"I know your dirty little secret" - Ch 10

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A/N: Y'all I want to start by saying thank you so much for 500 reads!! and here is Chapter 10, enjoy!! <3

After hanging out with the other Avengers for an hour and a half, Bucky and Steve decided to make dinner, they said they were going to make Spaghetti and Meatballs which everyone likes.

Tony ran off to do his lab stuff with Bruce so Me, Clint, Wanda, Vision and Sam all decided to watch a show whilst we were waiting for dinner. We normally can't all decide on a show so today it was Clint's turn to choose a show, he chose RuPaul's Drag Race. (my friend suggested this) I found it really boring so I was on my phone most of the time.

After 30 minutes Steve and Bucky were finished cooking. "Y/N, can you go get Nat and Maria??" Steve asked me. I didn't know Maria was even here, I guess she's going to have Peter's seat since he's staying with his Aunt. "Can't you ask Jarvis?" I replied. "Tony said Jarvis is under construction, an update or something I'm guessing" Said Bucky. "Ughhh, fine I'll go get them". I whined. "Thank You" Steve said.

"Hey fucktards, dinners-OH MY GOD" I shouted as I walked in on Maria on top of Natasha's shirtless body, she has a nice body though, kind of hot. "Ew okay what the fuck Y/N, you do not like her". I sprinted back downstairs and composed myself before walking into the dining room. "Why did you scream?" Bucky said. "Uhh, no reason-just-uh she scared me as I walked into her room" I awkwardly replied. He definitely didn't believe me but didn't say anything which I'm grateful for.

"Finally" I said as Maria and Natasha walked into the room. I was most definitely avoiding eye contact, I mean what are you supposed to do when you walk in on your enemy, who you kind of have a crush on, with her best friend on top of her. "Y/N move" Natasha snarked. "Why?" I asked. "Because Maria is going to sit there." She replied. No way in hell was I going to let her sit here, as much as I hate sitting next to Natasha I do not want them sitting next to eachother. "No" I said. "No? What do you mean No?" She asked. "I mean no, want to hear it in Spanish? nô" (Y'all better get my reference) I sarcastically replied. She just rolled her eyes and looked at Maria as if apologising.

After dinner it was movie night so everyone gathered in the living room. Tony and Stephen sat on a couch with Bucky and Steve, Wanda and Vision were sat on a beanbag together and Bruce, Clint and Sam sat alone because they're so single. Natasha and Maria sat on the other couch and I was getting some snacks so I told them to start the movie without me.

I walked into the living room and put the snacks on the coffee table. Then I plopped myself between Maria and Natasha with an arm around each of them. "So?" I started. "I know your dirty little secret" I said. Natasha rolled her eyes and was focused on the TV. "If you tell anyone I will kill you with my bare hands" She said through gritted teeth. "Nat" Maria warned in a whisper. "I have no doubt you will...but...its gonna cost ya" I said with a smirk. "What do you want?" she asked.

"I want your room" I replied. "What? Why?" she asked. "Well it's much bigger than mine and there's nobody else on your floor" I answered. "No, I'm not giving you my room" she said. "God, I really wish you hadn't said that, because now I'm gonna have to tell everyone" I warned. "FINE" She shouted and everyone looked at us. She cleared her throat and whispered again. "But why don't you just take the room next to mine?" She asked. "Why would I want to sleep on the same floor as you?" I said "Plus the bathrooms are connected and I do not want to share a bathroom with you" I said. She just rolled her eyes. "Not to mention I do not want to hear you and Maria having sex" I added. "Oh my god. you are so whiney" She said. "And me and Maria won't be having sex" She added. "Oh? did you break up, poor you" I teased. "We aren't even together so we can't break up" She said. "Good to know" I said. "What? Why is that good to know?" She asked. "Shit, I didn't know I said that out loud" I thought to myself. "Okay, I'm willing to share a floor if you are, but if you snore too loud or are in any way too loud or annoying then ur going to a different floor. Got it?" I said. "Okay, but you didn't answer my question" She said. "Okay, then it's sorted, toodles" I said and got up to sit in an armchair. "Toodles? really?" She said after me. I just gave her the middle finger and she of course rolled her eyes.

A/N: Okay Chapter 10 for y'all. Hope you enjoyed it, let me know what you think any feedback is greatly appreciated. I know this chapter was just Y/N's POV but I didn't want to make it too long so sorry about that.


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