What am I gonna do?" I thought. She was bound to ask questions and I didn't want to answer them, I couldn't answer them. I heard Y/N slam her door, I'm guessing they said something to make her mad.

I woke up at 7:30am which was a little early for me but I decided to just get up anyway. I thought I would go do some training since I haven't trained in a while. I got into my training clothes and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. Wanda was at the counter making some avocado toast. "Y/N, I'm sorry about last night" She said. "It's okay, you were right, I didn't have to mention it" I replied. "Then why did you?" She asked. "I don't know, I just like knowing everything I guess." I replied. "I need to go train so enjoy your avocado toast" I said as I walked out of the kitchen with my water.

I entered the gym and placed my bottle and towel on a bench and started. my workout. I started with some simple sit ups and push ups. I then went over to the punching bags and wrapped my hands. I was punching for at least 20 minutes so I decided to take a break. When I turned around I saw Natasha standing in the doorway. "Can I help you?" I asked sounding kind of frustrated. "What?" She asked like she'd been in a trance the whole time. "I said can u help you?" I repeated. "Oh no, I was just going to workout but I can come back later" She said and turned around. "No it's okay, I'm finished anyway, it's all yours" I said "Thanks" She replied and I thought I saw a little smile, it was a nice smile but she doesn't normally smile around me so it was a bit weird.

I went back up to my room to shower and change and I just started thinking about how long Natasha was stood there, I hadn't seen her come in but she must've been stood there for a while. She looked like she was in a trance though, and she was kind of staring at me. "Was she checking me out?" I thought to myself. "No she doesn't like you like that" I reminded myself. I finished my shower and thought I would interact a bit more today so I went down to the main room.

Nat's POV
I woke up this morning and felt like doing a workout so I changed into my workout clothes and headed down to the gym. When I got to the doorway I saw Y/N at the punching bag. She looked hot, in only her crop top and leggings. I was put into a trance looking at her biceps and abs. I could tell I was blushing. I must've been stood there for at least 10 minutes. "Can I help you?" I heard her say. "What?" I replied. The words didn't register in my brain I was too far in a trance to even notice her move. "I said can I help you?" She repeated herself. "Oh no, I was just going to workout but I can come back later" I said and turned around hoping she wouldn't notice me checking her out and blushing. "No it's okay, I'm finished anyway, it's all yours" She said and started walking out the gym. "Thanks" I said and smiled at her as she passed me. "Why did I smile?" I thought to myself. I never smile at Y/N, what was I thinking. I just decided to get on with my workout.

Once I finished my workout I went back up to my room to shower and get changed and then I just sat on my bed reading a book. After about an hour I heard Clint do his special knock on my door. "Come in" I said and he poked his head through the doorway. "Hey, we're going to watch a movie in the main room if you want to come" He said. "Sure" I replied and put my book down on my bedside table.

I walked into the main room and everyone was there, including Peter. "Hey, what's going on?" I asked. "Hey Y/N, we were just going to come ask you if you wanted to watch a movie" Steve said. "Sure" I replied. "What we watching?" I added. "Not sure, Clint just went to see if Nat wants to come watch too" Steve answered.

I sat down in an armchair and pulled my phone out of my pocket while I waited for them to decide on a movie. After a few minutes Clint and Natasha walked in. Clint sat on a beanbag and Natasha sat on the armchair next to mine. Sometimes I think they purposefully try to get me and Natasha to sit next to eachother. "What about Fifty Shades Of Grey?" Wanda suggested. I looked up from my phone with wide eyes. Wanda was smirking at me, she knew that movie always turned me on. "Why do you look like that?" Natasha asked from next to me. "Uhh...like what?" I played dumb. "Like you've just seen a ghost" She clarified. "What? No, I'm fine, just play the damn movie" I said. "Okay" Steve said and switched it on.

Nat's POV
Something was wrong with Y/N I could tell, I just didn't know what it was. The movie started and I could see Y/N out the corner of my eye, she was trying to distract herself from the movie by doing whatever on her phone. Then a sex scene came on and I'm not going to lie it turned me on a little bit. I looked around and Peter was covering his eyes even though he was of age, Steve looked really uncomfortable and kept glancing at Bucky and Wanda looked way too invested. Then I saw Y/N she was leaned forward with one leg over the other, I could tell she was turned on, it was kind of funny. I smirked to myself and looked back at the screen.

All of a sudden, Y/N got up and left the room. Steve paused the movie "What's up with her?" He asked. "I don't know" Everyone replied. "Nat, go check on her" Clint said. "What? Why me?" I asked. "Because you live on the same floor as her" Steve said. "That doesn't mean I have to go check on her" I said. "Just go" Tony said. "Ughh...fine" I agreed and went to go check on her.

As I got closer to her room I started hearing little whimpers, she obviously didn't want anyone hearing. "Y/N-  OH MY GOD" I said as I walked into her room without knocking thinking she was crying. I so should've knocked. She was laying on her bed, with 2 fingers inside herself. She looked hot, I won't deny that. "GET OUT" She shouted at me. "YEP" I shouted back and slammed the door. I went back downstairs to the main room. "Is she okay" Steve asked. "Uhhhh.....ye..ye...she's uh...she's good" I replied awkwardly. I could not get the image of her sprawled out on her bed in a hot mess out of my head. I saw Wanda snickering out the corner of my eye. "Wanda, can u talk to u for a sec?" I asked. "Sure" She said and we both walked into the kitchen.

"What the hell was that?" I asked. "What?" She played dumb. "You knew what she was doing and still let me go up there" I whisper shouted. She just laughed at me. "It's not funny" I said. "It's kinda funny" She said back. "Why did you let me go up there?" I asked still trying to get the image out of my brain. "Because then maybe you would realise that you like her" She said. "What? I don't like Y/N!" I lied. "You so do" She said. "Ok, so what if I do, it's not like she likes me back" I said. "You should talk to her" Wanda suggested and walked back into the main room. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I thought. Just talk to her. Does Wanda know something. I can't just talk to her, we hate eachother and now I just walked in on her pleasuring herself and its going to be really awkward.

This movie was making me way too horny. I needed to release. I stood up and left the room and made my way to my bedroom. I was in such a hurry I forgot to lock my door. I was going to regret that later. I jumped onto my bed and took my clothes off and I stuck 2 fingers into myself. I started pumping them in and out getting faster and faster. I let out little whimpers as I didn't want anyone to hear. "Y/N- OH MY GOD" I heard from the doorway. I stopped my movements and looked towards my door. Natasha was stood there just staring at me. "GET OUT" I shouted. This is the exact reason I installed a lock, so this wouldn't happen. "YEP" She shouted as she slammed the door behind her. I jumped up and locked the door behind her. I found my clothes and got changed quickly. "I can't go back down there and face her after that" I thought to myself. It would be way too awkward. I decided to stay in my room for the rest of the day and only go downstairs if I had to.

A/N: Okay so this was a little awkward to write since this is my first time writing something like this, I'm a little nervous to post this but let me know what you think. Also, I got this idea from someone but I don't know who so if y'all know who it is please let me know so I can credit them.


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