"My Room or Yours?" - Ch 6

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A/N: Hey guys, new chapter for y'all, I'm nearly at 200 reads which doesn't seem like much but it's just shocking that this many people read my book. So thank y'all!

I wake up with a pounding headache and a huge hangover. I was still in my dress from the party so I jumped in the shower and got into my comfy joggers and a hoodie.

I left my room to head down to the kitchen so I could get some medicine to nurse my hangover. "Good Afternoon" Cap said as I walked in. "It's afternoon?" I replied. "Yes it's 2pm" Clint answered my question. "Damn, I must've been tired" I thought to myself "I don't normally sleep in".

I headed over to the cupboard where the medicine was kept and got some Advil for my head. I then filled a glass with water from the fridge so that I could take the medicine.

I took the medicine and then decided to make some lunch soon as I missed breakfast. I decided to just make a simple PB&J sandwich. I went into the main room to watch TV while I ate, I decided to put Criminal Minds on as I've been meaning to watch it for ages. (I haven't seen it yet so pls don't spoil it).

I finished the sandwich pretty quickly but decided to stay watching my show for a bit. Some of the team came in and out at times to watch with me. Nat came in and sat in the corner reading a book, I don't know what book it was and I honestly don't really care so I went back to watching my show.

Nat's POV
I've been up since 5am and I wanted to talk to Y/N about something today but she wasn't up until 2pm. When she was finally up I started getting nervous about it so I just sat in the corner reading my book.

When she was finished with her show and was about to get up I decided it was now or never. "Hey Y/N?" I piped up to get her attention. "hm?" She replied as she stood facing me. "Um, can I talk to you about something for a second? " I hesitantly asked.

As I was about to leave, Nat called me from across the room "Hey Y/N?" She said to get my attention. "hm?" I replied not really in the mood for her hatred today but she seemed nervous so I decided to see what was up. "Um, can I talk to you about something for a second?" She asked. She seemed hesitant to talk to me about this. I mean what was so important that she came to ME of all people, the person she hates most. "Ye sure, lemme just clean my plate up". I replied soon as she seemed rlly nervous which she never was around me.

I walked back into the main room and saw Natasha standing in the middle of the room biting her nails. "Do you wanna go somewhere more private?" I asked. "Ye pls" She replied. "Okay this is weird" I thought. "She's NEVER this nervous around me". "I wonder what she wants, it must be serious if she's this much of a mess about it".

"My room or yours?" I asked not knowing which she would be more comfortable with. "Uh, yours" She replied. We both made out way up to my room and I opened the door for her as she walked inside.

"What's this about Natasha?" I asked kind of angry because she hates me so why not?. "If you're just here to hate me and make me feel bad then I don't wanna hear it". I defended myself. "No it's not like that" She replied. "It's not?" I asked kind of confused as to why she was here if not to hate me. "No it's not about that, I'm not here to hate you right now. I need to talk to you about something serious" She said. That was possibly the longest sentence she's ever said to me.

A/N: The title really tricked y'all didn't it? Leaving you on a cliffhanger ^o^
I hope y'all liked this. Also, do you peeps want longer chapters? I feel like they aren't long enough.

728 words

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